Bill Sets Discipline for Students Who Engage in Sexting

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — A state lawmaker is carrying a bill that would let schools suspend or expel kids for sexting — sharing sexually explicit material via text message. Democratic Assemblyman Ed Chau of Arcadia says Assembly Bill 2536 would also require that health classes include information on the perils of sharing scandalous content. The Sacramento Bee reports Saturday ( the bill specifically deals with images or video and focuses on cases where the message has “the effect of humiliating or harassing a pupil.” Full Article Related New Mexico teens…

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Chelsea’s Law is working as hoped (Editorial)

Six years ago, an awful event — the rape and murder of Poway High School senior Chelsea King by John Gardner, a convicted sex offender who was free despite repeated parole violations, and who had previously raped and killed Escondido teen Amber Dubois — spurred lawmakers to action. The California Legislature unanimously passed Chelsea’s Law, introduced by then-Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher, R-San Diego. Full Editorial 2014 Report Related

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