CA RSOL Meeting in Los Angeles – October 24

California RSOL will return its monthly meeting to Los Angeles on October 24. As usual, the location is the ACLU Building at 1313 W. 8th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017. Start time is 10 am.

We will focus on current topics, including pending legislation and legal actions as well as offer an opportunity for networking with others.

We welcome registrants, friends and family and other supporters to attend. The meeting is off-limits to media and government officials in order to ensure everyone’s privacy. There is no charge to attend.

Show up, Stand Up, Speak up!

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I came to the last L.A. meeting and was encouraged by it enough to start formulating my own “stand up” story about how PC290 requirements have affected my family. How do you join this organization? I haven’t been able to find a way to do so under any of the drop-down menus or by using the “Donate” button.

Jojo, please come to the next meeting. Together, we are stronger. And the support … just knowing I am not alone … has been very helpful to me. Thanks, CA RSOL and special thanks to Janice for fighting so hard for our rights and our freedom!

Are we able to speak and ask questions on behalf of a family member who is a registered [261.5 (d)] offender and trying to obtain visitation with thier biological children and were denied.

(Case did not involve his children.)

After spending countless hours online looking for support in California, I come to this website and I feel so much better. My fiancee has a long and upsetting story which could have possible ending better had he been properly represented. He was disadvantaged by not having money to pay for trial and has been in prison for a little over 5 years. He is coming home soon, although we don’t know where home is yet because we lack so much knowledge about his restrictions at this point in time. I will be attending the meeting on the 24th. I am thankful for those who take time to help one another in such difficult circumstances. And thankful for Ms. Bellucci for her dedication to our families.

After spending countless hours online looking for support in California, I come to this website and I feel so much better. My fiancee has a long and upsetting story which could have possible ending better had he been properly represented. He was disadvantaged by not having money to pay for trial and has been in prison for a little over 5 years. He is coming home soon, although we don’t know where home is yet because we lack so much knowledge about his restrictions at this point in time. I will be attending the meeting on the 24th. I am thankful for those who take time to help one another in such difficult circumstances. And thankful for Ms. Bellucci for her dedication to our families.

Janice may i call also? Im similar 261.5d and off probation. Yet have a 10 year restraining order against all minors including my 3 children. No crimes against them. Idk what to do. It was consensual.

Just curious, with all the people registered now, near a million, why aren’t there “sites” or organizations that help people find work, start a business or attend support meetings? Is everybody poor that has to register? Has anyone thought of google alerts to stories relevant to sex offender laws to make proactive comments to? Why aren’t there proactive ideas like this?

Does anyone have any experience with moving into a new apartment? I’m looking for a new place and was wondering if the manager finds out that I’m a registrant after moving in, can he kick me out for not telling him?

I don’t think he can kick me out for being a registrant but he may find some other reason. Anybody have any experience with this?

(I was in my apartment for about 5 years before they put us all on the public website. I was a good tenant. When I knew the website was coming, I told the building’s resident manager. He said, “Don’t worry. I doubt anyone will see it.”
About a year later, an registered citizen in a neighboring town did something and landlords started worrying about their liability if they rent to a registered citizen and he or she does something wrong. So the owner of my apartment’s building asked the resident manager for a criminal background check on all tenants. Bless his soul, unbeknownst to me, that manager “created” a perfectly clean rap sheet on my behalf and gave that to the owner! LOL! I guess good tenants are difficult to find and he really wanted to keep me around!)

This message is for Janice, do you know what happened with the mug shot sites? i put my name and my pictures come up!!!!!, IS THIS LEGAL? I WAS TAKEN OFF THE MEGANS LAW WEBSITE IN 2008, MY INFO IS NOT DISCLOSABLE, ACCORDING TO THE CA ATTORNEY GENERALS OFFICE. I NEED TO HAVE THIS INFO REMOVED PLEASE HELP, I’m going to try to make it to the meeting on saturday, IM AFRAID FOR MY FAMILIES SAFETY, AS WELL AS MY OWN.

I will be attending this months meeting. I’ve never come before, so I’m excited. I’m looking for advice, or even to hire a lawyer.
The last time I was in court, the judge took my felonies and turned them into mistermeaners, then he expunged my case. Except for having to continue to register. What are my chances of having the Govenor excuse my need to register? By the way, No prison, just county jail time.
Thank you,

Eight years ago I moved into a new subsidized apartment complex. I informed the managers and owners of the complex of “my background.” I was still given a lease.
About two years after moving into this apartment complex, some vigilantes found my background information online and put a letter in front of the 104 apartments informing everyone of my background.

About three weeks after the letter was posted to all of the tenants of my complex,
a letter was sent to all of the apartments from the law firm representing the owners of my apt complex. It informed everyone that IT WAS A CRIME to harass me. And, furthermore the lawyer for the owner stated that the manager would investigate to see if the vigilantes might be able to be identified.
The vigilantes were never identified, but the manager was very sweet to me after the incident.
But, I have walked around since the incident feeling that I have “A Scarlett Letter” on my forehead. I never interact with any fellow tenant because I do not know who the vigilantes are.
But, I intend to stay in my apt until I pass away! I am 72…
If anyone has questions, you may contact me at my email address:


Alex, I would be interested in the Support Group as well. Not only will it help to address some of the emotional issues and hardships, but maybe it can be used for networking as well. Finding a job, a place to live, etc. Maybe someone knows someone or has insight on jobs, apartments, etc. We are all in this together, and we might be able to help each other out, in every aspect. Please keep us posted!

Well the meeting was wonderful. Janice Frank and Chance did a great job. I had some emotional residue from the previous day from helping out with homeless veterans so forgive my off point and out of focus presentation. Janice kindly interjected and got me back on track. Our greatest strength is our unity and focus towards a common goal.

It is refreshing to learn that others are protecting registered citizens and asserting their rights. Thank you for sharing this positive news. As for your continued living in that apartment complex, I believe that you can keep your head high knowing that others are looking out for you.

Is there a November meeting?

Was not financially able to attend the L.A. October Meeting this year and wondered how that went? Did not hear from anyone including Janice or a new vid vs. the 2013, did alot show in attendance or topics discussed>
I thought alot of new info was going to be disemminated during that time.
Where is this on this site? I just located about the meeting date itself.
I appologize for any grammatical or spelling errors, this inexpensive laptop has no spellcheck.