When you go on vacation, you think about the beach, seafood and quality family time. The last thing on your mind is predators. But state officials say that should change because sex offenders go on vacation and could prey on your kids. Full Article
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And then there’s the murderer who can go on a killing spree vacation leaving no one left alive….logic is apparently not common in Tennessee.
Just another idiotic piece of drivel. More people dreaming that their magic government lists will protect them.
People who support the SORs are not Americans. They are enemies. Remember that every day.
“Special Agent Quin says the sex offenders who are registering when they go on vacation and are in compliance with the law are usually good. They don’t usually have problems out of them.”
Wait…the entire article is about how its this great idea to check the registry to avoid the evil sex offenders, but then it says those aren’t the ones you have to worry about? Another lame article by the press getting viewers due to stirring up unwarranted fear.
Why not write the article about the real danger of keeping tabs on friendly Uncle Bob or that friend of the family that hangs around too much and always offers to watch the kids?
Fear Mongering at its highest. I think it must be summer sweeps season!
I noticed that comments are disabled on the story. How’s that for free speech and open debate?
If it’s such a concern why won’t they allow it to be discussed on an open forum? Oh that’s right… Because then facts would get in the way of ratings.
My bad
What about the families vacationing next door in Arkansas or West Virginia? Those states give vacationing sex offenders up to 10 days to re-register. And I doubt they’d stay at a hotel any longer. So it looks like those poor families visiting Hot Springs or the Ozarks will never know if a RSO was in their hotel. Oh my God! The horror of it!
OMFG… PANIC !!!! about what “might happen”…. another MIGHT HAPPEN ARTICLE !… looks like at the end of the article its a plug for disney crusies…look at the end of the article… DISNEY doesnt allow RC’s to go on their cruises !! I live near disneyland, hate that park, to many freaking crying snot nosed kids…, id rather goto a park that has ADULT rides and a cruise ship that doesnt have a discrimination policy !… Does a disney cruise allow a transgendered bathroom ?, but then again DISNEY has GAY DAYS in LA… WTF, no im not a hater im gay…just saying.
this country peoples have become so cowardly and weak minded it’s disgusting.I have a tip being a parent and educate and watch your kids if you’re so scared of the non existing boogie man lurking in the bushes just waiting to grab your little Joey.bunch of pathetic coddled idiots that don’t deserve to live in a free society. like Ben Franklin said “if you give up your freedoms in exchange for security then you don’t deserve either one”
“Guess I’ll check the list and if no one’s on it, I’ll just let the kids run free unsupervised” That is basically what our government is implicating. Yes, we live in an age where parents should trust non one they don’t know around their kids. They make it sound like, “oh those people are very bad, but if we don’t list them, then oh they are angels. Please leave your kids alone with them, they are safe.” This is just a sad picture of how ignorant our society has gotten.
Disney Cruises does background checks on all of their passengers, and they don’t let any sex offenders on their cruises.
is this illegal in California?
The funny thing is I will be 100 miles away from my home and into a hotel and those people don’t know I m a RSO in a hotel room right next to them..
Each state varies and they make it sound like it is 48 hours in all states, clearly the author is a moron.
How about the good old Fashion way, watch your damn kids, and-leave us the hell alone
Oh my, it must be ratings month again! What a p.o.s. of a story!!!!!
Cool CA RSO –
Value Place hotels does have the hotel registrant sign a form stating they are not on the registry and will check it to see if those staying there are on an registry.
In regard to Florida: our registry is a LIFETIME registry. Those with qualifying offenses from other States or offenses that are similar to the FL Statutes are required to register in Florida if they come to Florida and remain for a certain amount of time. I don’t have the statute in front of me but all of Florida requires 48 hours notice in person to a sheriff’s office to register. And to answer the question: YES you will remain on the registry in Florida for life. No exceptions. Additionally, they do not remove the deceased. So after you die you can enjoy the restrictions and oppression of the registry just like the living ones!
I agree with “Will A”. Great minds think alike.
Q: “What if you become incapacitated or hospitalized and it’s time for that Price Club renewal?”
A: Doesn’t matter. I have seen cases in which RC’s were arrested while in the hospital in FL.
Q: “Or you are just visiting a State and somehow can’t get there to register with the Locale.”
A: There is no exception for “just can’t get there.”
Q: “Does your friendly law enforcement round up the posse, and pay you a visit?”
A: If they know where you are I am certain they would come to you.
I’m not certain how it works in other States but for FL RCs are to notify the Sheriff’s Office in person 48 hours before departure of their plan to leave the State (if leaving for 5 days) the information we are to provide is a) date of departure b) date of return c) address to which we are traveling (State, County and City)
In turn, the FL County Sheriff notifies the County Sheriff in the area to which we are traveling so that the “receiving county” is aware of our presence. Upon our arrival to the other State/ County we must abide by the Laws and rules of that State/ County.
I went from FL to NY last year for 7 days. The NY SO Unit Officer laughed at me when I called him to tell him I was coming to his county. Said NY has a 10 day notification timeframe and if I were leaving before 10 days he didn’t have time to care. He actually asked me why I was bothering to call him at all.
