OH: More than 70 sex offenders are registered to vote at Cleveland schools

While registered sex offenders in the state of Ohio are prohibited from living with 1,000 feet of a school or daycare facility, they are not prohibited from actually entering schools.

A News 5 investigation revealed that at least 77 Cleveland sex offenders are registered to vote in the city’s elementary and high schools.  Full Article

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“It just takes a second for something to happen,” Natale said. “And even it if doesn’t happen at the school it could be something where you’re triggering that mechanism in their brain, where they’re going to leave and commit some subsequent act that could harm a child.”

A quote from a county prosecutor saying what will happen if a registered person sets foot on a school property to vote. The reporter states the schools are closed for voting.

LOL, …that is why registered citizens go to the polling place, to troll for kids to attack with all the adults around…and if there are no kids around without any adults around, then they all immediately go out and look for kids to attack…

“It just takes a second for something to happen,” Natale said. “And even it if doesn’t happen at the school it could be something where you’re triggering that mechanism in their brain, where they’re going to leave and commit some subsequent act that could harm a child.”

Tell me what else you see in your crystal ball!

Natalie has obviously been drinking too much John Walsh Koolaid.

“While registered sex offenders in the state of Ohio are prohibited from living with 1,000 feet of a school or daycare facility, they are not prohibited from actually entering schools.”

Is there any clearer proof that residency restrictions are all about property values and have nothing to do with so-called child safety?

You know this is just what they said about blacks in the south (and the North, read Native Son, it could have been a story about a sex offender today), that as soon as they saw a white woman, they go crazy. Now it is former sex convicts and children. People without choice or knowlege of right or wrong, needing to be brought to heel. Again I must state my case. We are the new subhuman race in the mind of the dominant culture. Move over people of color, make room in the back of the bus — the very back, so you don’t have to be associated with us.

A list of other some things that can happen in a second on a campus:

Car crash
Spontaneous combustion
Student on student rape
Frost bite (who knows when the freakishly intense ice storm will appear creating an area where the temperature is 0 or below just long enough to cause anyone with exposed skin to suffer from frost bite)
Incineration (via a sudden fire storm)

Point being it is illogical to continually worry about occurrences that are extremely unlikely to happen.

Another attempt a grabbing ratings by this pathetic TV station. After all, November is a ratings sweeps month. Morons!

Got to love a media that denies that a single non-citizen votes, but paints the picture that these citizens are going to go on an ‘offender-bender’ if allowed in a school to vote.

Instead of posting a grievance about the media here, how about posting it to the author of the article. I did, and this is the only way I can see a change. Let’s start educating the media with facts. I see some have given Mike R. a hard time because he copies and pastes, but here is the thing, most of the facts that he presented are saved to my phone. So when an article comes to light that is factually incorrect, I have ammunition (facts) that I can send to an author of an article that is not educated. The only way we can help is to educate the public through the media. Let’s start educating and quit bitching. The author of this article has an email address posted for a reason. Let’s start educating the media.