Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of October 2016. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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You people are bringing up HIS past all the time. That’s what you’re doing right now lol. Many of you bring trump up every chance you get and then when anyone comes back to show your hypocrisy, you try to act like you’re on the high road. You are one big steaming pile of walking, talking hypocritical mess bud. It’s incredibly entertaining. 🙂
What simple minds some of you have.
I’m not sure in anyone has looked into the American Legislative Exchange Council (aka ALEC) with regard to sex offender legislation. This is the same organization (of businesses and politicians) who came up with the Three-strikes laws, mandatory minimums, and many war of drugs bills (i.e. 1994 Crimes Bill). It makes me wonder if they came up with the registry to begin with.
Essentially, this organization is full of member businesses that write legislation for the politicians in their pockets – which results in increased profits for said business. Many such businesses are private prison companies, healthcare organizations (i.e., civil commitment), and security companies/internet companies.
I found that they decided to push forward a bill in 2008, which coincides almost word for word to the KIDS Act (Federal Internet Identifier Bill 2008) at the federal and state levels. So, yeah this bill wasn’t even the brain child of our legislators, but that of businesses pushing an agenda for profit.
I think we need to do some collective research into this organization and see how far, and how involved, they have been in the registry and the propaganda machine that we are serial recidivists. If there is any way to trace this all back to money, instead of “good public policy,” this is it.
I agree some of the crap trump has said hasn’t been said with much grace but everyone says crap sometime in their lives that they may regret saying but if you really look at what’s being said it’s pretty much all true. some of the people might not like to hear the truth but yeah take away the trump hating facet and just about every thing he says has truth behind it…I don’t like his tax plan but who knows maybe it might stimulate the economy whats happening in this country in the last 40-50 years or more isnt working wages have been stagnant for at least thirty years..I started working in construction thirty years ago at 12 dollars an hour today I can hire someone for 10 or less hour for the same job…thats wrong….so try something different…also trump believes in torture techniques for terrorist which I don’t agree with since we are supposed to be representing the good against evil…torturing people for any reason is evil bottom line….hes not pro choice…he supports unconstitutional no fly list which is a travesty against due process…i do agree with his foreign policy, his emagration policy tk go to extreme vetting of people from terrorist nations and creating safe zones in their own countries, building a wall, deportation of almos all illegal immigrants but try and work with those with kids and families here, foreign trade policies, cooperation with Russia to rid the world of terrorism, stop policing the world and country rebuilding, and a very important issue that was hit on last night that he will have a special prosecutors to prosecute hillary Clinton for the crimes she has committed that many others have went to prison for for far less. james comey, all her aids, the us ag, and anyone else involved in the mishandling of classified information and the conspiracy to cover it up and destruction of evidence that was subpoenaed, its a travesty of Justice and has already made the US at laughing stock in the world and the epitome blatent example of the corruption in our government, Clinton should be in prison….she also let 4 Americans die in bangazzie by not providing special forces or some type of support which is utterly disgusting….I would vote for anything or just about anyone else besides corrupt Hillary Clinton…just thought I’d comment on the election….
what’s really sad is how much effect how someone’s stupid remarks can influence how someone may vote…it should be about policy and what they have actually done not by what stupid remarks are said…
lets see who was it that put their paw print on REX 84? and who was it that put their paw print on HR 645 ? or CISPA other wise Known as HR 3523 ? who was it that said water boarding was not torcher ? all of them some candy ass talking out both sides of their neck , how many list do we all have to be on before we say if your not going to uphold and protect the US constitution your fricken fired ? how long before we cant fire them , its all most impossible ! yet here we sit banging on about Trump not being smooth enough , yet hillery cant wait to get us in another war , already said many times she is coming for many kinds of guns , in the mean time we are sending guns and ammo else where so they can kill more people over sea’s , and to me the worst thing about that is , is that they are doing it in “OUR NAME”, yet here we sit as RSO’s the most repressed people on the plant! REX 84 HR645 HR3523 , NO DUE PROESS , sounds like 290 to me ,
Absolute psycho nutbaggery Bud but here people are like you say, going full blast for their team. Good to seeya again. Don’t forget to call. 🙂
Anyone read the newest Podesta emails? Good stuff if you really want to know what they think of us. One from Bill Ivey to John Podesta talks about them conspiring to keep us uninformed and compliant. Really good stuff! lol 🙂
Received a jury summons today. Really tempted to check the box that states “I have been convicted of a felony or malfeasance in office and my civil rights have not been restored”. Not that it matters but…I finished probation and have had my conviction expunged.
