Consideration of AB 558 Postponed Indefinitely

Bill author Sharon Quirk Silva has pulled Assembly Bill 558 (AB 558) from consideration during next week’s Public Safety Committee hearing.  The bill was scheduled for consideration on June 27, but it is now expected that AB 558 won’t be heard until 2018 if at all. “The threat of AB 558 has disappeared from the horizon,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.  “There is language in the original and revised versions of AB 558 that contradicts language in the current version of the Tiered Registry Bill (SB 421).  Perhaps the author…

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MN: Even Sex Offenders Have Constitutional Rights

On Monday, the Supreme Court ruled that a North Carolina preventing sex offenders from accessing social media and other websites – without any attempt to tailor restrictions to potential contact with minors – violated the First Amendment. But restrictions on the freedom of speech aren’t the only unconstitutional deprivations sex offenders face. Full Article

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IL: Rankings considered for sex offenders

Authorities are working to get a handle on the problem of sex offenders in the state. A state-run task force could change the way the state manages registered sex offenders, but it won’t be easy to get everyone on board. One of the main items on the agenda is creating a ranking system. It would be a way to label non-violent offenders who pose no threat to children to those who do. It’s a controversial and ongoing debate. Full Article

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