Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of July 2017. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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Does the 20 years on this new tiered bill start from release from jail or end of probation?
I’m getting ready to put a huge 4×6′ sign in my front yard that reads either:
“NOT THE REAL DEAL.” or “Guess what? Your kids will die anyway.” or “Phantom threat.”
7/11/2017 10:00 a.m. U have been watching a livestream video of the CA Assembly Public Health Committee Hearing. They are still listening to public support comments for a Bail Reform Bill. My God, the endless support of this Bill (SB-10) is so heartening that I can’t help but daydream seeing that kind of overwhelming support for our favored bills. One can dream, right?
SB-421….What was the committee vote??? Did the pass it forward to Appropriations Committee??
(I couldn’t hear it on my livestream!!)
Interpol enthusiastically crows about its technical capabilities to identify you through its extensive databases and emerging technologies at Interpol World Cybersecurity Conference in Singapore. This is technology that is coming to ports of entry worldwide.
Remember, each country has the sole authority to determine what data is provided through Interpol about their own citizens.
“Interpol’s global criminal database and my face”
With the newest policy at Mouseland where you now will have your pictures taken upon entry will it allow them to run facial recognition and then approach and eject a RSO?
Love the in Custody issue and definition..(In my motion now) As well as the family code barring access to our own children,(in my motion now) and the following that I’ve added…Plus much more I will unveil later..
135. I’m not sure how it doesn’t “shock the conscience” that every one of our 19,354 cities are allowed to make laws against anyone, (especially retroactively applied laws), based on a past convicting or by them simply pleading no contest or guilty to any crime long ago; even many having convictions set aside or deferred and not actually being convicted. By that logic in effect, that means anyone that was ever charged, convicted or pled to a DUI charge could have a plethora of retroactively applied laws applied to them and they would have to research every city they drive through to determine if they are violating some city ordinance or state law by doing so. After all, driving is a privilege and isn’t even a protected liberty interest. There would be a much more rational basis to retroactively restrict DUI drivers from being near liquor stores or bars; from having children in their cars or driving where children gather; to have lifetime ignition interlock devices installed on their vehicles; or to be simply banned from ever driving a vehicle unsupervised again since statistically they are much more likely to repeat their offenses and to cause more harm to a child then ex-sex-offenders are. See, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, (NHTSA), US Department of Transportation, “Traffic Safety Facts”, In Category 1 (arrests), DWI recidivism ranged from 11 to 41%, the median was 25% and the weighted mean was 25%. Minnesota had the highest percentage of repeat DWI offenders with 41%, and Mississippi had the lowest percentage of repeat DWI offenders with 11%. The number of drivers arrested for DWI in each State varied significantly, but there was no relationship between the number of drivers arrested and the percentage of repeat offenders. For instance, Minnesota had 166,962 DWI arrests with 41% recidivism; Dakota had 18,485 DWI arrests with 29% recidivism; Missouri had 185,273 DWI arrests with 13% recidivism; and West Virginia had 46,454 DWI arrests with 20% recidivism. The figures are detailed in Table 1. . See also, (NHTSA). In 2014, a total of 1,070 children 14 and younger were killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes. Of these 1,070 fatalities, 209 children (19%) died in alcohol-impaired-driving crashes,(pg.2). . There is actually empirical evidence suggesting that regulations such as the ignition interlock systems are effective, see, Alcohol Research Current Reviews, “ While on the vehicle, interlocks have been shown to reduce recidivism by two-thirds”, . Surely my other regulation suggestions would undoubtedly decrease the real and proven “Frightening and High Recidivism Rates” of drunk drivers; without the “sex offender” label such a public outcry would ensue that the public at large would never let such laws stand therefore lawmakers will not even suggest such ridiculous regulations be enacted. I imagine the courts may also have a completely different opinion and approach then they have for the “sex offender” laws.
