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Thanks for placing this article before us. It is refreshing to know that there are attorneys out there trying to reason together on these critical issues. Although Janice and Chance are in the forefront in this fight I’m sure with their guidance other attorneys throughout the USA can also make a difference in their legal communities.

Child pornography offenses are different than sexual assault offenses which are different from molestation, rape, statutory rape, indecent exposure, sexual harassment, public urination, and so on….before doing anything let’s push for the same definition of every offense in every locale, state, and federally. Next question why each offense is illegal and make sure the supposed negative effects which make the action so bad are actually present to the degree that it demands keeping the activity or situation illegal. Finally make sure all research is done in a non biased way as to not support the assumption going in that something from any common or uncommon perspective is the right viewpoint. Like for example that someone being flashed enjoys getting flashed or that being flashed makes someone feel violated.

Decent attempt at something worthwhile, but the article has little substance let alone explanations of stuff mentioned.

“Research also shows that rather than stranger danger, people should be most wary of friend danger — the neighbor who always wants to babysit the children, the over-attentive coach, the weird uncle.”

That’s kind of a narrow definition of “friend danger” still highly biased with the “stranger danger” slant! Don’t forget parents and grand-parents. Or in todays’ aggressive prosecutorial environment brothers, sisters, cousins, neighborhood friends who are exploring their new sexuality the way kids have always done just applying new technologies to their endeavors.

Great article. I really think you need to take a look at this. This is the new trend. Schools are now beginning to use School Check in software. Anytime you visit or volunteer at some schools, they will scan your ID. The ID will be scanned and compared to the SCI National Sex Offender Registry? If you pop up, you could be denied access to i.e.: patent/teacher conferences/the police might be called and who knows what else?

I’ve joked in the past about this, but what’s next? Malls? Stores? Movie theaters? Maybe you will have separate seating? This isn’t funny. What about the gang bangers? Drug dealer? Drunk driver? Prostitute? This program specifically targets registered citizens! What about the guy convicted of a misdemeanor that’s been expunged? I’m not on the Megan’s (I’m in Ca) law website and my offense took place with a masseuse. I’ve never been on the website and my info isn’t on the National Website as well. Will I show?

From my view, this is very prejudicial and disturbing. You can serve your time, fulfill all your requirements of probation, get your charges expunged and 20 years later possibly be humiliated at your child’s school?

I wasn’t aware of that.