NV: Sex offenders may face tougher scrutiny at UNR, TMCC

The University of Nevada, Reno and Truckee Meadows Community College now have the right to deny the admission of registered sex offenders. Full Article

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Have RSOs been causing problems on these campuses? Have there been a spate of sexual assaults by registered students?

As a resident of this gambling state, I’m going to wager a bet that this is yet another response to a completely non-existent problem, to appease outcry from a few local busybodies. I mean, how dare a registered citizen try to better his life with higher education, right?

The time for a SCOTUS challenge is drawing nearer, and this can be more ammo for the coming fight. Denying a citizen, who has paid his debt to society, his right to higher education is one more example of the very punitive nature of registration.

The civil right violation at the very least is self incrimination .
When you have to register its under the threat/coercion of prison. The involuntary servitude & self incrimination is used against you.
Discrimination by others sets because the state forces you under threat.
Discrimination self incrimination involuntary servitude becomes legal under color of law.
They need to warn the public and campus they are more in danger from someone NOT on a state list.

OMG. With 18 RSO’s in the two schools they have a huge problem. What would they do if possibly next year 2 more RC’s wanted to go to those schools. It comes on the heels of the Fontana school fiasco. Again, who’s watching the many instructors/educators who have their closets full of skeletons. I’ll bet half of those in charge and employed at the 2 Nevada colleges/universities have something in their past that they wouldn’t want revealed to anyone at any cost. They just didn’t get caught. But with the social hysteria, they, “like politicians” felt they had to do something. Again, a total joke.

next they are going to be telling us which water fountain we can and cannot use with big signs over each one that say sex offenders only and all others over the other one….signs in restaurants retail stores,signs all over the cities saying where they can and cant go, special seats on buses ie in the back of the bus and they must give up their seats to any non offenders, special bathrooms any place where non offenders recreate, oh and imprisoning in prison not just briefly in jail but long prison sentences for minor infractions and for violating one of their countless laws aimed at only their group..I could go on but I think I made my point..sure sounds like a certain scenario that this country already went through…
I know if this issue trickles down to college that I attend here in Sacramento ( especially after having racked up all the debt i will have accumulated by then) and they tell me i cant attend classes there anymore shitttttt is going to hit the fan people..they’ll be locking me up because I would refuse to comply and spend every second i could on that campus and after being released i wont even go into detail about what would happen then..

at that point I would consider that I am thru and have absolutely nothing to lose..yep that would be all the kickin this dog is going to take……drastic measures after that…..