Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of December 2015. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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General Comments Mar 2025
Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of... -
‘The damage’ is ‘immense’: Attorneys for man accused by Mace demand evidence — or an apology
Source: 2/28/25 Attorneys for one of the men accused by U.S. Rep. Nancy Mace of... -
Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegally
Source: 2/25/25 WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is creating a registry for all people who are...
California Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. announced on Christmas Eve that he has granted 91 pardons. The majority of the cases involved drug-related convictions. Other crimes for which pardons were granted included burglary, robbery, driving under the influence causing injury, grand theft, manslaughter, vandalism, arson, kidnapping, receiving stolen property, conspiracy, carjacking, possession of a firearm or ammunition by a felon, carrying a concealed weapon, being an accessory after the fact, writing insufficient funds checks, forgery, vehicle theft, having a fraudulent ID, assault with a deadly weapon, bribery, perjury, attempted voluntary manslaughter, possession or manufacturing a dangerous weapon, making fraudulent insurance claims and violation of securities law.
As always, no Registered Citizens were pardoned.
I was on phone conference and one of the participants volunteered that he had been black listed in the P.I., but had overcome it. I would like to speak with him but didn’t get his name. Has anyone exsperienced this, and how many other countries allow us to “Petition” at some point.
I received a picture in email from my dear family overseas. They are so beautiful. Knowing you’re loved and not being able to be with them is the most pain I can imagine. More than my battle injuries. How do you cope with this. Please tell me. I’m so alone and scared.
I just came across a post in another forum that had me a little concerned. Without reading the entire encyclopedia of 290 rules for California, does anyone know if you have to report a job change with the local LE if you are NOT on probation? That would make no sense and a little overkill, but I just wanted to check here. Thanks.
Curious if anyone else has to do this:
When registering, the detective requires all registrants to hand write the following statement at the bottom of each page: “I understand and will abide by these restrictions”
This statement must be initialed and dated.
Seems to me that if this statement were mandated, it would a) be included in the law and, b) be included on the form as a printed statement.
Does anyone else have this requirement?
122 murders in the last 15 years as a result of government forcing people to sign legal documents against their will in violation of the first, fifth, and thirteenth amendments which it in turn uses against them and proceeds to violate the incite doctrine.
I have been reading the comments people have made about the actor arrested. I now fully understand every perverse law passed. It’s because we are “monsters, freaks, and don’t care.” The politicians just live off the hesteria. So does the media. This just assured the new bill of passing.
I just want to wish everyone a happy New year. Here’s to 2016 being a year that we take back a bunch of our rights!
Has anyone travel to or lived in the U.S. Virgin Islands?
ok i am in need of some advice im gunna be going to a reunion in july 2016 in orlando and what do i need to do to make this happen my crime was in 1989 and is pc 288a
When I downloaded the file I was arrested for, all the pics were coded,meaning you would not know what you has until it was opened. No preview or description. They said that is why I got possession and not distribution. They just don’t care about the circumstances, just the notch on their gun for an arrest. I had put them in the trash file, doesn’t that show some kind of effort to eris yourself, but no, now I’m a “criminal”. Wow, what a system we have.
Before any new proposals ..california should first adhere to and honor the Constitutional right of a fair open trial..
Above board..Not the behind the curtain kind..Not the back hallway kind..,Not the crooked kind..
Investigate orange county justice First before any other new proposals.