IN: LGBT proposal still faces debate, but a provision protecting the transgender community is spurring concern

Some fear the ordinance, if approved, could be used as a pretext by sexual offenders falsely claiming transgender identities to enter bathrooms of the opposite sex. …

Concerns like his aren’t lost on Councilman Brian Dickerson. Registered sex offenders, Dickerson worries, “could use this to prey upon future victims,” claiming transgender identities to enter public restrooms of the opposite sex. He doesn’t support the ordinance “in whole or in part in any way.” Full Article

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Wow it must really suck being these people and living in fear and paranoia like they are.

I would question the person who thought this was actually a problem.

That’s strange; I didn’t see any specific cases mentioned where a registered “sex offender” claimed to be trans gendered for the sole purpose of going into a women’s bathroom with ill intent. Maybe I missed it. And then again; perhaps some people in that town have overactive imaginations.

Really; these people need to stop listening to all the wild claims and lies some people tell.

Are they saying there are not or will not be sex offenders among the transgender group?

Well, let’s be honest. There are a lot of men targeting young boys? So, what’s the difference? California enacted a law allowing transgenders to use the opposite sex’s restrooms? How would you feel about a large male in a dress using the same restroom as your little girl? Uh. Most recently, I visited Northern California and drive through SF. As I came to a stop light, a naked man with an erection crossed the street? My 2 young children where in the car. I told them to get down. As I looked around, multiple males where walking around nude, beating on bongos and it was nuts! They allow nudity in some parts of SF and they where marching to oppose the upcoming ban (restaurants in the area where banning nude people/can you imagine sitting down after a party of nude people just left?). So, I ask you, what’s worst? Banning transgenders or protecting our children?

USA, In your post today you refer to transsexuals as “a large man in a dress”. I think you had a bad experience in SanFrancisco, which Bay Area residents simply call “the City” (Where I lived for years). From your descriptions, you were showing your family the Castro District, simply called “the Castro” by SanFranciscans.

That’s the only place in the City where nudity is openly practiced, which was LEGAL up to Feb.,2013. Then the City outlawed it. First offence, $100, infraction, not criminal. So the Castro residents are arguably UPSET for what they have been doing for YEARS.

Going further, from your words, there was a protest going on. That tells me exactly where and when you were there: It was Sunday, Feb. 1, 2015. You were at at the intersection of Castro and Market Sts. That’s the SECOND YEAR PROTEST that was being held !

“Trannies” aren’t “large men in dresses”. I know, because I lived in the same neighborhood with them, and call girls, and dealers, and addicts, and heteros, in the Tenderloin district, in SanFrancisco, California.

USA: I apologize to you for my comment that you were showing your family the Castro. Maybe you were just going past City Hall on Van Ness and ran into the spectacle there that NPS mentioned. But the Castro is its own tourist attraction for the heteros to gawk at while driving in there.

NPS: Doesn’t the City have terrible residency restrictions against Registered Citizens, and that’s why there are only 600 living there? I lived there before I was forced to register.

Q: Frisco isn’t indeed a wierd place; it’s ECLECTIC ! Bet that was the Gay Pride Parade you saw.

Me: I’m a straight-white-honkey. But I miss the City….

Good comments nps. All that bigotry towards anyone is unacceptible and hypocritical. Cities or counties should be allowed to enact less stringent laws that don’t violate constitutional rights as they see fit but not be allowed to pass laws that violate rights.

Well, with 93% of minor victims knowing their offenders, the safest place for children is in a public restroom full of strangers.

Oh boy, you guys don’t get it. There is a difference between a transgender or TS. As the article states, some guy could simply claim he is a transgender and use the female restroom? Now, if you had a young daughter and some guy came into the women’s restroom wearing a dress with a beard, would you be okay with that? I was simply conveying that there are worst things out there! What if I had young children and lived in the neighborhood where nudity was allowed? As such, what’s worst, allowing a transgender to use the women’s restroom or a sex offender? Get with it guys. Geez! You clearly don’t have children. I was appalled people where walking around the city with erections fully naked! It’s one thing to be liberal, but you also have to respect families and children as well. In conclusion, if someone decides to alter their sex, that’s their business! Although, I do support family values and they should respect those of us with children as well. They might be in a dress, but they still have a penis! I think of I had any concerns, I would be concerned about a transgender perpetrator assaulting my young daughter! Wake up guys. There is no argument!

Okay, guys, slow down a bit. First of all, I am a post-operative transsexual (male to female).

1) Transgendered is a blanket term used to cover a range of gender identity from crossdressers, pre and post operative male to female (M2F) and female to male (F2M) to those that are questioning, or are in-between. It is used because transvestite has become a bit insulting. There are trans people that have ZERO desire for surgery or living as the “other” gender full time. There are those that are so upset because they were born with male genitalia (or female genitalia) that they know should not be there.

Just like many prefer “registered citizen” vs. sex offender.

