NY: Loophole could allow sex offenders to work for Uber, Lyft

Some are concerned about what is being called a dangerous loophole in the agreement that allows ride-hailing companies Uber and Lyft to operate in New York state.

Laura Ahearn, executive director of Parents for Megan’s Law, says she found the loophole while studying the bill’s fine print.

“It’s allowing Level 1 offenders that have been, as we’ve seen, convicted of very violent offenses against minors and adults and they will after seven years be permitted to pick up females in the dark,” Ahearn says. Full Article

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LOL . .any Uber driver can be a potential menace to you. Heck, anyone at any given time can be a potential menace. They don’t necessarily have to have a record. Funny things is, that a neighbor of mine was telling me just the other day that he is not going to Uber anymore because his driver wreaked heavily of marijuana smell and was clearly high with his eyes half shut. lol. Knowing my neighbor very well for many years, I couldn’t help but laugh. I know people who have met some decent looking Uber drivers and some questionable serial killer looking ones. Never had a problem.

If I were an Uber driver, I wouldn’t even talk to you or converse with you other than the basic courtesies of Hello, where would you like to go, and answer back any basic questions.

I just want to get paid and go on to my life. Plain and simple.

So it would appear from this bill

that people with convictions for, say Murder / Homicide / Manslaughter (all degrees), Aggravated vehicular homicide, Vehicular manslaughter (all degrees), will be able to obtain the TNC Driving permit after 7 years. Nice!


About not excluding Level 1 RSOs, said Sen. Tom Croci. “It also trivializes the seriousness of these crimes and undermines public confidence in these new services”

Can Nobody legally shut this depraved woman’s mouth? How much longer are all YOU wimps in New York State going to hide and not come forward ? What are you afraid of? The more scared you are of this lunatic the more she can get away with damage our lives. She’s part of the most corrupt NYS county. She runs a private police force. How much more can you all take without protesting everywhere and anywhere.

WAKE UP!!!!!

I love how a constitutional right to work and earn a living is a loophole. I’m all for background checks and a path back to being licenced as a professional driver but the registry can’t be used to single out some felons over others. Equal protection and all that.

I guess this will solve things like the dude in Kalamazoo:

I hate to break it to these Chicken Littles, but you cannot legislate life into perfection. Try as you might, there is risk in living. Focusing on those of us who made mistakes and are trying to amend is hardly the answer. I’d say it makes her sleep better at night, but I’m guessing this woman suffers endless night terrors…


Laura’s gonna be mighty upset when she discovers that she missed an even bigger “loophole”; That registrants of all levels can still ride as passengers. She’d better sew that baby shut too.
I don’t understand how the driver can be presumably more dangerous than a passenger. Is it because Registrants are innately bad drivers? What?

Hey man, the biggest loophole was made by SCOTUS, excluding registrants from constitutional protections.