NV: Veto of juvenile sex offender law changes shocks advocates

Juvenile justice advocates sounded an alarm Thursday after Gov. Brian Sandoval vetoed a bill that would have revised the state’s controversial sex offender registration law regarding juveniles.

The changes would have granted courts wider discretion in deciding whether registration and community notification were necessary in cases of young sex offenders. Full Article

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This is about ONLY ONE THING: The Republican Governor does NOT want to be the FIRST ONE in all of these United States to have his State REPEAL their Adam Walsh Act !! That’s what SB-99 is all about. House vote was 40 to 0. Senate vote was 19 to 0. The Gov VETOED IT…

No sense retelling what’s already been told: Las Vegas Review Journal, Feb 28, 2015, “Bill will repeal Adam Walsh sex offender act in Nevada”.Battling for SEVEN YEARS, including the 9th Circuit.

MEANWHILE, please put those people who “have the Runs” in their place ! (He probably got that a lot in school….). Can you print this ?

Governor Sandoval should be removed from office! What a stupid thing to do!

The bill that he vetoed had a LOT wrong with it, and personally I’m glad he vetoed it (although I can’t believe he did). This bill started our great, but the original language got gutted out and replaced with a lot of nightmare scenarios that only benefitted some juveniles and public urinators while reclassified most tier 1s as tier 2 thereby adding an extra 15 years of the scarlet to their home and all who dwell within it. Lots more bad stuff in there too.
The irony of this deal is that tthe headline read “Governor vetoes bill that would have eased sex offender rules,” when the truth is the exact opposite EXCEPT for a provision that only banned tier 3 offenders with victims under 14 (and made EVERYONE with a victim under 14 a tier 3) from living or being within 500 feet of “place intended for children.” So he threw out the whole thing because if this ridiculous provision banning people from being within an arbitrary distance wasn’t there, then somehow society would be at risk. Total nonsense all around and I’m sure I’m not the only RC in NV who about jumped for joy when reading the news. So this bill is dead for 2 years unless they call a special session.
One more thing though: Sandoval is not the stereotype of a republican, and none of those sstereotypes matter when it comes to this subject anyway–it was a Democrat who forced my wife and I out of our home in Iowa and I don’t think the Democrat stronghold in the Peoples’ Republic of California have done much to help most of you our either. The party that has the strongest influence of civil libertarians is the one to pitch the cause to; these laws are Trojan horses to the Bill of Rights and set the precedent that leads to the end of the republic and the rise of the camps. In the meantime, republicans will want to show voters no one wants to punish lawbreakers more than them whole democrats will want to show no one wants to do the bidding of victims more than they–and this kind of legislation will continue to pass unanimously

The scary thing about Sandoval is that he is a true statist politician and supports growth of intrusive government especially if it benefits his career. He’s term limited now (lame duck) so he doesn’t have to be such a total soundbite tool and do something like this. I imagine he’s trying to get on the 2016 ticket ad VP…I hope so anyway…the scary thing about this is that he resigned a federal judgeship (lifetime appointment) to run for gov! The BS reason he gave for vetoing this bill would have been far worse had it been as a ruling from the bench! Unfortunately, he is still going places and so are most other politicians who take this approach…the only politicians going nowhere are the ones sympathetic to our ability to retain privacy, civil, Constitutional, and human rights…’loopholes’ is the word they use for them.

nvmike: What happens next ? Have I got it right that even though the SMART office says Nevada is one of the 17 AWA States, it really is not, as AWA has been enjoined in Nevada all along ? All I can get are articles from LV Review Journal. Isn’t the State Supreme Court waiting for the Legislature to fixit (But now they haven’t), so they don’t have to rule on the enjoinment (But now they may have to)? What do you think of pistol-packing Maggie McLetchie; she helping us ?

Before Calif I used to live in Carson City, Nv. I’d go back, but the 1956 business stops me.

TO: Harry. On your question of would the Leg OVERRIDE ? That’s for nvmike. He’s in the middle of it; I’m just an outsider trying to understand what Nevadans are gonna do next.

But overrides are uncommon and politically expensive: Look at the override MESS that just happened in Nebraska: Old line Republicans fighting upstart Republicans over the death penalty.

Waiting to find out more and will report when I do. Maggie McLetchie had never returned a call or email from me, and she seems to be the only one in this state who fights for this cause,so I’m not sure what the latest is. I can’t imagine that after all the bad blood of this legislative session that there will be a special session. Still can’t believe that the governor vetoed the entire bill over something that really doesn’t happen: tier 3 with history of victim 14-plus years old getting a new victim ‘from a place children congregate.’ So, the state supreme court had been waiting to hear/rule on the issue of could tier 1s be made public (implementation was stayed the day before this was going to happen) but I’m not sure if this happened yet or not: in Feb they upheld the portion of the law dealing with raising the tier level of someone and making them go public. Last year they upheld putting juveniles in the public eye…the reason is always that legislative ‘intent’ is well-meaning and not exclusively punitive. I can’t imagine this will be any different, but you never know who has a relative (in the past 60 years) who will be effected by this, so who knows. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the Ohio supreme court rules favoribly on that poorly argued case back in March so there’s some decent case law if/when this comes before the NV SC and holding my breath on the future of the laws here and everywhere. Good luck to you all!

Thank you Nevada Mike for the followup. Sounds complicated. Glad that Maggie is helping. Please keep up the reports. I’ll watch for you in General Comments or this one. It’s good that even though we are both out of staters we have this CA RSOL thread to communicate. I also think it’s good that Californians hear about the neighbors goings on.