It would have taken enormous courage to say no because it was a shockingly awful idea that played well to the simplistic and ignorant. President Obama lacked that courage. Perhaps he’s too busy with his lame duck session. Perhaps he feared that a courageous move would have affected the chances of the Democratic candidate for president. Perhaps his talk of reform was just talk, and he’s every bit as good with bad criminal law policy as everyone else.
No matter. He signed it. It’s now law.
After months of hype about the historic bipartisan consensus that we must make the American criminal justice system less harsh, President Obama finally signed a justice reform bill into law Monday. There’s only one problem: Instead of making the justice system more fair and less punitive, the new law will make it more vindictive and petty. Specifically, it will require people who have been convicted of sex crimes against minors to carry special passports in which their status as registered sex offenders will be marked with conspicuous identifying marks. Full Article
These people lie to you. It can never be emphasized enough that they don’t care one rats ass about you nor your family nor this country and your rights. They want money, power, control, prestige and they’ll siphon it from your very veins. Till the day comes that you draw your last breath. And then they’ll hit your corpse with a death tax…..
For those who travel overseas it permitted to by the host nation it will make them especially vulnerable to crime and crusader vindication. Also the local authorities will treat them differently. This is exactly what they want to happen. By the way, there is no constitutional authority to inform other nations about crimes committed in the us. The us is not the media for other nations. I I have never witnessed such abuses of power, with the exception of fascist nations, like nazi germany. This nation has gone so far as to endanger its citizens in foreign nations, some of which are not our allies. What a disgusting nation this has become.
Concerning Obama signing : he prevented the override