Janice’s Journal: A Halloween Hero is Born in Ohio

Halloween is here again. I have just finished another media interview about the dangers of Halloween. This interview was initiated by a newspaper reporter in Tennessee and follows a long string of interviews by newspaper, radio and TV reporters.

During each of those interviews, I did my best to turn the focus of the interview from the Halloween myth that registered citizens sexually assault children who are trick-or-treating to the real danger of Halloween – pedestrians being killed in car accidents. Despite those attempts, the articles and reports that were subsequently produced continued to repeat the Halloween myth.

To my great surprise, I read today a newspaper article that uncovered a Halloween Hero. His name is Gregory Hicks and he is the Law Director for the City of Warren, Ohio.

According to a newspaper article, Mr. Hicks told council members this week during a public City Council meeting that there is not an increased likelihood of registrants accosting children on Halloween. He made these remarks after a member of the council proposed a new ordinance that would prevent registrants from decorating their homes and doing anything that would attract children to their homes.

Mr. Hicks also stated, “There are those who may argue that such laws are worthwhile if they prevent just one child from being victimized. The burden placed on law enforcement to enforce such laws would be better allocated addressing more probable lawless events, including vandalism, theft, assault and traffic enforcement.”

Not content with those statements, Mr. Hicks went on to quote real Halloween facts from a real Halloween report, published by the Association for Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA), that “children ages 5 to 14 are four times more likely to suffer injury or death caused by a pedestrian-vehicle accident during Halloween than any other time of year.”

Thank you, Mr. Hicks, for speaking the truth. You are our Halloween Hero!

— by Janice Bellucci

Read all of Janice’s Journal entries


OH: Official – Halloween child sex attacks unlikely

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I agree, it’s courage and conviction like Mr. Hicks that quiets ignorance and fear more than anything. I have always argued that the blame for all of this belongs to public officials who permit fear mongering and ignorance to prevail over the law. People will listen to the law, and people will also listen to lawlessness when it benefits them. We are supposed to be a nation of law, just as the contract of our constitution requires. People are tiring of the purpose of the registries, it’s time for them to go.

Good to hear there are people in government who actually use their brains for good. Maybe his actions will inadvertently save a child’s life by allowing law enforcement to deal with what they were supposed to be there for anyway, community safety.

Excellent! It is good to know that educating public officials can make a huge difference for us RCs.

Janice, thanks for your efforts in educating the public.

I am happy to hear that SCOTUS is going to consider the case. Here is from SCOTUS blog:

Among the court’s other grants today, Packingham v. North Carolina is the case of Lester Packingham, a North Carolina man who became a registered sex offender after he was convicted, at the age of 21, of taking indecent liberties with a minor. Six years after Packingham’s conviction, North Carolina enacted a law that made it a felony for registered sex offenders to access a variety of websites, from Facebook to The New York Times and YouTube. Packingham was convicted of violating this law after a police officer saw a Facebook post in which Packingham celebrated, and gave thanks to God for, the dismissal of a traffic ticket. The justices today agreed to review Packingham’s contention that the law violates the First Amendment.

Morning folks,

Several points to be made regarding California and OPP BOO:

ONLY applicable to those on ACTIVE PAROLE, not probation & not applicable for those that have completed their debt to society (post either path):


DOJ official govt site, #1. FAQ – debunks Operation Boo:


Operation Boo assumes that young children would either be unaccompanied by an adult or not be in groups with others. Both of which have been completely false since the beginning of time.

As we know, this is a community feel good, smoke and mirrors stunt that is performed each year at our expense to mainly appease suburban soccer moms. Tough on crime, it’s all about politicians and votes.

Every society needs deamons to exploit – and we’re it. So let’ keep our heads high and see you on the flip side.

I am on probation for a misdemeanor offense with no victim. And while I am allowed to go out, if I do they want to know where, and they are going to perform a drive by to insure no decorations/etc. If I am home – they will perform an inspection. Last year they tried to even track me down at a friend’s house where I was supposed to go to a party. They got panicked when I wasn’t there, and then found out I was home because I decided not to go. Can’t imagine the embarrassment of that ordeal – ya, no apologies…


Huge Question another for serious constructive feedback. How can this happen??? How can a commercial website break the law by publishing names of Level 1 offenders?


Sex Offender Addresses: Yorktown, Somers Homes to Be Aware of This Halloween
Before kids go out trick or treating on Halloween, fall is a good time to take inventory of who is living in the neighborhood.

By Michael Woyton (Patch Staff) – October 30, 2016 2:00 pm ET

So I suppose another uneventful Halloween has gone by again without the precious children being harmed. I mean really, what kind of person really thinks anyone would use this holiday solely to harm kids, only sickos would think that way. Anyways, I’m sure someone will post some kind of nonsense to perpetuate this absurd and unsupportable garbage. This country really is mentally ill, from top to bottom.

There have been no sex offenders who committed a sex crime against a trick-or-treater this year, same as usual. However, Google searches for news coverage of trick-or treaters getting hit by cars this year reveal the following: (Also, the amount of media coverage targeting sex offenders vs safety tips for vehicles etc are disproportionate and show to at least me, that the media is extremely reckless in bring important issues to the public’s attention.)

Trick or treater injured in hit-and-run, man stops driver from escaping

4-year-old trick or treater hit by a car in Lowell

Car strikes two Santa Rosa trick-or-treaters

Long Branch trick-or-treater struck by van

2 kids among 3 dead in Halloween hayride tragedy on Miss. highway

Trick-or-treating girls hit by car

CANADA: Driver arrested for alcohol-related charges after 3 trick-or-treaters injured on Halloween

hey off topic here for a second…just looked at f.a.c. and am wondering why we don’t have a case consideration form like they have and do they really consider cases????



He’s been convicted of sex offenses in the past, but it doesn’t say he’s a registrant.