Justice Department Announces Almost $18 Million In Awards To Support Sex Offender Registration, Assessment, Intervention

Today the Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs (OJP) awarded almost $18 million to implement and enhance sex offender programming throughout the United States.

“We have made tremendous strides over the last decade toward building a comprehensive sex offender registration and notification system,” said Director Luis C. deBaca, Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering and Tracking (SMART Office). “The new awards take our efforts to the next stage, giving our state, local and tribal partners evidence-based tools and technologies that will enhance their capacity to manage sex offenders and protect citizens.” Full Article

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I built in less than 2 years time, a realty automation software suite that collects more data than this and in my opinion, has to be far more complicated than 50+ states collected datasets into one system. I can also say that it surely didn’t cost 18 million.

Where’s all that money going?

Thank you, but I don’t require any “management”. I’m a free person, not on parole or probation, who’s single, non-violent, non-contact, misdemeanor charge was expunged well over 6 years ago.

You can take your offensive “management”, and shove it up your….

“The SMART Office also dedicated $882,000 to support maintenance, operations and enhancements technology tools for sex offender administration, such as the National Sex Offender Public Website (which allows the public to search for registered sex offenders on a national scale), the Tribe and Territory Sex Offender Registry System, the Sex Offender Registry Tool and the SORNA Exchange Portal.”

So we’ve done everything right for decades and we get relief from the requirement to register Stateside. Looks like the Feds. will somehow look, via Adam Walsh Act, at your original conviction rather than your potential for “recidivism” or your “danger to society”. So according to your State, you may have been granted relief and the Fed could potentially still pull you onto a national public accessible list. And we know that they will make all of this retroactive. Seems they always do!

Many individuals have spent thousands to attempt to be removed from this unconstitutional abuse of the “scheme” that has destroyed so many families and individuals. And now the Feds just keep pumping tax dollars into this total mess. Somehow, SCOTUS needs to put an end to this abuse and punishment once and for all.


So, this money will be “giving our state, local and tribal partners evidence-based tools and technologies …..” Stop there. Evidence-based legislation would require politicians to take into account the actual documented very low S.O. recidivism rates and would force them to act appropriately to restructure and limit Registries, SORNA, AWA, and IML. That is what EVIDENCE-BASED LEGISLATION would do!!! And did others also note that NO MONEY is being directed toward developing an verifiable, scientific “risk assessment tool”?? But there’s no money for that because they don’t want their lies coming to light.

EVIDENCE based? Whuh?

just keep saying we need to get the federal government out of this business , and leave things to the states: 10th amendment!

That reads like a declaration of war to me.

So be it.

Is it possible to send the CASOMB results for the past four years to all the other states as well as the DOJ with a receipt. Each of the past four years, the result has dropped, with the last two years dropping below 1%.

Oddly enough, this is the same CASOMB that recommends a tiered system that only less than 1% re-offend for a sex crime?

The stigma far outweighs the actual results – as proven by the CASOMB recommending a tiered system.

“The new awards take our efforts to the next stage, giving our state, local and tribal partners evidence-based tools and technologies that will enhance their capacity to manage sex offenders and protect citizens.”

I guess we can look forward to an upgrade from the STATIC-99 scam… to the STATIC-100 super scam.

This is the biggest waste of money I have seen in quite a while . Why don’t they take this money and do the right thing and educate the public about prevention . Or they can take this money and put it into the mental health program . But we all know the governments not too smart

So this Luis deBaca, it seems, graduated from the University of Michigan Law School. The same law school whose legal clinic program has helped the ACLU in Michigan strike down its registry as punishment in the 6th Circuit. Such a shame that such a fine law school has produced a disingenuous “law enforcement” official whose aim is to help a not-so-“SMART” program in oppressing the rights of people who have long paid their sentence to society. I once had great respect for police and law enforcement. But I now see the police and law enforcement as corrupt liars, with interests in self-recognition (i.e. over-inflated egos) and job security, who should not be trusted or even respected. They have a job to protect us. But it should not be at the cost of spreading dishonest propaganda (or slots for government hack “fellowship” or “scholarship” slots).

They ought to earmark $1m for educating teachers and administrators about the CDCR’s study. Though this law has mostly to do with sensationalism and an insurance package for legislators, the $1m spent may help spread the inconvenient truth that non-registrants are the persons most likely to commit a new offense.

That being said, don’t continue to hold your breath waiting for lawmakers to dispel the truth.