Critics of Carson’s sex offender laws say they are too strict

For Frank Lindsay, the city of Carson feels like an obstacle course whenever he visits his relatives. He makes sure to stay clear of all city parks. If he’s hungry, he avoids the local McDonald’s, which includes a playground for toddlers. The library, where children have reading time, is off-limits. So is the local mall, which has a play lighthouse for youngsters to climb. Full Article

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Similar to how Saudi Arabia can thumb their nose at western morality and discard the riights of women, gays, those publicly critical of Sharia law, the City of Carson rich from oil revenue, discard the rights of others. Yet, with the price of oil declining about a 1/3, Halliburton just laid off 5000 people, fracking industry hurting from the low price of oil, maybe Carson can get back to reality that they are part of America and not Saudi Arabia.

“I know its a fine line but I like err on the side of caution”

In that case everyone should be on the registration

Lets have a civil disobedience march in one of their parks. In fact get a permit from the city before doing it and if they deny the permit file suite again. If all 106,000 registrants show up to march…what can they do?

This is a child safety issue the registrant’s children are the ones put in danger by disallowing their first line of defense from harm (their parent).

I suspect Carson will turn out like all the other cities with similar obstinacy issues; they’ll end up taking their spanking and conforming to state law. I think Janice is right that they are posturing and wasting taxpayer $$$$. Notice how they made sure to call Frank a “child molester” in the beginning of the article? The statistical information and some truths were at the end of the article; I think this was planned. They are acting outside and against state law. and I wonder why some state agency doesn’t call them on this.

That city just doesn’t understand it’s Wrong…it’s illegal ……..they need to face a massive multimillion dollar claim for their wrongs to all of us.

Offer no quarter or olive branches. Take no prisoners.
THEY wouldn’t.

Can anybody just explain what exactly the “State Law” is pertaining to these ordinances? It always says that local ordinances are pre-empted by State Law, but I just need to understand what that State Law is. Sorry if this is an ignorant question. Still learning.

How is it legal that any individual community can pass laws of this nature? Logic dictates that you can not, with any sense of respect to Constitutional fairness, allow laws to be enacted which would literally require individuals to know the wildly varying felony laws of hundreds of discrete communities within the state.

I haven’t broken a law in 40 years and suddenly I have to live in fear of going to park, a mall, a library on threat of prison. A number of years ago I contacted the ACLU and was basically told, “yeah, we tried. It was shot down at SCOTUS”.

They say this is Christian nation. Apparently “forgiveness” and “redemption” aren’t Christian notions.

I am father of 2 young children.

Child Molestation is a serious crime, with untold lifelong devastating effects on children, lasting for generations.

Once you have proved you can not be trusted with children, and have been convicted of Child Molestation , all bets should be off.

I am baffled with all supportive comments above, in favor of convicted “CHILD MOLESTERS”

Can anyone argue with the fact, that once you are convicted as a “Child Molester”, you should be severely restricted from contact with more children.

Restrictioion on “Molsters” movements may be the only deternt, we have left as a free society, to curb this sort of behavior.

Mark said “Restrictioion on “Molsters” movements may be the only deternt, we have left as a free society, to curb this sort of behavior.”

The best deterrent is prevention in the first place. Mark, you seem ignorant of the statistics that 98% of new sex crime is committed by non-registrants and the reoffense rate of registrants is under 3%. So, this may be the only deterrent we have left to curb a problem that doesn’t hardly exist. Registrant reoffense rate and registrant percentage of new registerable sex crimes committed is 2 or 3 percent. Mark, why are you not concerned with the other 98% of sex crimes? By depriving registrants and their families of their civil rights when its unnecessary, not only are we going down a slippery slope of unconstitutionality and fascism which is contrary to the American way of life, but also creating a false sense of security which the 98% of non-registrant molestors use to take advantage of their victims that they know as their coach, family member, family friend, religious leader, etc. Mark, don’t be the same kind of fool as Lauren Book, whose non-registrant perpetrator was a nanny hired by her rich father, and then blame the problem on law-abiding registrants.

Mark, father of 2 stated “Child Molestation is a serious crime, with untold lifelong devastating effects on children, lasting for generations.”

Mark, if thats the case, then why neglect the victims of the 98% of sex crimes committed by non-registrants? Do you also think the Death penalty should be given to speeders since car accidents from speeding cause lifelong devastation like death, lost limbs, paralysis? Your’e willing to put aside the Constitution, maybe you need to be lie detector tested to see if you’re part of the 98% non-registrant perpetrator community. We’ve got to curb this problem of 98% non-registrant abusers somehow.

Mark, “ we have left as a free society” Who is this WE? Is it just, you two and no more? Your self-righteousness stinks. Freedom is more than you and yes this supposed to a free society, FOR ALL, and I am glad you mention it. Now, remember it!

That Carson city councilman, Robles, was on KFI-640 John and Ken Show, on Friday the 13th, spouting his drivel. I know Janice was on there once before, maybe she can get on again to counter him.

Maybe even offer to debate Robles on the John and Ken Show over the facts of this issue (like the was no problem with RSOs snatching kids out of or molesting them in the city playgrounds or libraries that this ordinance was/is needed).

See if he has the guts to do that.

Here is the bottom line. Carson is just one of many cities who are making it increasingly difficult for anyone convicted of a sex offense (child related/adult related/paroles/summary probation/misdemeanors) to even function. I mean, I plead to an offense almost 20 years ago/adult/massage parlor/summary probation/expunged and I honestly have no idea what laws pertain to each city. I mean, I had no idea Carson, Riverside or ect ect had these laws on the books. I would literally have to purchase an ipad and search each city to know how or what laws applied to who or what? I think for example the city of Los Alamitos has a park ban? Just for child related offenders? I honestly don’t even know if I can visit a beach at this time? The laws are extremely confusing and when the detectives would come to my home for compliance checks, they didn’t even seem to know what or how the laws applied. So, this is a good reason these laws need to be struck down and why we need a tiered system here in California. ITs nuts.

Unfortunately, people like “the father of 2” can trust more in the convenience of their personal convictions rather than all the empirical facts or evidence given which should dismantle irrational positioning. History has proven that this kind of thinking can also be “devastating through generations” until courageous people like Janice and others rise up in righteous indignation to confront as needed and defend those in vulnerable conditions. May they be blessed!


I had an interesting thought this morning while listening to the news. All this talk of a new 1.7 billion dollar stadium in Carson. Since they are fighting for presence restrictions (and let’s say they ‘stick’) would that mean a registered citizen would NOT be able to attend the games if they wanted to?? After all, it would be where ‘children gather’, correct??? Just food for thought … the stadium has been in talks for about 9 months, the city knows this.

WoW what the humans that did nothing and what convicted of lewd act with child under 14 that did not go to prison and was 18 when they got caught because someone lied now 30 years later and have there on kids and is not a threat to nobody should be left alone 30 years ago I’m 50 now