Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of November 2016. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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We need a conference call on: What to do with a compliance check if you are NOT on parole/probation !
Like ignoring the nazi’s / not answering the door etc (and in CALIFORNIA when you register, DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR PHONE # for their database to call….) etc..
A national story claims”Isis brainwashed children to become next generation of extremists.” I believe this is the same thing the current government of the United States is doing with sex offense laws and registries. They are brainwashing and perpetuating lies and untruths to create the next generation of people that will overthrow the Constitution.
If any country is guilty of brainwashing, it’s this one. They strip American citizens of their fundamental rights under the guise of public safety based upon their delusional judgment and political benefits. Amazing right, you can get away with anything just by using public safety, including magical predictive sciences invented by ignorant people.
This question needs to be asked and answered. Is there a genetic predisposition in those people who support registries to be NAZIS?
WE all should consider a plan B. Options seem limited for registered citizens…that is if you plan to return to the USA. There are some countries that don’t push to do harm to registered citizens…for many of them that do would you really want to visit there anyway? The link below hits on having a second passport and dual citizenship. I had gotten a World passport a few years ago. It’s more like a second form of ID. It looks official and has been accepted historically for travel in some countries…not sure about it today though…with a foreign drivers license it might give you an option outside of that US passport with whatever kind of identifier that might be in it.
World passport:
Hahaha, they’re giving Anthony Weiner the sex addict horse therapy to cure his sex addiction. Wow, must be nice to have money. All RC’s get is loss of citizenship, slavery, discrimination, homelessness, and a kick to the curb sendoff. Why can’t we get therapy like this, instead of discriminatory, hateful sex counselors who get you violated or committed? Seriously, we’re screwed, lol.
I have been an RC for 28 years and I have never had a compliance check, however, I live in a very small city and the police department only has 15 officers. Dog barking calls keeps them busy.
Apologies for the long wall of text that follows.
I think it is time we go higher than the court system in the United States. It has been clear that the courts in this country will not enforce our rights as human beings. The first link above contains the text of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The second link contains the procedure for complaining about human rights violations.
Article VI of our own constitution says this: “…all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.”
The United States is a signatory of the ICCPR, and thus, the ICCPR is the supreme law of the land in this country.
Because of this, I am urging everyone here to become familiar with the ICCPR, and to flood the United Nations with human rights violations complaints. They need to be made aware of the kind of tyranny we suffer from in the “land of the free.” They need to be aware that the United States is no better than any third world dictatorship when it comes to respect for the people’s rights. Our goal should be two-fold here. #1: We want international pressure to abolish SO laws.
#2: Until those laws are abolished, American SOs who have completed their sentences should be eligible for refugee status and resettlement outside the US.
I believe that SO laws in this country are in direct conflict with the ICCPR. In particular, the following:
Article 9
1. Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention.
—This is violated every time we are forced to make an in person appearance to register. It may not technically be “arrest” or “detention,” but a skunk by any other name still stinks. And any one of us who dares to leave the US and to return is most certainly arbitrarily detained by US Customs.
Article 10
3. The penitentiary system shall comprise treatment of prisoners the essential aim of which shall be their reformation and social rehabilitation.
—The aim of American SO laws is nothing shy of permanent ostracism.
Article 11
No one shall be imprisoned merely on the ground of inability to fulfill a contractual obligation.
—And yet, if you can’t pay for your price club membership, it’s off to the hoosegow.
Article 12
1. Everyone lawfully within the territory of a State shall, within that territory, have the right to liberty of movement and freedom to choose his residence.
2. Everyone shall be free to leave any country, including his own.
—Residency restrictions are a clear violation of 1. IML, and Angel watch are a clear violation of 2, even though the U.S. is playing the semantics game on #2.
Article 14
7. No one shall be liable to be tried or punished again for an offence for which he has already been finally convicted or acquitted in accordance with the law and penal procedure of each country.
Article 15
1 . No one shall be held guilty of any criminal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a criminal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time when the criminal offence was committed. If, subsequent to the commission of the offence, provision is made by law for the imposition of the lighter penalty, the offender shall benefit thereby.
—I think Articles 14 and 15 are rather self explanatory. Our obligations to society become more and more as time goes on, and punishments and regulations continue even after our sentences are complete.
Article 17
1. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his honour and reputation.
2. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
—Article 17 is the big one. The entire SO registration scheme is a violation of #1, and instead of the law protecting us from “… any such interference or attacks,” the law actively causes it!
