Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of November 2016. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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>Hillary wasn’t rejected, she was the victim of electoral rigging, she won the popular vote. As far as I’m >concerned those little tiny states should not have electoral votes. Two, while she has some responsibility >for Benghazi, the ultimate responsibility falls on the president who has authority to order extra protection >as well. As far as your crooked present elect goes, the rich will get richer, and the poor, poorer. I’ve never >seen a Republican do anything for poor people, or the middle class, ever.
Rick, as a historian you should know that Jack Kemp helped the poor and middle class. Even with gay rights, some Republicans are not so bad. Even back in the 80’s, in California, there was a Republican named Mike Curb, who was pro-gay rights. Let’s not make inaccurate blanket statements.
Sex Offender Cases Before the Supreme Court, from 1997-to-date.
Out of my own frustration trying to keep track of a number of cases (14, that I can find, so far), the Court’s decisions and, perhaps most importantly, WHO voted and WHICH WAY and are they DEMOCRATS or REPUBLICANS (this seems to be a hotly debated topic here recently), I’ve put together a handy spreadsheet providing the answers to those intriguing questions. For each case, there is a brief summary of the issue and the question before the Court, the final ruling and how each Justice voted with color coding to indicate rulings favorable or adverse to us as well as political affiliations of each of the Justices and the Presidents who appointed them.
I would like to suggest a webpage with a table for this data, if our webmaster would be so kind and willing.
Here is a paper which looks to be useful:
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology
Volume 103 | Issue 4 Article 3
Fall 2013
U.S. Supreme Court Decisions and Sex Offender
Legislation: Evidence of Evidence-Based Policy?
Christina Mancini
Daniel P. Mears
So, there is a new movie coming out called “The Edge of Seventeen”. It is rated “R” for sexual content, language and drinking – all involving teens. The main character is dating a much older guy. It has 7.1 stars on IMDB so it looks like the majority likes it and sees NOHTING wrong with teens and sexuality. Just wondering.
BI database linked with Interpol now running in 10 int’l airports
This is referring to the Philippines Bureau of Immigration.
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“Are Sex Offenders Human? New documentaries can’t get past the question.”
This from our friend Judith Levine.
This Thanksgiving I want to show my appreciation to the great Land of the Free. Thank you for keeping me in chains for most of my life. Thank you for rescinding your part of our deal & punishing me for years after my part of the deal was satisfied. Thank you so much for including my family & the ones I love in my present & future punishments; can’t forget about them now, can we? And for the most part thank you for reminding me why you would treat me this way. Sometime before the colonies were established in 1776, white Englishman came overseas to this wild land & blatantly killed native Americans by the thousands. They stole this land with the blood of Indians on their hands. What they don’t mention in jr. high history is these honourable soldiers tortured & raped many Indian women before murdering them. Now I have to watch what’s happening at standing rock, in 2016, & realize that we’re the same exact brutal people we were back then; the same we’ve always been! A progressive nation of 240 years & we tell these people,”We’ve taken your land before. And by God, just try & stop us from taking it again!” By the way, Happy Thanksgiving to the soiux tribe! It appears this time we’re gonna skip breaking bread with you & go straight to the torture & brutality. This is the American attitude we as registrants have to live with everyday; except instead of land our freedom has been taken away. But the inbred hatred and hostility is the same and the opinion that something should be taken from you because you don’t deserve it or I need it more than you. This of all things is what makes me a Proud American. We murder people to steal their land; we lock people up for money and even after their sentence is up we find ways to continue making money off their suffering. God bless America! Proud to be an American where I’ll never truly be free! True freedom only belongs to the privileged. Now it seems, once again, with the battle for land with the Indians, American history has come around full circle. I hope this is the prelude to the civil war I’ve been expecting. I will stand shoulder to shoulder with my brothers and fight against the powers of oppression. When I go down, I’ll go down fighting! And when it’s my time; I pray for a quick and painless death! What a great country we live in. Begin the Revolution! Happy Thanksgiviing!
-Proud American
Hi all important question,
Me and the wife just found out shes pregnant. Is there any law saying i cant have a child/or cant be around him/her. Im in CA. Just want to know if i should go to court now to fight for the right now. Convicted of felony but consensual from years ago.
Seek legal advice from an attorney with your case info
This story is so upsetting, this cop avoids jail and registration, yet i will have to register for the rest of all life for have four picture files of a sixteen year old. John Walsh can sleep with a sixteen year old and its Ok, but for the rest of us that make a mistake forget about it, its all over.
Does the Registry NOT violate our 13th Amendment? Among others.