Being a 290 means I can’t attend a parent teacher conference at my kids school, I’m not free to travel when/where I want with my family, and the list goes on. I think it’s fair to say that nobody that is required to register has had their civil rights restored.
watch out–yesterday’s news reported that a 12 year old Riverside, Ca. girl woke to a recently released from prison sex-offender in her bed. The father woke to the screams and then subdued and held him until the police arrived.
good for the family!! we all want creeps like this permanently off the streets!
And as it always is are the cries that follow about “why was he ever released from prison; and we cant let these people walk our streets.” Suddenly and somehow I’m caught up in this–with his life’s story and his misdeeds! Well, I’m not him, and I did not do this! but according to the feds war on me, I’m associated!
The federal government should be demanded to stop and decease its war on a select group of its citizens and made to prove the validity of their conclusion: that all SO’s will re-offend and must be closely monitored, restricted and managed because of its opinion! We can fight all the residency and other restrictions in the world, but until this mindset is changed by disputed fact then we’re only putting out one fire to go to the next!!! No to Angel Watch–you haven’t proven a correlation in this matter. No to registries and residency restrictions because you haven’t proven a need for it, nor have you demonstrated any success with it! No to political sensationalizing–to do so requires censure! No No No to all this!!! it isn’t right!! I’ve dealt with my situation and I’ve moved on with a difficult life just because a psychotic few receive twisted gratification from destroying others!!
It seems to me that the sheeple in this nation are real quick to judge. Let’s take for instance the hysteria that has been dubbed the “clown” wars. Recently at penn state, 500 sheeple went on a clown hunt. Never mind the fact that NO clowns were even seen to create this hysterical response.
Replace if you will the “clown” in any articles you read and replace it with RSO . Sound familiar?
This society is doomed.
Man Rick you are really aggressive and judgmental..
Trumps appeal is to those who feel weak, unheard, and want their weaknesses to become a national agenda.
Not to mention all the times you called him a sex offender and a sexual devient individual that should have a sign posted on the white house lawn if he becomes president….Wow…Like i said before very hypocritical the kettle calling the kettle black and claiming your desire to eliminate the registry…..
Where to start on the election issue…hmmmm.
so I am weak and and feable minded because I support a candidate because of their actions and not their speech ok cool…lmfao
are you a female because it seems only women and trump haters want to vote for hillary…women just because she is a woman and trump haters just because they dont like trump.. I thought elections were about policy and actions not speech or personality traits..Trump is not seasoned politician such as hillary,,,smooth talking trained in the art of deception and debate in order to win their argument at any cost.
heres the facts
Hillary clinton lied to congress, had her goons delete thousands of state related emails (which congress had subpoenaed) and then had the head of the fbi state all the laws she violated and then saying BUT we are not going to prosecute and having the AG in her pocket as well is a travesty of justice and is the epitome of corruption in this nations government. People for hillary brush it off like its no big deal but in fact it is an extremely big deal. Thousands of people would be in prison right now for the things that her and her gooons have done and would definitely not be allowed to keep their classified clearance credentials….NOOOO way in hell….That is a fact and an action that she not only did in the past tense but is also continuing to do in the present tense…not speech..
Second Hillary was asked for help hundreds of times by the great patriotic AMERICANS in our embassy in bengazzi…not just once or twice but hundreds of times….the most trajic of which was at three in the morning when they were actually being attacked by our enemy but was not granted some assistance because she did not authorize any special forces or other intervention to save them guys,,, DISGUSTING..once again not speech ,action…..These are not stupid made up issues by the republicans, these are facts….these issues alone are criminal and she should be tried for treason and imprisoned for life….way worse then what snowden or Chelsea Manning thats in prison right now for leaking documents that didnt hurt anybody but revealed the atrocities that our government is committing overseas…political prisoners are all they are if it wasnt for snowden defecting to russia he would be in their right along with that other kid….sickening…
Oh and the fact that hillary was secratary of state while invading the middle east destroying any resemblance of a government which opened the door for numerous terrorist groups and totally destabilized the middle east… Now even though she didnt have a direct hand in this new Iran deal she supports giving 1.5 billion or more to a country that is overwhelmingly known for supporting far as Im concerned Obama just sent material support to a terrorist organization and should be tried for such….but im digressing. oh almost forgot her pay to play actions while in office…
thats just touching on the criminal and treasonous aspects of the hillary package…
open borders letting in tens of thousands of refugees from terrorist countries, more gun laws heading towards no second amendment rights at all, atrocious trade deals that have gutted and will continue to gut our economy, over regulations that are gutting our economy, her continued support of terrorist countries and countries that commit atrocities on women and other groups of victims, the fact she wants to claim a no fly zone over Syria which is going to cause a war between us and Russia. Putin has stated that we shouldve liquidated the middle east after the twin towers came down which is true..Bush shouldve flattened Afghanistan and Pakistan just to start and we wouldnt be in the mess were in now in the middle east..Now putin is going in to mop up our mess and clinton wants to try to prevent this from happening and it isnt going to happen..Putin is a strong leader no matter what you say about him and he is not going to back down and let these terrorist attack his people and get away with it like the US has….she tries it and it will be world war three….are ready for that?????It will happen if she starts shooting down Russian aircraft…
these are not just ramblngs of a weak minded person these are hard cold facts and if anyone with any kind of sense and who isnt just a trump hater and a women supporter just because hillary is a women would look at these issues and seriously consider them they would see that they are facts…Trump is a brash, vulgar talking probably a little bit of a bully and isnt the most intelligent individual out there but when the only alternative is hillary clinton there is no other choice if we want any resemblance of a democracy in the next few decades…
our group of people are going to restore some semblance to our judicial and legislative bodies eventually but we have to save our country at the world level in order for us to have any reason to continue our fight or we are just pissing in the wind….
