MD: In Havre de Grace, festival sees protest against former councilman convicted of sex offense

As families browsed the selection of seafood and frozen treats at the Havre de Grace Seafood Festival on Friday, protesters circulated fliers cautioning attendees about one of the event’s vendors.

More than a dozen people handed out literature about ____ ____ _____, a 58-year-old food and ice cream truck operator who was convicted in 1999 of child sex abuse.

Kayli Veres, a 28-year-old mother of five, said she organized the event to inform attendees who aren’t familiar with _____, ‘s past. She said she’s concerned because Maslin has been removed from Maryland’s sex offender registry.

The Maryland Court of Appeals ordered the state last year to remove the names of offenders who committed their crimes before the registry was created in 1995. The offenses for which _____ was convicted occurred between 1978 and 1982. Full Article

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I would of bought 2 ice-cream’s and eaten them in front of those ladies if I had known about the event. we all need to stick together. buy from retailers where our members work. if you know of a homeless member on a street corner, throw them a couple of bucks.

I wonder what is in Kayli Veres past. Why don’t they just let the man get on with his life. He’s done his time and paid his debt to society, and hasn’t re-offended. I wonder how many ex felons are working the festival that were convicted of things like murder, drunk driving, assault, robbery and such. Why doesn’t she pick on them? Oh!!!! I almost forgot! Those kinds of crimes are socially acceptable!

The comments in this one-sided “news” article are just another example of the pitchfork and torch-bearing crowd that absolutely loves to punish others. There’s a system in place in Maryland for this type of thing. In this case, the individual was tried, convicted, punished, subjected to all of the “non-punishment” entanglements the registry of his state provided. He did everything he was supposed to, and he was removed BY LAW from that registry. He hasn’t reoffended. He is legally entitled to work in whatever employment he desires. Now, would these miscreants prefer to have a former crack dealer who used to sell rocks to high school kids working in that ice cream truck? That’s right! there ARE no “former” ex offenders. It’s a lifetime title.

“He needs to be on the list,” she said of Maslin. “People need to know.”
OK, Ms. Harris, you essentially put this man back on your adhoc public list. Now he is apparently still selling ice cream with no incidence. How does that feel…maybe your real motive is angst that this guy is making a living, and openly defending his right to legal work, instead of being in a gutter somewhere, suffering in silence, a drain on society and possibly more of a danger for being placed there?