Are Sex Offenders Human?

In July 16, 2015, Barack Obama visited a federal prison, the first sitting president ever to do so. It was a powerful statement of support for a broad movement—stretching from Black Lives Matter to Right on Crime—to reform the U.S. criminal justice system, one of the most punitive in the world.

Six months later, on February 8, 2016, the president signed a law requiring the passports of citizens with convictions for sex offenses to be marked “Sex Offender,” globalizing an already extraordinarily harsh domestic system of surveillance and punishment. In September, a federal judge in California dismissed a constitutional challenge to that law. Full Article

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Haha, the real question is are those domestic terrorists that support the registries human? Persons who openly and blatantly enact slavery, murder, discrimination, disenfranchisement, travel bans, restrictions of every form of expression, impose those ideas on their children, and hide behind group vigilantism. Hmm, are they human, hell no, they are evil leftovers of European witch hunts. They are the same people who created the Inquisition, witch hunts, slavery, etc, and they continue to be allowed to do this crap with so called legitimacy?

I have never seen so many non humans cower in fear from the very people they gave birth to. The very people they abused, and the very people who had enough of that abuse and struck back, as they should have. We didn’t commit crimes, we responded to the crimes committed against us.

So are those people human, hell no, they are domestic terrorists clothed in corrupt legitimacy. They got what they gave out, abuse! Nothing happens without a reason, that’s an indisputable law.

According to obama we are probably NOT human, then again NEITHER is he, glad his job is over !

By putting individuals into groups based on apparently similar characteristics and attributes, each individual is systematically dehumanized because their individuality is now inconsequential to where they fit into an erroneously conceived supposedly homogenous social and legal classification. In other words sex offenders or any other group such as real estate agents for example can’t be human because both labels come with dehumanizing expectations based solely on the overall ascribed group prerequisites. To be a real estate agent a person must have achieved certain things and the same is true for sex offender classification; except the achievements for sex offenders are thought of as negative….I.E doing something considered sexually inappropriate or at least thought of as inappropriate from a twisted (perhaps invalid) sexual context. Now there are likely negative associations related to real estate agents as well, despite being focused on far less from a larger scale. In either case someone in one group or the other can easily be judged based on the label they carry rather than as a person. Some real estate agents might have unethical business practices and one bad experience can taint someone’s perspective of all real estate agents. Where as coverage of a legal or civil case involving unbelievably terrible (a relative term that could be anything from urinating in public to violent gang rape) sexual elements is all it takes to vilify and thus dehumanize anyone accused, let alone convicted of perceived sexual misconduct.

The question should; what is society willing to sacrifice to prevent the objectification and dehumanization of individuals based on all the labels each person carries throughout a lifetime?

Oh we are indeed human. In fact, we are more human than most because we have had our most shameful behavior made public, something most people never have to endure.

Yes, we are humans; but we are not Americans. We owe America nothing.

I would like to add the following:

I don’t care what the alleged SCROTUS says, this registry is reprehensible, an abomination, and is not to be considered law.

Americans citizens have only one lawful duty in the entire constitution, jury duty, except when an officer sworn by oath to support and defend the Constitution.

There is no duty to serve in the armed forces, to protect anyone, to help anyone, and especially to do anything that harms your own “self interest”.

I declare by act of the declaration of independence that a state of hostility exists between all persons enjoined in any form of registry against this nation, that we are duty bound to defend the constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. That this is not an act of treason, but a lawful act in accordance with the contractual obligations of the u.s. constitution.

That to require all persons on registries to receive permission to utilize their fundamental rights while not being punished is beyond the powers of the illegal government of this nation. That to require us to surrender our self determination, self interest, liberty, and property demands that we declare the government void of lawful right.

Even draft registries permit exceptions and benefits, and it is still a choice., And all laws of the constitution apply to them.

I declare that justices Kennedy, Souter, O’Connor, Thomas, Rehnquist, and Scalia (posthumously) to be traitors of this nation. That the decision cannot be permitted to continue to exist.

I declare that all those who support the registries are also traitors and actors of civil disobedience for their own self benefit.

They cannot be given the title of human, they are weak, frightened cowards who use other people’s acts to legitimize their crimes.

In short, we are human, they are enemies of the state under which this nation stands, with liberty and justice for all.

These films are good as long as they get the message across to people who have open minds…..what are the precipitating circumstances in people?

The guy in NC who was recently arrested for chaining up the lady as part of the couple did not help. The same with the other NC guy recently arrested who chained up the little girl….that did not help.

At the core, it is the human that is still there who needs to be reached and noted to the public. Not everyone is like the two mentioned here above, but better than, much better than.

Fact is no one would have suspected we were “non human” before we had committed an offense. Most of us were fine, upstanding citizens, and by their logic, we were once humans. In fact we are the same people, if anything only wiser. Can an individual suddenly change species? By not recognizing us as humans, they are blind to the non registrants who will commit 90% of the new s*x crimes. They will never under such assumptions, except by blind luck, be able to stop the crime before it happens and people getting hurt. They don’t recognize the humaness of what we did, because they have a very narrow view of what a human is or can do. This is not in any way helpful. This is not effective public safety. It is blindness. How do you recognize the real s*x offender. Do they walk funny, have different DNA?

Are we not men? No, we are DEVO.

Dehumanization has preceded every genocide in human history.
We are already at stage 6, Preparation, of the 8 stages of genocide, following the passage of IML.

If things don’t change soon, we will be the next group facing government sponsored mass murder.

Why are they called Sex Offenders anyways? Per Wikipedia, the term “offender” means:
1. One who gives or causes offense.
2. A person who commits an offense against the law, a lawbreaker.

Both are present tense. Yet, if someone committed a sex offense in the past, they are still considered an offender. They are ex offenders, like anyone else who is not currently committing an offense.

Anyone that believes a “Registrant” is not human for the things they’ve done and believe they cannot be forgiven and rehabilitated because of what they have done are being delusional. Fearmongering propaganda from media has brainwashed and undermined many families that are caring and protecting their love ones and making them fearful enough to go to the government and legislators for protection and passing crazy laws to keep every registrant in place.