For Registered Sex Offenders, An Uphill Civil Rights Battle

In 2010, Frank Lindsay came home after running errands and noticed his front door was wide open. When he went inside to investigate, he found a young man in his dining room with two hammers — “one in each hand,” he recalls. “And he immediately raised the hammer in his right hand and started at me, indicating he wanted to kill me because I was a sick pervert.” The attacker had found Lindsay’s address on California’s Sex Offender Registry. Full Article

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IN: LGBT proposal still faces debate, but a provision protecting the transgender community is spurring concern

Some fear the ordinance, if approved, could be used as a pretext by sexual offenders falsely claiming transgender identities to enter bathrooms of the opposite sex. … Concerns like his aren’t lost on Councilman Brian Dickerson. Registered sex offenders, Dickerson worries, “could use this to prey upon future victims,” claiming transgender identities to enter public restrooms of the opposite sex. He doesn’t support the ordinance “in whole or in part in any way.” Full Article

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