After years of panicked and excessively punitive lawmaking against sex offenders, cooler heads are beginning to prevail. The U.S. Supreme Court, for example, on Monday struck down a North Carolina law that effectively banned registered sex offenders from using any social media that is also accessible by children. Full Editorial
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A decent, level-headed op-ed from the LA Times. Good to see. They had also urged President Obama to veto IML. Too bad he didn’t listen. 🙁
Hopefully more major media pick up on this and keep espousing the proper statistics and information, not the soundly debunked 80%.
It looks as though things are heading back to where (slowly) they were before certain people ignited the frenzy of knee-jerk reaction feel good laws that have done nothing positive for anyone, much less lived up to their stated purpose. I’m talking about when the registry was non public. Since it has become public politicians have used the sex offender panic as a tactic to push many useless laws effecting hundreds of thousands of people every time a single crime was committed by an individual, and many times laws have been passed seemingly just because, even though there was no demonstrable need for the law. What has been happening is large numbers of people have been punished over and over again for the acts of a single person.
The results have been dead people after they have served their time because someone decided to troll the registry for a registered citizen to assault because they felt they had not been punished long enough or hard enough. Destroyed lives of wives, husbands, mothers, fathers and blameless children, as well as the astronomical and ever increasing cost to the taxpayers for something that does nothing aside from the above mentioned results. I challenge anyone to do a google search to see if one documented case exists where someone has been saved by the registry or any associated laws or if there is one documented case where the registry or any associated laws have prevented one single sex crime. I’ll tell you the search results ahead of time; you will come up with a big fat zero. This monster needs to go back to being non public.
I say keep up with the fight against those that distort information and hold them accountable for their malicious content against American citizens.
In my world in Florida 🙁 there a case that a 19yr had sex with a 15yr old consensual sex the prosecutor is offering probation but must register as a sex offender. I think this is total BS. I think this should go to trial and ask the jury to side this case. What do you guys think???
How and when will the SCOTUS ruling in North Carolina affect R.C.’s in other states, particularly in California? Am I correct to assume that they’re currently banned from all social media in CA?
My question is how would this affect people who have lifetime registry due to 290? It doesn’t make sense to keep said people at lifetime registration if it has been 20 years and they have stayed crime free. In my personal situation, I’m under 290 which means life in California, but have been out for 10 years without probation or parole, eventually married which I have been raising my own children and a couple of step children for the past 8 years, obtained a Bachelors degree and generally work in a professional field (IT), yet I still carry the SVP label due to the alleged victims age? If so, something doesn’t seem right……………