In-depth: What happens to sex offenders in violation of Megan’s Law?

ALAMEDA COUNTY (KRON) — Since the 90’s, citizens of California have been able to see for themselves where registered sex offenders are living in their communities because of the Megan’s Law website.

But with more than 100,000 sex offenders in the state, who is making sure those offenders are living where they say they are? Full Article

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That was kind of a lame article. Goofy guys not registering and going to jail. Duh. So what was the big point?

The map of “violators” at the end of the accompanying written piece is interesting. Notice how they show no one in San Francisco even though there must be violators here. I am so glad to be living in S.F. since, from my decades of experience being on the Registry here, they have not gone in for the hysteria to any extent approaching that of other counties.

Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Mateo, Solano, Santa Rosa, Napa and Santa Clara have all provided the local news collabos with plenty of pushpins for their fright map but S.F. has provided them with none. That’s saying something.

– “We want to constantly keep track of these guys because if we let them slip just a little bit, who knows what else they will start getting away with,” a deputy said. “If we start letting them think they don’t have to follow one rule, they won’t follow the rest of them.” –

If the public lets them get away with this, then it won’t be long before they do it to everyone! It will become “If we let them get away with speeding a little bit, who knows what else they will start getting away with.” That line of thinking is a very slippery slope, and we’ve been on it for a long time!

Not sure I really feel sorry for this guy. Had a sex offense had to register. Then had a domestic violence offense and went to jail. He’s obviously a high risk and should be in jail. Maybe not a high risk for a sex offense but clearly doesn’t have it together.

Good luck, if these SOB’s come to my house they will be on at a very MINIMUM of 4 CCTV Cameras that are recording 24/7 Ill DEFINITELY get their pics and post them all over the net !!! SAY I WONT !

I thought the article was well written! The examples used where very valid! My only question is where all of those arrested etc valid or nit picking?

I would imagine people would also pass out to read about parole or the number of probation violations as well (non sex offenses)? I can recall sitting in court requesting my expungement and hearing some of the things (re arrest/new charge etc )

The LEOs “asked to keep their faces hidden since they are undercover.”

Good Lord, so now “compliance checks” require subterfuge? Plain clothes is one thing, but undercover? Give me a break!


I’ve had numerous compliance checks here in OC! The Detectives look like contractors (jeans/normal shirts) etc. I would never know in a million years! Get this!!! They where driving a Nissan Altima! These guys are way undercover? Rather disturbing for a 20-21 year old expunged offense with summary probation.

Someone, they used to come 2-3 times or more a year! I now have cameras and RING (doorbell). I will no longer answer the door or answer anything!!

Q1: As a tier 2, if you were released more than 20 years ago and eligible in 2021 but has had a failure to register, does that reset your 20 years?

Q2: As above, what if you were convicted at a later date of a non-sex crime, does that also reset your 20 years?