2) It takes a lot of courage for any transgendered person to start using the bathroom of their new gender. I am speaking from experience. All any transgendered person wants to do is go take care of business and get out. Because of the concern with being arrested, detained, harassed or even attacked, trans people get super paranoid about bathroom use. Also, most trans people that are seeking to transition to full time living in the opposite gender have a carry letter that is signed by their therapist. The carry letter explains that the person is in treatment for gender identity disorder, is signed by the therapist and explains that the person is/may be dressed differently.

3) Transgender, Transsexual and related terms have to do with gender identity, not sexual orientation. As we in the T community like to say, “stop thinking binary”. It is easier to explain this way:
a) How are you born physically? Male or Female
b) how do you feel inside about your gender? Male or Female
c) to whom are you physically attracted? Male or Female

Whether I am attracted to a male or a female has nothing to do with my identity. If you were to ask me my sexual orientation, I would say that I am a Lesbian.

4) Passing. This word is moving out of use. It has been used to describe any transgendered that “passes” in the new gender role. This has turned into a four letter word, as there are many Trans people that do not pass (look convincing) as well as those that do “pass”. Trans people are against this term because it implies privilege or greater success in being convincing in their new gender role. Why? Because it implies that if you DON’T pass, then you are “Less Than.” Passing should not be used as a qualifier for being transgendered. Sadly, it is being used to discriminate against trans people.

Q: You are basically saying that all transgendered people would be easy to spot in public. There are those that can be spotted in public. There are many that are not noticeable. I am one of the ones that is not noticeable in public. So, in essence, you are discriminating against any Trans person that obviously looks Trans. I have met a lot of trans people, from accountants, former military, a current police sergeant that lives full time, lawyers, etc. Some are easier to spot than others. Does it really matter? I sure hope not, because this is almost like the 50’s and 60’s when black people that looked a lot more like white people tried very hard to fit in as white. We don’t want that for the trans community.

It really did suck when I first transitioned many years ago. I was afraid, self-conscious and paranoid. I’m over that now. Being paranoid actually made it easier for people to figure me out. I am not trying to hide, that’s not why I did this. I was close to suicidal. The suicide rate for trans people is anywhere from 31% to 50% based on studies. Just keep that in mind. We go through changing ourselves because it is better than the alternative.

One of the conundrums that I pondered while I was incarcerated in prison for 2 1/2 yrs. was the placement of gay and transgendered in prison with heterosexual men. To me this seemed the same as if they were to make a coed prison for men and women. I saw many inmates carrying on open relationships with one another and thought to myself “It would be nice to have a female companion while I’m locked up in this horrible place.” Where’s the fairness in that?
Shortly after being transferred from jail to prison (Reception) I was placed in a lock-down facility where inmates are paired up accordingly in small cells. This was a level 1-4 facility. We were only allowed out of our cell for breakfast, dinner, and a shower once or twice a week. On one such incident, when we were blessed with a shower “privilege” I was placed next to a transgendered inmate. She was more nervous than a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. She never took off her shirt, which was covering her homemade bra that was crafted out of a torn up T-shirt, nor removed her boxers. I was just as nervous thinking if I made any sudden moves it might trigger an impulsive reaction and I might get chewed up by the cheap twin blade razor she was clutching, so I just went about my business.
I couldn’t help empathizing with this individual, who was probably safer in a women’s facility. I don’t know the answer.

Timmr: thank you. I love your posts on the other discussions.

NPS: thank you. I am glad I was able to reply.

Mike T:
Some states do not segregate trans inmates. However, a post-operative trans inmate/prisoner needs to be housed with those that match the “new” gender. It’s wrong to put a pre-operative M2F in a women’s section, but they are in danger in a male area. I have a friend that has not had surgery yet, but was in jail for a short time because of divorce issues. That caused her a lot of issues, but luckily nothing bad happened to her.

Trans people of either sort cause housing issues when incarcerated. There is quite a bit of discrimination in the prison system, from denying prescriptions and appropriate medical care. I am not advocating that the prison system pays for surgery, but that transgendered people are treated fairly.

By the way, the “sex offender in the bathroom” issue is used as a defense tactic whenever restroom equality is brought up. Americans have this huge hangup about gender segregation and bathroom privilege. We should have unisex bathrooms like they do in Europe. It’s a lot easier.

CONGRATULATIONS LGBT. !!! Today SCOTUS decided 5/4 that SAME SEX marriage is NOW the law of the land !! Someday we will take the voyage to SCOTUS too. We need to be REHEARD !!!

NPS: There was something I wanted to ask of you: On one of your visits to the City, could you stop by Mark Leno’s store ? It’s near Market and Van Ness. Maybe call ahead if he’ll be there. Visit to say thank you ?
Go to Wikipaedia for the backstory first, about him and his partner, and the store.
I figure you live in “Sammateo” as Herb Caen called it..