Man this new and improved motion is really coming together now that I am putting your and my personal touches in it and not just relying on a lot of cut and paste pieces. It’s going to take me a while but I will post it as soon as I am done on my page and let you guys know…
You know I applaud Janice and team and any others that fight for our rights but I find it really disturbing that none of these civil rights activist have stepped up to the plate and used some of the lowest risk offenders such as Frank and even myself to challenge the ex post facto issue and let level three offenders bring the argument which can surely impede and complicate our cause even more then what it already is. I am really concerned and will be surprised if they don’t deny Snyder based solely on the higher risk of recidivism of level three offenders such as all those involved in that case….It will not necessarily bar lower level offenders from bringing such an argument but it sure wont make it any easier…
you know what i meant..i am worried that scrotus will accept the case and rule in favor of the government simply because they are level three offenders..I know it shouldn’t matter but it doesn’t help the biases associated with the sex offender label…
I see where Texas has HB2575 getting closer to becoming law that could go in effect Sept 1st 2017.
It makes it a crime for any registrant to go to their own kids school if they do not stop first at the schools admin office and declare their registration status every time. This bill is retroactive, and applies to anyone registered no matter when the original crime occurred.
I’ve looked on Texasvoices web site and don’t see anything about it.
This will greatly impact my participation in my kid’s education. Does anyone know if there is an organized challenge to this bill in Texas and if any lawsuit is prepared to be filed if it passes?
Has there been success anywhere else in stopping this sort of thing?
thanks for the effort but calhoun has zero relevance in my motion since the case you cited is only concerning habeas corpus issue…calhoun should of used a different approach because habeas corpus is only for those in custody…
well stated david….great observation…I will correct that…
I want to make a very important general comment .
I think it would help a great deal if we get the true and correct meanings and facts to the general public . Just for a couple of examples : the word molestation only means to vex and or to bother it does not mean to to have sexually attacked or raped someone .
To be seen taking a pee in the bushes by some child who reports this could be taken as a child molestation etc. The 288. (a) conviction in itself with no other statues really only mean a wrongfully committed touching or fondelling with a sexual intent and without the use of force , fear, VIOLENCE , injury or threats .Wrong and bad yes ! but it is not a 288.(b) or a 288A or a 288.5 or a 261 etc.
The 288.(a) and the 288A should not be so close as to confuse persons .
Also the statue of 288.(a) says it in black and white it’s written law Without the use of Violence so how can it be made to be a violent law ?serious yes Violent no the written statue say it’s not. The 288.(a) only with no other statues should be made a wobbler think about it no force no fear no injury no threats no intercourse no use of a forigen object (like a finger) no sodomy it is a lighter sexual touching or slang copping a feel again bad yes wrong yes serious yes but not a lifetime registration nor is it a violent felony .
I am thinking with my head not my heart with it’s emotions.
And this along with all the true facts without all the misunderstandings or false facts and propaganda . The Courts and the lawyers know the difference but most of the general public don’t. It would be a great help if we had someone like MOSES like the NRS had to say something to the general public when a severe sexual act occures to keep the hate and rage down to a minimum.
This is to everyone and anyone .
America is a very sex anixity country heck we could not even have a married couple in the same bed until the 1970s (the Brady bunch) and this is only one of a very few sites where the true and real facts can be discussed without people getting hot under the collar I think that giving a little donation sure could not hurt it’s true purpose. I at last have gotten both my Social Security along with my SSI and can donate a bit each month now. I would very much like to hear that qaity
I have a question for the group and I am respectfully requesting your answers and opinions.
I am an RSO with a friend in Morocco. I would like that friend to come to the U.S. for a 4 – 6 week visit via a U.S. tourist visa. Is it lawful or possible for me to sponsor her with Form I-134 Affidavit of Support or a letter of invitation? The Form I-134 requires full disclosure of my name, residence, SSN, etc. If I submit this form will my friend’s visa application be denied?
In your opinion, what is the best way to help a friend attain a U.S. tourist visa?
I appreciate your feedback and response to my inquiry.