I feel as tho our biggest handicap as a group is that we are severely unorganized. Always stuck in defense mode.
Can we get some PDF’s on this site?
From both ACSOL and us the voice.
Ones designed to inform the uninformed and others to rally those of us not yet apart of this site to show up, stand up, and push back.
I would like some feedback,I have for the last 5 years been retired,my son is starting a business
doing computer repair ,network installations ect.He wants me to work with him,I would only repair computer problems.He will have an office space,I would work 3 days a week,taking in the repair
work,working the phone and repairing things.I just registered my yearly report,and put retired on the form,do I have to go back and do it again because of this job,or is it done on my next yearly.One time in the past
my car broke and had to be replaced,I went to redo the annual,with the new car,a detective came out and said,do this on your next annual you don’t have to do it now.I have been off probation for more than 30 years.
I have a question about Puerto Rico. Does anyone have any info on living there? Any lawyers that you can recommend. I might need to move there with my wife for about 6 to 12 months for a business opportunity.
Sandy Rozek of RSOL has written a powerful piece on the collateral consequences of the Registry in yesterday’s Washington Examiner.
From Bill Dobbs, a link to a criminal defense blog, AppelateSquack:
SORA: The human cost of junk science
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The following is very good for pondering the ‘regulatory vs. punishment’ issues and legislative intent and from which my new moniker denoting my toxicity is derived:
But seriously folks – SORA is punishment
*** ***
There’s also this short-and-fun piece which refers to a ‘contest’ to solicit designs for the new sex offender passport:
Homeland Security announces contest for best sex offender passport design
*** ***
I haven’t talked to my family for about 4 years now. I have lost all my family and friends. I have only my son and fiancé in my life. I have been in my depression for about 10 years. Can’t imagine life happy when I have a sword always above my head. Know that I am close. Close to ending this torment that will always follow me, my son. I don’t leave my house. Keep to myself. No hope that this will stop. Every year the government comes to my home to remind me. That is 17+ visits. Feel like I’m being kicked, I get up only to get kicked and beat down again. Eventually, anyone will break.
I made a mistake 17 years ago. I went through a brain tumor 15 years ago. Had to learn to walk, talk and eat again. Went from wheelchair, to walker to cane. I am tired. Literally tired. Don’t have holidays anymore. Had surf and turf for thanksgiving. I don’t think we’ll have a Christmas tree this year. SSI doesn’t pay that much, so only my son will have a present this year. How sad is that.
I think the most depressing issue though, is that everyone talks about what should be done and criticizes that what is. I started a petition. Asked the moderator to post it promenantly so that it could be seen and we as a group could sign it. Even contacted W.A.R. So that it would be visible on their website. You know how many people have signed? 16. That’s it. 16. Shows me the real interest in abolishing this registry. We are just pawns in a political game that is directed at our heart, mind and souls destruction. Plain and simple. Congratulations America, you managed to be a copy of the third Reich. Can’t wait to see what Trump has up his sleeves.
After visiting this site every day, multiple times a day for a few years, I have come to the conclusion that it really doesn’t matter what you say or what Janice tries. This “registry” is so ingrained in our society, and now throughout the world, that it will never go away. It isn’t about “saving 1 child”, or anyone for that matter. Just money. From us to the entities that support this regime. All about the sawbuck.
I have come to the realization that people will criticize me, but let’s be honest, you can go to meetings, protest and voice your opinion, but it will fall on deaf ears. Ask yourself this…. with all the empirical evidence and facts that have been accumulated over the years, why have there not been any significant changes? Why have the entities that be have not done anything? All boils down to this, we are a commodity, just a number that has a dollar sign on it. This will never go away. We will always be pariahs. Outcasts. Like my father said, I want nothing to do with you or your offspring. Happy Holidays.
If anyone has any information to share about travel to Mexico, please send an email to I received contact today and was told by a man with a home in Mexico, with contact with a notario and attorney with immigration contacts, that the US is telling Mexico not to allow entry.
Evidently Mexico has new computers funded by the USA. There is a quid pro quo about sharing information, which is one sided because Mexico does not have a registry. He said that he was at the border immigration station and was detained along with a Mexican citizen who has to register in the USA and the Mexican citizen was not allowed entry. They were escorted back at the same time.
If we have people that have made any progress or others who just want to help, please send us your contact info.
Thanks and good luck
I read this quote today, albeit it an old quote, I thought it was fitting to share with the group as this seems to describe the self-fueling unfounded fears about registered citizens.
