Samoa: Girls, women and mothers have a right to be protected from sex offenders

The launch of the Samoa Law Reform Commission’s Report on the Sex Offenders Register yesterday is a step in the right direction. And with Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sa’ilele Malielegaoi’s use of such strong language in relation to repeated sex offenders, it certainly sends the message that there is no place in this country for such people. Which is fantastic. At last we are moving on to something that should have been established a long, long time ago. We say this because over the years we’ve been extremely concerned about repeated sex…

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Predator with a Popsicle? Our Crazy Fear of The Ice Cream Man

Paul DiMarco has been selling ice cream in Poughkeepsie, New York, for two decades. He owns a fleet of trucks. When one mom confided to him, “You gotta be careful because there’s a lot of pedophiles in this world,” he recalls replying, “That attitude falls into the same category as ‘All black people that drive Cadillacs are pimps,’ and ‘All clowns kill little kids.’” Full Article

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Hearing Dates Set for AB 558 and SB 421

Hearing dates have been set for Assembly Bill 558 (AB 558) and Senate Bill 421 (SB 421) by the Public Safety Committees.  Specifically, the Senate Public Safety Committee is scheduled to hear AB 558 on June 27 and the Assembly Public Safety Committee is scheduled to hear SB 421 on July 11. “The best opportunity to stop AB 558 from becoming law is to speak against it during the Public Safety Committee hearing on June 27,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.  “In addition, it is important to send letters and make…

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