Shedding light on the dark field

IN AN office in Epsom in southern England, the phone rings. Calls come in from men who have been arrested on suspicion of possessing indecent images of children; those who are fathers will probably have been barred from seeing their children unsupervised until their trials. Or the caller may be a mother whose adolescent son has been charged with molesting a child; if he has siblings social workers may insist that the family is broken up. Some calls are from men desperate to talk to someone about their own sexual…

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Prosecutors who falsify or withhold evidence could become felons under proposed state legislation

Prosecutors who intentionally withhold or falsify evidence could be charged with a felony under a new bill winding through the state Legislature. The proposal by Assemblywoman Patty Lopez, D-San Fernando, comes as prosecutors in Orange County face accusations that they’ve routinely misused jailhouse informants and withheld information from defense attorneys. Full Article

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NJ: Are Reforms Needed For Megan’s Law?

When ____ ____ got out of prison for a rape he did not commit, he spent the next 20 years on New Jersey’s sex offender registry. Only when he was formally cleared this month did his name come off a list that carries a lifetime of stigma. The case has put a spotlight on whether the registry — created by Megan’s Law and designed to notify parents of predators nearby — is too broad and even ineffective. Full Article

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