“We all have a tendency to think that the world must conform to our prejudices. The opposite view involves some effort of thought, and most people would die sooner than think – in fact they do so.”
– Bertrand Russell
Trump just tapped Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) for AG.
Fasten your seat belts. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.
We are done.
Illegal arrests and imprisonments caused by Alameda County court’s “disaster” filing system:
In at least two instances (a drug offender, as reported by nbcbayarea) was uploaded as a sex offender into the system. And several times people have mistakenly been arrested and jailed due to the new computer system flaws and likely employee errors learning the software. Lawsuits are likely.
I was just in the process of trying to submit a resume to a company and came across this:
“Have you been convicted of a felony involving dishonesty, breach of trust or a violation of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act?”
I am not sure how to answer this. I tried to do some research online and some sites suggested that this statement only applies to financial fraud, whereas other sites tended to state that it covers pretty much everything. In my case, I am off the hit-list in my state,so no worries there. It has been over 11 years since my conviction, and I’m not sure if my conviction would show up in a BG check or not. I’m still confused as to whether most companies go back 7 years, or not?
Anyone have any advice or suggestions? Thanks in advance for any help!!!
I’m checking in to see if the registry has been defeated yet.
I take it that’s a no. Every person is redeemable’ – my job treating rapists
“My work has opened my eyes to human behaviour. In many ways sex offenders are all different” ***
Judge William H. Pryor Jr. of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit appears to be a top contender to fill Scalia’s seat. This is bad because, in addition to being staunchly socially conservative, he is also an outspoken supporter of judicial deference, the “deference” being to lawmakers’ horrible laws. They willingly overlook injustice because they don’t see correcting it as their job. This trend in our Supreme Court is why we have Smith v. Doe.
He argued for the state in Lawrence v. Texas, the anti-sodomy case. A few of his written gems:
“It should be noted, again, that the Texas statute in
question does not criminalize petitioners’ sexual
orientation, which may or may not be a matter of choice
and thus may arguably be protected from state
discrimination by the Equal Protection Clause of the
Fourteenth Amendment. Rather, the Texas antisodomy
statute criminalizes petitioners’ sexual activity,
which is indisputably a matter of choice. Petitioners’
protestations to the contrary notwithstanding, a
constitutional right that protects “the choice of one’s
partner” and “whether and how to connect sexually”
must logically extend to activities like prostitution,
adultery, necrophilia, bestiality, possession of child
pornography, and even incest and pedophilia (if the
child should credibly claim to be “willing”). For all intents
and purposes, petitioners seek to enshrine as the defining
tenet of modern constitutional
jurisprudence the sophomoric libertarian mantra from
the musical “Hair”: “be free, be whatever you are, do
whatever you want to do, just as long as you don’t hurt
anybody.”82 Bracketing for the moment the dubious
proposition that any human behavior is purely selfaffecting,
suffice it to say that so expansive and
undisciplined an interpretation of the Fourteenth
Amendment would constitute a radical departure from
the historical analysis that this Court has always
employed in its fundamental rights jurisprudence. It
would embrace the very principle rejected by this Court
in Roe v. Wade, that “one has an unlimited right to do
with one’s body as one pleases.”83 And it would ignore
this Court’s admonition in Glucksberg that the
Fourteenth Amendment does not protect “any and all
important, intimate, and personal decisions.”84
Contrary to the cliché so tritely tossed about in
freshman poli-sci courses, the States can and must
legislate morality.85 John Stuart Mill is not a founding
father. 86 “Every society in civilized time . . . has
traditionally concerned itself with the moral soundness
of its people.”87 The mark of a free society is not just
the right of the individual “to define [his or her] own
concept of existence . . . and of the mystery of human
life.”88 It is also the right of the individual to join with
other individuals and form communities that define
and order themselves according to shared beliefs.
Human beings are by their nature social creatures,
with concerns for the physical and moral welfare of
others besides themselves. And “in a democratic
society legislatures, not courts, are constituted to
respond to the will and consequently the moral values
of the people.”
…The States should not be
required to accept, as a matter of constitutional
doctrine, that homosexual activity is harmless and does
not expose both the individual and the public to
deleterious spiritual and physical consequences. Those
who object to traditional attitudes about homosexual conduct should take their case to the legislatures of the
States, where the views and experiences of all citizens
can be considered and shaped into a consensus policy.
When the text and history of the Constitution is silent
about the existence of a particular right, the legislature
is the proper place for recognition of the new right.
The courtroom is not. ”
Let’s hope that this bastard isn’t our new Justice.
good to see your still active here lake…