Article 18
2. No one shall be subject to coercion which would impair his freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.
—And yet, many of us have been prevented from so doing by onerous restrictions on being around children, which apply even after time is wholly served and the sentence has expired.
Article 19
2. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.
—Many states have laws that bar us from using certain online platforms.
Article 21
The right of peaceful assembly shall be recognized. No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of this right other than those imposed in conformity with the law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, public order (ordre public), the protection of public health or morals or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
Article 22
1. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and join trade unions for the protection of his interests.
—Article 21 and 22 are curtailed drastically by prohibitions on being around minors that, in many states (Maine is one of them) continue for life, even after probation is over with.
Article 23
2. The right of men and women of marriageable age to marry and to found a family shall be recognized.
—If any of us marries a person from another country, that person is ineligible for a spouse’s visa to the U.S. And the ability to found a family is abolished when the state can take your kids away without even a credible finding that you are a threat to them.
Article 25
Every citizen shall have the right and the opportunity, without any of the distinctions mentioned in article 2 and without unreasonable restrictions:
(a) To take part in the conduct of public affairs, directly or through freely chosen representatives;
(b) To vote and to be elected at genuine periodic elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret ballot, guaranteeing the free expression of the will of the electors;
(c) To have access, on general terms of equality, to public service in his country.
—I’m sure many of you live in states that deny you the right to vote.
I just want to reiterate at the end here that the United States has in fact ratified this treaty, and it is therefore the supreme law of the land, but they continue to ignore these rights as they pertain to us.
I read this in a comment section today:
“Sex Offenders can’t be cured, which is why they’re on the registry”. And yet, most people on the registry must undergo psychological counseling of some sort. If they can’t be cured, which is supported by the fact that they hardly ever are released from the registry, than how can counseling be justified?
Could this just be another feel good maneuver to show the public that law enforcement coupled with the psychological community and the registry is effectively containing the savage beasts?
”This vindictive bill has been wisely rejected numerous times in the past, but now it’s heading to President Obama’s desk. He should veto it.”
We know Obama did not veto it. I’m a registered Democrat. I don’t want to see Trump as President but I also want to have my self-respect and use of the little power I have, however how small, of not supporting Democrats who failed to stop Obama signing IML.
So what do we do?
Is it possible to get property returned from one’s case? They confiscated my $2300 apple that had nothing on it but pics of my luv and family times. The ADA told my attorney in an email that I could have it returned if I agreed to erase everything. The attorney wants to charge me $2000 to do the paperwork, but I think I should be able to get it back with my memories intact. Why do I need to pay for what is mine and that had no bearing on my case. The 20 pics were on my notebook (in the trash file no less). If anyone has helpful advice, I would be most appreciative. By the way, I did call the police, but they were polite, but not willing to help. I just know there is a cop out there with a free Retina Apple I book.
Question: Does anyone have the data showing the increase – by rate or number – in registrants per year? Clearly, us being on the registry has not stopped new offenses from occurring (perpetrated by individuals who are NOT registrants). Additionally, it feels as if new sex offense laws are being created all the time. So our ranks must be growing at a steady rate.
Hi All,
My husband completed probation in August and applied for a job as a tax preparer in September. The IRS had renewed his tax preparer’s license by the time he applied for the job. Anyway, he had a good interview and was offered the job, but was told that he would have to submit to a criminal background check. So he did. When confronted with the question about whether he had ever been convicted of a felony, he answered honestly, providing the penal code of the charge but specifying that the charge was not “job-specific or consistent with business necessity” (Language taken from EEOC Enforcement Guidance on the Consideration of Arrest and Conviction Records in Employment Decisions Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964:
My husband received the results of the background check (dated 9/23) and on September 30th, received an e-mail from the employer welcoming him to the team. On October 6th, he received a peculiar phone call from the employer asking him if he received his background check info. When he told the employer he had and when, she responded, “Okay, that helps me a lot.”
On October 21st, my husband received another call from the employer asking him for his PTIN (tax preparer’s ID number). So we thought everything was okay. But yesterday, my husband received a letter in the mail from the background check company notifying him that based on the information in the background report, the employer had “elected not to extend [him] an offer of employment or continue [his] employment.”
My husband was deemed fit by the IRS to do this job and successfully renewed his tax preparer’s license, has been working as a tax preparer at another office for months–without incident, and was offered this new job AFTER completing the background check. Someone please tell me how rescinding the offer at this point is legal? Because he got a job, he stopped looking for one, and now all the tax preparer positions in our area have been filled. Do we have grounds for a lawsuit?
