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It is clear that the purpose is to reduce the number of RC’s in that community. Harassment.

The number of registering citizens living in the area has dropped since this program huh? So if they continue this harassment it sounds to me they can make more leave. This is harassment at it’s worst.

As judge Judy would say ” Don’t pee on my shoe and try to tell me it’s raining”.

“Percentage wise, it’s a pretty small amount that aren’t complying,” he said. “And some of them recently were just smaller issues, like they messed up and missed the deadline to change their address by a couple of days.”

Those “small” issues (like failure to register) still carry years in prison. Most likely the time for the infraction will far supercede the time they received for their registered offense.

so basically they’re just harassing and victimizing all the people that are complying with the laws while just like the gun laws has no effect on those that are intent on breaking the law and don’t give a sh….about any of these laws…llawmakers have absolutely nothing to do anymore because any useful law they could pass has already been passed in the last hundred years….they have no justification for their paychecks and are just sucking on the teets of the government. we’re the only targets left…

And Arizona is a tiered state. Right?

Here is a troubling quote:

“Prescott Valley Police Department, for example, only recently increased their sex offender compliance checks from once a year for all levels to every six months for level 2s and 3s and once a year for level 1s.”

“The safety of this community is our first priority and we believe that by knowing which offenders are in our area and by making sure they are complying with the law, we are being proactive in keeping this community safe.”

^So basically they’re exploiting and promoting unwarranted fear (in a pathetic attempt to appear relevant) while being a burden and dead weight on the taxpayers. Got it.

Unconstitutional! This is essentially an investigative stop. In order for law enforcement to initiate a stop, they must have reasonable suspicion.

The legal definition of reasonable suspicion is: “Reasonable suspicion means that the officer has sufficient knowledge to believe that criminal activity is at hand. This level of knowledge is less than that of probable cause, so reasonable suspicion is usually used to justify a brief frisk in a public area or a traffic stop at roadside. To possess either probable cause or reasonable suspicion, an officer must be able to cite specific articulable facts to warrant the intrusion.”

What are the articulable facts that the individual is committing a crime? I would wager that being on the registry does not satisfy such level of suspicion, and more is required. I had an issue here in my new city, weeks before I was removed for this very thing. I gave the officer and his supervisor a verbal lashing over why they were at my home, and what reason they had to believe I was committing a crime. Neither could answer, except to say, “it’s just the way we do things here.” (Trying to verify information I had given them a week before, and for me to sign a document that it was truthful (which I had done when registering). My retort was: 1) was their action authorized and required under state law (I knew it was not); 2) whether they felt such reasoning, without individualized reasonable suspicion that I was committing a crime, would hold up before a federal judge. They both left my premises promptly.

This has Fourth Amendment all over it.



The modern world is drowning in fear and it is a great weapon to force compliance. EVERYONE who is no longer on supervised release should be asking home compliance officers if their policy authorizing repeated and random visits to your home would hold up in Federal Court. They know the answer, and that is why they leave quickly.

As an addendum to that, I live in Los Angeles where the police here like to project a air of menacing authority. A few years back a couple of my neighbors, both female, were having neighbor disputes and one went so far as making criminal complaints against the other ( who was an attorney) . One evening 2 police cars showed up at the attorney lady’s house to question her, and she just stood out on her deck overlooking the street and gave them a tongue lashing as they stood outside her locked gate below. I was quite shocked. She yelled that she knew her rights and she had nothing to say to them. The commotion went on for 20 min or so, and then the police just left. I asked her about it a week later, and she said ” if they don’t have facts, they rely on our fear”. I learned something very important that day.

While the entire focus on repressive supervision is bad enough, this statement is actually far more troubling:

“Additionally, all sex offenders go through some period of probation… In fact, a majority of them are on lifetime probation,” said John Morris, Chief Officer of Yavapai County Adult Probation. “

WHAT? Do you mean to tell me that MOST of the registrants are under jurisdiction of the court? Probation or parole would allow LE to search premises without warrant, and provide conditions that would allow them to violate registrants and return them to jail for up to life.

I don’t believe this statement. I believe that they are conflating registration, which entails full Constitutional protections including prevention from search and seizure, with probation/parole, which would limit some of the Constitutional protections for registrants. Which is it???

I just recently read an article regarding Los Angeles’s new budget! The Police Union was outraged that their overtime budget was being cut! I bekieve the budget was currently 100 million! When I read things like this, it makes me wonder? Additional grants? Federal Funding? Overtime? We have thousands of felons, gang members, 2 strikers and the list goes on and on! If you knew how many people where on Parole in the US, you might pass out! Yet, we have cities monitoring those with 1st time misdemeanor convictions/summary probation! Wake up American’s!

Anyone experienced the new method of home and work address verification? I am not absolutely sure, but I had one of the Riverside unmarked pick me up on my way out of me neighborhood and follow me on my way to work. Since I felt I was being followed, I took a new route that gave me a chance to circle around on them and get a look at them. They were definitely the enemy. So I stopped at the Home Depot and watched them… they circled the lot a few times and left.

I drove to work. About 2 hours later a marked car drove through the work lot. I guess then the work address verification was complete.

I felt I was in mortal danger, what if they were not cops, but someone trying to kill me. Since sex offenders get killed more that they repeat their crimes, my fear are justified. Should I have tried to kill them first?