The Myth of Super Bowl Sex Trafficking Obscures Real Issues

East Bay rapper Joshua “Five Hunnet” Durham had a busy August. He forced an underage runaway girl into paid sex with him and others, according to law enforcement, keeping her addled with a drug cocktail of weed, cocaine and meth. He advertised her services on social media next to boasts about opening for hip-hop mega-couple Meek Mill and Nicki Minaj, a show that would be stopped after a pepper spray fight between fans.

Sex trafficking, Durham’s alleged crime, has become a major focus of Bay Area law enforcement agencies in recent months. They’ve been especially fretful leading up to Super Bowl 50 at Levi’s Stadium in February. The marquee event and human trafficking are connected by widespread predictions that hordes of cash-flush chauvinists will swarm into town for the costumed war play, then ravish tens of thousands of women and children—brought here against their will—to quell their surging testosterone.

The problem is it just isn’t true. Full Article

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This is BS. Recognize it for what it really is. It’s manufacturing consent to further erode the rights of American citizens. Incidents like these do indeed happen, but they are by and large isolated incidents. Besides, I’m sure if anyone would take the time to look they would find we already have laws in place the are more than adequate to address situations like the ones described. New laws are not needed!

Maggie McNeill

“Sex-work prohibitionists have long seen trafficking and sex slavery as a useful Trojan horse.”

Another way to rob the taxpayers bank.

“In an interview last May, Michael Horowitz, a fellow at the conservative Hudson Institute who led efforts to pass the federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, told the Las Vegas Review Journal that the anti-trafficking movement has become more about securing grants for research than protecting victims. “Now it’s just one big federal entitlement program,” he said, “and everybody is more worried about where they’re going to get their next grant.”

Yes, I have seen lots of articles on this issue. Supposedly people working the event, hotels, law enforcement etc are being trained to be on the look out for possible trafficking. *eye roll*

The Super Bowl is being used as a platform to highlight “the importance” on a world stage. The way I see it (and most people in the Bay Area, too), it’s just propaganda.

Want to stop sex trafficking? Find everyone at risk for becoming a trafficker or trafficked and then before either end up in their positions prevent them from meeting.

Its like responding to a call about a bank robbery, the bank still got robbed and sane people see this fact as a problem. The superbowl is no more of a trafficking event than any other event except a trafficking convention which don’t exist.