I’m currently on the registry and off probation/parole in California. Does anyone know if I’m allowed to stay overnight (one or two days at a time) at another person’s residence or a hotel (which may have a pool or be within 2000 ft of schools/parks). I currently have my own residence but want to go visit other areas. I’ve been cross referencing resources and news articles and still unsure. Here’s the state’s residency laws
Anyone know anything more about the class action lawsuit Women Against Registry is filing in federal court in Missouri? They say they are asking for plaintiffs.
Here’s their info
There seem to be so many legal challenges throughout the US (Janice/IML, Packingham, Illinois Voices (two suits — residency and presence), Michigan/ACLU (great decision, but any news on the state’s appeal to Supreme Court?). Doesn’t seem to be any overall coordination. Hard to believe that with all this action, some good ending may be in sight.
I have asked for direction to any blog or online support group and got no response.
I realize I can’t live life like I used to, or want to. I have come to accept this. I do want to relate my feelings and dreams to someone in the time left. I wouldn’t mind meeting or talking on phone , but don’t want pity response, just an ear to listen. If there is such a person out there , I would appreciate response. Don’t want to add more burdons to anyone’s life.
O.A.L., this is an online support group that may help:
I joined one off that same site for families of sex offenders and it really helped me, especially in the initial stage of my husband’s conviction.
It’s a difficult life, but don’t lose hope. Use this horrific experience as an opportunity to get creative with making your own success.
Ventura County Sheriff and local PD conduct the all important “sex registrant compliance check”.
Does anyone know of the status of adding a Forum/message board to this web site?
It would be very helpful to keep topics of discussion organized and be able to find your previous posts and respond to comments. As it is, someone can give an answer to a question but its hard for the posting person to go back and find their original question or know it got answered.
I know that Mike R could use that to start a topic on his long lawsuit draft and this would allow us to see chronological revisions and comments to help him.
Thanks moderators!
you’re right Chris…I guess we will have to start our own website in order to be able to provide helpful information besides just news stories….the best site I have found so far for useful information is with real articles, empirical evidence and arguments that can be used by anyone…will bassler and Robert wolf are incredible resources and incredibly articulate but there is no assistance with any argument I’ve asked them to comment on.. we need a site with boilerplate motions and legal arguments that can be used by anyone willing to work on them and add their personal arguments and situations. it is so much more complicated to file in federal court than superior court and we need someone with a legal background to provide step by step instructions on how to file and exactly who we name as defendants and exactly what codes and sections to include….boilerplate motions are what we need so we can bombard the courts with legitimate lawsuits…
Facebook terms of service deny access to registered citizens.
Facebook has begun offering job listing for companies. Doesn’t this combination now constitute a denial of civil rights under the the clauses of the federal registration statues that explicitly say use of registry information to deny employment is unlawful?
Forgive me if I’ve stated this poorly.
ACSOL, is there any news about the outreach effort to contact Registrants (in order to increase the number of Registrants who are actively involved with ACSOL’S efforts)? It would be a great help if we could increase our numbers and thereby amplify our voices.
Why was my comment put under “nomore”? It’s not listed on my page that way when it was waiting for moderators.
thanks Steve real helpful there…..I still don’t believe any of these organizations really want to abolish the registry or they would have challenged the justification of the courts to uphold these laws and the now undeniable low re-offense rates….it’s sad but it must be true I just can’t comprehend any other reasons why our civil rights leaders and these organizations won’t act…I truly wish I was wrong but it’s beyond reason…
or at least help us individuals who are willing to go it alone but just need technical support …
I stayed up late last night and I listened to the acceptance speech of our President Elect.
He referred to all Americans. Are we Americans? Most of us don’t feel like Americans. You know why I ask. Just curious if we will be considered Americans over the next 4 years. Lot’s of promises. Will we be able to travel freely as our founders envisioned?
He referred to “Every single one of us”. Referring to opportunity. I wonder if we will be considered as part of “every single one of us”, when it comes to opportunity?
I wonder if he, the (POTUS) elect, will actually consider the constitution when it comes to us.
I pray he will appoint SCOTUS justices who will dismantle the punitive Registry.
He promises to bring “Change”. Please bring us, RSO’s, the change that is long overdue.
He continues to refer to all of us as American People. Will it bring some freedom that we lack as citizens of this country. I pray for all of us.
All I can say is thank goodness Hillary didn’t win but did we have to elect trump to stop her? lol
You should’ve ran Bernie.