House bill would require DOD to publish names of military sex offenders

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A bipartisan bill introduced in the house Thursday would require the Department of Defense to create its own sex offender registry along with a Website to make the information available to the public. Full Article

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This is wrong on many levels the first being those in combat units would be targeted and placed in harms way by command. Societal standards don’t apply in a military environment. The better option is the discharge them.

I believe the news stories reported that the military sex offenders were released from the military following treatment. Apparently the military psychologists felt that was sufficient.
Now it seems that the legislators have found another way to make themselves look good to the constituents. They may have been having trouble thinking of new laws to persecute offenders and their families. This one can probably be milked for some time and, with some creative thinking, in several ways.

Actually, with the rape panic in the military most all sex offenders have been discharged. In very rare cases do they even get to stay in the military after courts-martial. Some may be close to retirement, because I cannot think of one person has was not kicked out. But, I’ve herd that there are some in the Army, and that as of last year there was a directive to discharge them from service.

Also, some military spouses may be sex offenders, not the service members. And, some may live on base. Although, I also remember there being local rules against it. When I was Courts-Martial, but before my appeals were complete – I was already free. Thus, I was still active duty. However, as soon as I got back home my old First Sergeant found me to give me a written ORDER from the base commander saying I was barred from the base due to being a convicted sex offender. My presence there was “contrary to the safety of base personnel and against good order and discipline.”

If I needed to get on more medical reasons or official business, I was required to check in at the gate and was escorted by military police.

I call Bullsh*t on that story… It is standard practice to send sex offenders who served 3/4 of their sentence on probation.. Forcing them register with probation who slots them into the civilian registration.. Failure to accept probation would lead to a “extension” of stay…

And treatment was mandated… THe reason I know this is because I am living it…

Why the f**k should I be on two registration lists…

Oh I know Carr… he was 5 cells away from me and he dropped out of treatment many times… and never complete it.. he was and is a sick individual.. He got out because he served 3/4 of his sentence…

And… I got my release paperwork from probation… It says “Set at Liberty” nothing on it says I am require to continue registration… but since I registered in California, I will forever have to register

Crying about registries on the internet sure does a lot of good. I spoke yesterday to the Virginia general assembly about 2 of their bills, then drove 5 hours home in a snow storm. When will you cry babies do your part.

I believe most state laws require those adjudicated under UCMJ to register. This is redundant and punishment beyond the sentence, unless the the law was in place at the time of sentencing. Geez – what a concept!