Educating Attorneys That they CAN WIN – Las Vegas, NACDL, November 19-20, 2015

RSOL is excited to announce that Janice Bellucci will lead our exhibit at the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers’ (NACDL) Sex Crimes Training Seminar in Las Vegas. This exhibit is a fantastic opportunity for RSOL to network with and appeal to attorneys to join with us because the NACDL is the premier national organization of defense lawyers. We often hear that RSOL should clone Ms. Bellucci so that we can file challenges across the country. We agree, and believe that she is the best person to represent us at the NACDL Seminar. RSOL Board of Directors member Larry Neely will be with her.

Janice will discuss the many lawsuits she has settled in California regarding proximity restrictions and emphasizes that nearly all of those settlements have resulted in the defendants paying attorney’s fees. Those fees have enabled her to engage in additional litigation that otherwise would have been impossible without direct funding from the litigants themselves.

Very recently Ms. Belluci filed a lawsuit against the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) challenging their requirement that parolees post signs on Halloween. After being served the lawsuit, the CDCR announced that it would not enforce the sign requirement this year. Janice intends to continue that lawsuit until either the court rules against her or the CDCR agrees to never enforce the requirement again. Her most recent litigation involves California’s Megan’s Law website and demands that its legal violations be either immediately corrected or that it be taken down. This lawsuit is generating a stir in California, as well it should.

This exhibition at the NACDL is possible because of the generous support of RSOL’s membership. Thank you and we will update you as the event unfolds. From National RSOL

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Right on !!! Janice is a one of a kind. I think more attorneys need to follow her example and stand up!

I think this is awesome news! I really hope that a lot of attorneys attend this and that the seeds that Janice, et al are planting in California will be planted in other states too.
Thank you, Janice, again for caring. Thank you, Frank, for writing your book and sharing it with Janice.

Yes..Yes..this is excellent news and causes Hope to all concerned.
People put on a registry is a waste of taxpayers money and deceptive and a fraud.
Cheating people of their rights from the start of a fair trial on throughout this oppressive double jeopardy deprivation of rights .
This really is good news as this can get others involved nationally to right Wrongs..To correct Injustice .

I live in Vegas and hope this may be my chance to finally meet Janice and thank her personally! Not every day you get to meet one of your heroes!

I would like our attorneys to not only educate attorneys but also educators at many of our law schools throughout the state and country. While Janice and Chance are pushing forward we should encourage them to do so by mentoring some of those looking into serving as interns for civil rights. These young people need direction towards a future of doing that which is right and not that which is popular. Judges as well need to have the freedom of discretion without having to look over their shoulders about mandatory minimums. A resent Orange County judge was slammed by local leaders for doing his job in such an unpopular way. The website was challenged and lost a great deal of support and the recall failed against that judge… never under estimate the power of doing what is right. Just a few rays of light will chase away a room full of darkness…thanks everyone!