Janice’s Journal: A Blizzard in the Nation’s Capitol Provides a Window of Opportunity

It took a miracle, a miracle in the form of a blizzard in Washington, D.C., to slow down Congress’ consideration of HR 515, the International Megan’s Law bill. Prior to the blizzard, the bill was on a fast track to a speedy vote under a “suspension of the rules” which would have ruled out any discussion or debate of this historic and misguided legislation.

We haven’t won yet. The bill has not been stopped. But it has given us a window of opportunity to educate our Congressional representatives about the dangers the bill poses.

While a new date for the bill’s consideration has not yet been established, we know we have at least one week to send letters and E-mails as well as to make phone calls. We are constituents and our elected officials need to hear from us, our family members and friends — early and often.

They need to know that the bill would require the addition of “unique identifiers” to the passports of U.S. citizens. They need to know that this has never been done in the history of our country. They need to know that no other country is currently doing this to their citizens and that the only countries that have done this in the past are Nazi Germany and Russia.

They also need to know that the bill would require federal agencies to notify countries of anyone who has ever been convicted of a sex offense involving a minor even if that person is no longer required to register as a sex offender. This wide net would extend to hundreds of Californians who have been deemed “rehabilitated” by a state judge as well as to thousands of Americans in other states who “termed out” of their requirement to register.

Finally, they need to know that we agree that sex trafficking of children is a terrible crime and should be stopped. The way to stop it, however, is not to punish hundreds of thousands of American who have not been convicted of sex trafficking and are extremely unlikely to do so in the future.

The clock is ticking. We may have only one week to be heard. Send an E-mail, write a letter, and/or call your Congressional representative today!

Read all of Janice’s Journal

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WTF is this? “suspension of the rules.” Who is paying for this?!?! It’s starting to look to me like someone or some group with allot of money really, really want’s this bill to pass. How can they just throw the rules out of the window on something as huge as this?!?! I don’t think sex trafficking is a terrible crime; I think it’s beyond terrible that this nonexistent manufactured crime is being used to further remove the basic human right to travel unmolested by governments. This “crime” is about as real as the super bowl sex trafficking lie. Does everyone know that a few years back congress voted to remove all restrictions on the amount of money lobbyists can give to further their cause when lobbying congress?

Feels like someone is calling in favors, and they are destroying our country as we know it, and congress has been allowing it to happen in order to swell their bank accounts.

These businesses and special interest (like private prison corporations) groups bankroll campaigns for these politiciansto get elected; and then they own them. They become puppets.

“The dissenters said that allowing corporate money to flood the political marketplace would corrupt democracy.”

“President Obama called it “a major victory for big oil, Wall Street banks, health insurance companies and the other powerful interests that marshal their power every day in Washington to drown out the voices of everyday Americans.”


I may be wrong. I may be off base; but something stinks!

Well for who all secretly tried tofast-track this and get this in place before we had a discussion about it, BUSTED!!!!!! NICE TRY!!!!

More emails sent today!

Mail, call, and email!

Send your comments to your House Representative and to Speaker Paul Ryan. You can submit your comments to Speaker Paul Ryan in line with what Janice wrote above at http://www.speaker.gov/contact. You can find your House Rep contact info here http://www.house.gov/representatives/find/

Please send Speaker Ryan a message that you would like HR515 referred to the appropriate House or Representatives committees for its consideration on the floor.

Tell your House Representative that you oppose this bill.

Time to band together and let our voices be heard!

If this bill unfortunately passes, there is a lawyer, Galen Baughman, who is looking for plaintiff candidates. Site: http://sexoffenderresearch.blogspot.com/2016/01/action-alert-challenging-international.html

From the site:

We expect H.R. 515 to pass on a suspension vote in the House this Monday (2-1-16) and be sent to President Obama’s desk.

We’re looking for ideal plaintiffs and we need your help to find people who meet one of these criteria:

1- Does not have a passport, but wants one
2- Has a passport about to expire
3- Travels internationally a number of times per year (especially for work)
4- Has been harassed while traveling in or out of the US based on registration status

If you think you fit any of these four categories, please write to me with the following information:

3-Age at time of offense
5-Which of the four (4) categories you fit into
6-Would you be willing to be a name plaintiff to challenge this law?
7-State you live in

More details at the link above.

Why hasn’t the media picked up this issue – for or against.