The outpouring against Judge Aaron Persky’s lenient six-month sentence of Stanford swimmer Brock Turner is symptomatic of a societal change — attitudes unsupported by realities.
It’s the “I know what I feel and don’t bother me with any facts” refrain, and it’s scary. Full Article
What tier or level is Brock Turner..? Is he going to be non-listed since he got jail time / probation..?
This case is interesting to me, seeing how humans work, the design, the need for ‘justice’ or ‘punishment’. Personally, his jail sentence means nothing since he’s now joined the club. But I’m intrigued by comments made in various articles that he somehow got away with something. Did he? Seeing people’s thirst of being ‘thrown to the wolves’, he has been. His life is over, based on current laws. If he had more jail time and no registration, would it be any better in the eyes of society? After all, that’s what they want. It’s full on Russell Crowe in ‘Gladiator’..’Are you not entertained?’. Not condoning his (or her actions) on that evening but as much as this case is sick, so is the backlash and the underlying lustful desire of revenge.
NOO!! The Court said “register as a sex offender. is NOT a punishment” but it clearly it IS !!
State registered listing didn’t prevent a BrockTurner incident.
Federal listing didn’t prevent……..
A World listing WOULDN’T prevent a Brock Turner incident.
A moon listing wouldn’t prevent ……
A Mars listing wouldn’t prevent…
These railroadistry listings further punish on those forced to be on them or imprisoned..
Treating free Americans subject to double jeopardy.
Media , law enforcement & politicians are having a field day over this judge’s verdict. So he made an unpopular decision. But it’s not like he asked the victim why she didn’t keep her knees together. That’s what an Alberta judge said to a girl in court during a rape case