wow and really rick..
We don’t need to torture people, we let the Israelis and Arabs do that for us by sending prisoners to them
i guess it’s ok as long as we aren’t doing or if it doesnt directly effect me….
just in case people didn’t get it this was ricks comment
Trumps appeal is to those who feel weak, unheard, and want their weaknesses to become a national agenda.
The enhanced drivers license being issued in CA was brought up in today’s conference call with Janice. Due to privacy issues, the governor VETOed the law.
Gov. Brown Vetoes Risky “Enhanced” Drivers License Bill, SB 249 (Hueso)
excellent rubbuttal rick…straight to the point articulated very well and most importantly you didn’t resort to personal insults and attacks on other people’s intelligence…beautiful I wish all our comments where so civil…I respectful disagree with your analogy of the issue but hey we’re all entitled to our own opinions and beliefs….please keep the civility that you just demonstrated and not resort or degrade into personal insults and attacks on personal levels like Steve just did..I posted about being civil but for some reason was censored…very clean respectful comment but still censored…its a real shame….anyways great arguments rick but the facts dont change and no i didnt say it was all clintons faut in he middle east i told you bush was a weak coward ghat failed our contry and the world when he didnt inihalate Afghanistan, Pakistan, and yes possibly Iraq as well….the sacrifice of those people who already hate America and the majority in those countries believe that everyone besides Muslims are infidels not worthy of life would’ve saved thousands upon thousands of our and our allies and even others like Russian lives if bush woul have acted instead of pussy footing around and dropping the godddamnnn ball..what you said abut Russia being sanctioned pushed around and made o feel like they dont matter in the world was the only thing I can agree with but then you say ol haha so I am not sure of that stance yu take on that….anyways hillary is at best the continuation of the status quo and at worst nuclear war with at it but its the truth…she shoots down Russian fighters in her no fly zone it will be war…like I said putins going in there to mop up what bush left after 9/11….and yes our twin towers WERE ABSOLUTELY precious and waa a much bigger attack on America soi the pearl Harbor and look at what we did there….saved countless lives by dropping those nukes to….today we wouldnt have had to drop nukes itoukdve been much mre strategic but with the same or similar results…inihalate the enemy and send a clear message to the world that we are not goig to accept forien nations being it terrorist or terrorist supporters that we will not toerate the killing of our people…
even though you were still condescending and seem to think you’re smarter or better then me..
but thats ok as long as you’re not blatantly attacking me il let that go and try to understand your positions and make my own informed decisions….really wish you would calm it down though, we’re in pretty much the same boat at least as far as this registry is concerned and we should try to find common ground and try to be considerate of others opinions
as far as trump saying once a molester always a molester….I know I heard him say it but its a choice between him and clinton and we have to think whats best for our country on a national and world level..trump will have zero effect on the registry one way or another
At least there is hope that the general population starts to see sex offenders differently. One has already been elected president (Clinton) and half the country supports another sex offender for president (Trump). Apparently the general population does support sex offenders as leaders…
Does anyone know the difference between Kamala Harris and Loretta Sanchez, relating to our rights? They are both running for US senator in California and both Democrat. Frankly, I wish we would start talking about other candidates beside Trump and Clinton. Nothing is going to be achieved by saying which of those questionable teams we favor more. If Trump wins, he is likely to be impeached by the Democrats, who I think are going to regain the Senate if not the House because of Trump’s buffoonery. Probably the Republicans may also impeach him to wash him from their hands to have Pense take the reigns.
There are also propositions that may have bearing on our status as most despised group in America. I am about to complete and send in my mail ballot soon, and look for some information to make a better choice.