Here’s a good read for you: (check out Derek oncefallen’s comment)
Im new to this site. Not even sure how I should begin. I don’t have a criminal case nor one pending or under investigation. I’m crime, drug and alcohol free abiding by all the laws of the land. Not sure if I need a criminal, defense or civil attorney or just to be educated on this matter. From what I’ve gathered it would appear my civil and or constitution rights are being violated which is creating panic, fear, stress, concern and worrisome for me and my family. I’m reaching for someones professional help and or advice or at the least can please point me in the right direction for some. I’ll try keeping this as short as possible. Married for 19 yrs to the most amazing woman and we’re home owners in Santa Clarita Ca for the last 15 years with a great rapport with our neighbors. I’m not on probation or parole nor is anyone in our home. Having a non violent drug offense in 2009 led me to jail in which to our sadness before I paroled I was forced to register as a 290 due to an offense I took a deal for over 21 years ago. An offense that I paid my dues for and moved on since than. So now all of a sudden I live as a registrant which is ever so tormenting having done 3 years under the worse parole conditions as if I committed a sexual offense yesterday. To some relief the DOJ has classified me as a low risk on the bases that the offense is a non violent sexual offense that it involves no children or anyone under 18 yrs of age.The DOJ has even granted me an “internet exclusion ” so my name,face and address is nowhere on Megan’s list. Aside from the horrible dilemma of being forced to be a registrant on a case that I already had paid my debt for, I feel that the sheriffs continually coming to my house in the name of “address verification” is violating my civil rights. I’m not on parole or probation, my wife and I work hard to make a living, pay taxes like everyone else with bills and a mortgage. I go in to the local station per pc290 once a year as I have been doing (full compliance ) show proof of my address via DMV CDL or ID and bills that are in my name. No where in PC290 does it indicate local authorities are to be knocking on my door to verify my residence, the very thing I prove once a year to them. I know I don’t need to answer the door but My concern is if I don’t they’ll just keep coming over until I do which raises curiosity with my neighbors which now defeats the purpose of my Internet exclusion because the neighbors begin to wonder why the police keep showing up at our house. I’m concerned for my home and family becoming a target. I know the only way to truly make this all stop is expungement, and certificate of rehabilitation which to those whom have been granted an Internet exclusion by the DOJ could potentially make that possible for them to be removed from the list. I haven’t proceeded towards those steps yet bc I’m not exactly sure what that entails let alone don’t even know who to speak to (attorney) or even if I’m a candidate. What’s important now is the safety of my home and family by having these sheriffs stop coming to my house doing a check that isn’t described in PC290. I’m new to this site recommended by “once fallen”of whom I stumbled upon via searching the net. This registry is absolutely horrible as to the pain it causes. Any advice would be greatly appreciated and or pointing me in the rt direction, even offering some form of encouragement that somethings is in the process to relieve this nightmare. Thank and God bless all of you.
Frank, I’m in FL so I can’t say about CA. BUT I DO KNOW that the registry exists in its own world separate from your charges, convictions, and sentences. This is how politicians get around the constitutionality of all the implications.
Once one is on the registry that brings an entirely different set of requirements that are not considered part of your sentence nor are they considered punitive. If State statute requires law enforcement to keep track of those on the registry through “compliance checks” or address verifications or whatever the state calls them… Then your sentence (completed as it is) makes no difference.
It is an altogether credulous piece of propaganda.
@Will A. – You can e-mail the station at wvlt.news@wvlt-tv.com.
To “I can’t wait to die”
The requirement comes wrapped up the Florida’s definition of “temporary residence.”
Definition: “A place where the person (offender/predator) abides, lodges, or resides, including, but not limited to, vacation, business, or personal travel destinations in or out of this state, for a period of 5 or more days in the aggregate during any calendar year, and which is not the person’s permanent address or, for a person whose permanent residence is not in this state, a place where the person is employed, practices a vocation, or is enrolled as a student for any period of time in this state.”
The first hook is “in or out of the State.” The second hook is “5 or more days…”
Subsection (7)
A sexual offender who intends to establish a permanent, temporary, or transient residence in another state or jurisdiction other than the State of Florida shall report in person to the sheriff of the county of current residence within 48 hours before the date he or she intends to leave this state to establish residence in another state or jurisdiction or within 21 days before his or her planned departure date if the intended residence of 5 days or more is outside of the United States. The notification must include the address, municipality, county, state, and country of intended residence. The sheriff shall promptly provide to the department the information received from the sexual offender. The department shall notify the statewide law enforcement agency, or a comparable agency, in the intended state, jurisdiction, or country of residence of the sexual offender’s intended residence. The failure of a sexual offender to provide his or her intended place of residence is punishable as provided in subsection (9).
The highway billboard says report Suspicious Activities. The terrorist aren’t looking to kill me, their looking to kill my slave masters.
I can’t wait to die
On that point I agree with you. If the RC does not “intend to establish a temporary residence” then we do NOT meet the standard for this statute.
Your two arrests were ruled illegal? Or the case was dropped and you, in turn, did not pursue legal action on the arrests?
They are trying to make it will we have to be in our house a house arrest for life providing you’re not homeless because you can’t live anywhere you can’t get out of your house to go to the store because it’s by a park you have to depend on home delivery that’s what they’re trying to do legal house arrest for life by calling it a civil law