Janice’s Journal: Waiting for Justice

As summer comes to an end, we are waiting for justice. We are waiting for a judge’s decision in our challenge to the International Megan’s Law. We are waiting for cities to eliminate residency restrictions. We are waiting for a tiered registry bill to be introduced in the California state legislature. Why does it take so long? Why can’t judges, city officials and state legislators stop the punishment of registered citizens NOW? Perhaps it’s due to habit. For many people, including judges and elected officials, have adopted the habit of…

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MO: Decades after ‘lie’ puts dad on sex offender registry, he’s pardoned

____ ____, a Clay County father who has long denied that he was a sex offender who molested his own son, received a telephone call Friday that he has wanted for nearly half his life. The call was from the office of Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon. The news: ____ had been pardoned of the crime he said he never committed, and he was told his name would no longer appear on Missouri’s sex offender registry. Full Article

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