Do Sex Offender Registration Laws Do Any Good?

Last month a federal judge ruled that certain aspects of Michigan’s Sex Offenders Registration Act (SORA) are unconstitutionally vague. Sex offenders, for example, are forbidden to live, work, or “loiter” within 1,000 feet of “school property.” U.S. District Judge Robert Cleland noted that such “school safety zones” are not clearly defined, making it difficult to comply with the law. He said the term loiter is vague as well: Does it apply, say, to people attending their children’s parent-teacher conferences or their grandchildren’s school plays? Cleland said two other rules—requiring registrants to report all email addresses they “routinely used” and all vehicles they “regularly operated”—presented similar compliance challenges. “SORA was not enacted to serve as a trap for individuals who have committed sex offenses,” he wrote. “Rather, the goal is public safety, and public safety would only be enhanced by the government ensuring that registrants are aware of their obligations.” Full Article


Does Michigan’s sex offender registry keep us safer?

Judge: Parts of state’s sex offender law unconstitutional

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I’ve been saying for quite some time now, “show me one documented instance where the sex offender registry has saved “just one child” from a sexual offense or prevented any kind of sex offense.”

The Judge seems to realize how misguided these registries really are.

“SORA was not enacted to serve as a trap for individuals who have committed sex offenses,” he wrote. “Rather, the goal is public safety, and public safety would only be enhanced by the government ensuring that registrants are aware of their obligations.”

Actually, there is no evidence they have stopped anything; let alone a “sex crime.”

“there is no evidence that they stopped sexual predators.”

Why do people not recognize the obvious? Stupid? Totally dumbstruck?

since the vast majority of sexual assaults on minors are committed by people without prior convictions who know their victims well, as opposed to strangers who might be flagged by an online database

The professor speaks the truth. These are only a few of the accomplishments of these unconstitutional registries. The professor left things out, like the increased probability of being assaulted or murdered, as well as the harassment of family members, and little children being ostracized and picked on by their peers. These registries have probably harmed more children than some wars have. I wonder if the proponents are proud of themselves for that.

University of Michigan law professor J.J. Prescott tells Brasier. “You’re a pariah virtually everywhere, you can’t live in most neighborhoods, and nobody wants to date, marry, or socialize with you. You can’t find a job because no one will hire a sex offender….These laws take away their reasons for staying on the straight and narrow, for working hard to become a valuable member of a community.”

Yes. Sex offender legislation is good. Here’s why:

It easily tells us which politicians are in it for the greater good, or to ensure their continued office, or being elected into office.

It lets us know who the hypocrites or future hypocrites are. (Those who bark the loudest, are usually the ones guilty. I learned that in prison, by the way. We have a long list of people who pushed hard for these crazy laws and we later find out their skeletons)

It proves that history does repeat itself.

It helps me figure out who my real friends are faster than ever.

It helps me figure out who to avoid any contact with, quicker than ever.

It gives me the power to move into a neighborhood and de-values house prices of those people i hate, while breaking absolutely no laws.

A former Sheriff of Del Norte County had his home custom built. He later decided to target me on his facebook account. So i moved into his old house he had custom built, forcing him to update his “public notice” on me to include an address many people knew was his.

It gives people like me an opportunity to educate people things that have happened to Americans since the registries went online. Such as GPS bracelets on schoolkids in Texas. (Remember, that used to be “inhumane”). Now truant kids in Texas can get GPS units. Tada and that’s just the beginning.

The registry and the laws provide a gateway to application of same or similar laws on other Americans.

There are many reasons why the registry is good for us and for the people.

/* Laughing at my desk hysterically */