The eighth-grade boy and his seventh-grade girlfriend had been dating about 1½ years when they decided to have sex, which they did twice at her house when nobody was home. The boy, 15, also texted two nude pictures of himself to the girl, 13, who sent him one back.
When the girl’s parents found the pictures on her phone, they took out a warrant in Woodford Circuit Court, and the boy was charged with sexual misconduct, a misdemeanor, and possessing matter portraying a sexual performance by a minor, a felony. Full Article
Why the hell wasn’t she charged? No one forced her to save the photos of him, no one forced her to take and send photos of herself.
Furthermore, it is absolutely disgusting that he would have to endure being in custody and “treatment” as a a sexual predator. Every party who was part of his conviction should be charged and prosecuted for child abuse, including assistant attorney general Fuchs.
Notice the “kid-centric” and sex-hysteric media: A long and thorough article primarily because it involves kids.
But which child is truly being exploited??
And I’m very glad it was noted that if “B.H.” had consensual sex with an adult, the adult would be charged with a crime, so how is “B.H.” able to be culpable in this instant, but innocent victim in the other?
I hope this goes all the way to SCOTUS, so a spotlight can be focused on this Country’s sex-hysteria, witchhunt mentality, and the myriad multiple injustices of existing sex offense/offender statutes.
American’s are afraid of sex period. This is just stupid and pathetic!
American is pathetic and as the decline continues it will continue to manufacture criminals to divert attention from the real problems!
“The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals.
Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them.
One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for man to live without breaking laws.”
– Ayn Rand, 1957