I was on the conférence call for about an hour. I had to cut it short. I heard Janice talking about sorna and somthing about 48 hours. She said to tread lightly when entering a sorna state. What does this mean? Im from Minnesota I no longer have to register here. When I go to travel I just follow the other states rules… however not sure if Park restrictions apply to me. Im planning à vacation to South carolina ( a sorna state) it says I can visit for up to 10 days without registering. Is this just the state law? And is there another law to follow such as a federal one? I dont tell my state anything anymore, because I dont have to register. Last time I did they through my papers away and said I dont need to register anymore. I have called several agences in South Carolina and they tell me the same thing 10 days. Are they not inclined to tell me about à federal restriction?
A major reason I’m in a constant state of depression is the lack of input and action by fellow registrants( that word alone makes my blood boil). I have been following and contributing for 2 yrs now. I see the same names each week and rarely a new one. Come on people, this affects sooooo many people, why can’t we get more involvement. This is why nothing changes. The few that speak out are looked on as just that, a few. The policy makers know they can oppress the many with impunity.
Violence might be what is needed to draw attention to our cause. Not advocating it, but it seems to have worked for the ” other side”. Maybe not outright physical contact violence ( or maybe so ), but vocal violence for example.
They hurt one of ours, we hurt 3 of theirs. This is how I was instructed in Iraq, and the opposition got the point really quick.
Another hindrance is our ability to make contact with our oppressors directly due to registration restrictions that keep us from traveling and asking questions face to face. Visual intimidation works pretty good. If we were to sit in some law makers offices day after day and people knew why we were there, I bet news media might eventually take notice. Basically a sit in.
I seem to be ranting, but these things build up and I have no outlet.
Thank you,
“Why “Spotlight” Is a Terrible Film”
This film received some positive reviews from some here. Here’s another perspective that provides glimpses of the backstory and what was left out of the Hollywood production.
I would urge anyone to take anything that major media says about sex offenders with a huge dose of salt, including the Boston Globe and this film.
Meanwhile, Paul Shanley, convicted on the basis of recovered memory and naked greed, still rots in prison.
I had some correspondence with him a few years ago but it was clear that his health, and a shakiness in his writing which may be Parkinson’s, makes it extremely difficult to respond.
His friend, Bob Chatelle, of the National Center for Reason and Justice, is one of the few voices advocating on behalf of him and Fr. Gordon MacRae.
anyone else on this site no longer required to register visit any sorna states? What was you expérience? So far I have gone to Hawaii 9 days I did not have to register, went to Las vegas for 4 days i registered within 48 hours and I did not have to check out. Went to Alabama for 2.5 days I just checked in and checked out no registering I guess. layovers I did nothing. I did email my itinerary to local police in my home state each time just in case. They did say there was no need for me to do this but I did anyways.
Anybody else feel like the Registry is just another form of human trafficking???
Four people were killed and nine were injured on Saturday after an out-of-control pickup truck plunged off the San Diego-Coronado Bridge and plowed into crowd gathered at a festival below, authorities said.
The truck driver, who was alone in the vehicle, struck a guardrail and fell 60 feet before landing on Chicano Park, California Highway Patrol Officer Jake Sanchez said. He was taken to the hospital with major injuries and will be arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence causing deaths and injuries, the officer said.
If it is found that the driver was under the influence of any illegal substance, then it’s time to put this person to public humiliation. They didn’t say how many children were killed or injured, but I’ll assume some may have been kids.
After he serves his time for this mistake, let the punishment begin. Mental evaluation, cannot travel outside of the US without a 21 day notification….and Place a unique identifier on his passport. Send a notice to any country he plans to travel to. Let that country know that this person is likely to become intoxicated and kill members of the people of your country.
It’s not funny at all, but IMO, this guy did more damage to society than a large percentage of those on the SO registry.
I don’t agree that a registry is what this person needs, but I don’t believe that’s what we need either. There must be a more humane solution than what we are doing to our country and society under current schemes.
“It is a place where the government twists the law — and the Constitution itself — to suit its purposes.”
(quote from a speech by House Majority Leader Paul Ryan, 10/14/2016.)
I found his warning to be darkly ironic, my fellow Registrants. Congressman Ryan, we endure this travesty everyday.
In regards to travel. Can a report be put together breaking down the cost of all these programs per registrant travel.
I would look at :
1.Labor ( security personnel, office, etc.)
2. Materials ( paper, postage, etc.)
3. Time ( flows back into labor)
Probably other cost related issues.
Now divide that by each registrant actually involved in this , and I am sure that we potentential travelers are costing taxpayers millions each time we file a notice.
For a lawsuit, this report could carry some weight.
Now add in that we could run up this cost simply by repeatedly filing and cancelling, and this could be an amount of resources that could bankrupt this project. Just a thought.