Oops, another upstanding thin-blue-liner caught: (Warning: NSFW language)
Any wonder cops don’t like cameras on them? Any wonder the public trust of LEOs is sinking? Next stop, anomie ( (Anomie is one of two things I can recall learning in Sociology in college!)
This afternoon while waiting for the local news to start, I caught the last couple minutes of Dr. Phil. The show was about a woman who has a young daughter and is dating a RC. I didn’t care too much about that, but at the very end of the show, Dr. Phil said something about the RC re-offense rate being much lower than you’d think. The show was Season 15, Episode 79, and is re-airing on OWN (Oprah’s channel) on July 19th. I may have to watch it just to see what Dr. Phil has to say about us.
It’s good to see Dr. Phil getting the truth out for us, too. Maybe some of those bonbon-eating soccer moms will to get it.
10 years, 3 months, and 8 days later, I am officially off the registry as of this morning! I really can’t describe how this feels to know that I’m done. All I do know is that it’s over.
Gee, nothing like protecting your own and having a double-standard:
If it’s true, that the cop, “also asked a female student to perform a sex act,” that would be solicitation of a minor….yet nothing happens? FL, I think you’re watching the wrong people!
Maybe LEAs should be paying a little closer attention to their own, especially School Resource Officers.
Just a heads up.
I just received a voicemail from a detective at the sheriff’s station where I register. He informed me that “the state has a new form you are required to fill out. It will take about 5 minutes of your time. Please call me to set up an appointment.”
So WTF is this?
I called back to inquire and setup the appointment but naturally got his voicemail.
I will post what this is about once he either returns my call or I actually go in to fill out this “new form”!
Getting sick of this as my annual is next month so I really do not see what can’t wait 2 weeks for me to sign when I have to go in and do my other state required paperwork!! 🙁
Regarding the issues mentioned on the government putting the SEX OFFENDER label on driver’s licenses, on passports, and making sex offenders announce their registration to enter a school…
How is this not all challenged as Compelled Speech and the government having to meet Strict Scrutiny?
Look at this:
West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette32×
32. 319 U.S. 624 (1943) (striking down a regulation requiring flag salutes by schoolchildren).
and Wooley v. Maynard33×
33. 430 U.S. 705 (1977) (striking down a requirement to display a state motto on license plates).
“at the least . . . the State may compel speech only if necessary to prevent a grave and imminent danger.”
When you add in the facts that we are a politically powerless class called out by name, invasion of privacy, right to raise children, Bill of Attainder, Substantive Due Process…etc…I don’t see how it survives a hearing.
Hey maybe people can email or contact the following organization in support of my request for legal assistance.
Legal Intake Administrative Assistant
Alliance Defending Freedom
This is what I sent them in reply to their email stating it is out of the scope of their organization.
You do realize that families are being separated where parents and grandparents cannot live with their children, cannot participate in the upbringing or school and extracurricular activities, including activities such as attending religous services? These people cannot attend churches or other places of worship, and are being forced to live under bridges and along railroad tracks in squalor conditions all across the country and have no way of improving their situations or getting relief for as long as they live; most of the time for relatively minor offenses. The laws are so draconian that Canada has refused to extradite a person who has been accused of sex offenses against minors because of the human rights violations that are occurring in this country. This is a freedom of religion issue as well as over a million children’s well being and religious interests issue. These laws are directly affecting marriages and families and effecting the sanctity of well over a million people in this country. Please investigate these issues before making a determination that this is not in the scope of your organization and please don’t simply disregard this as a first impression case of we will not represent sex offenders. These laws go far beyond just those criminal charged or convicted of crimes. These laws effect the lives of all the family members, especially the children’s lives as well as familial ties and religous freedoms and the sanctity of life.
Thank you very much for your time.
Re: shaming on State IDs.
I wonder what SCOTUS would say about them now? In Smith, they said, “[p]unishments such as whipping, pillory, and branding inflicted physical pain and staged a direct confrontation between the offender and the public. Even punishments that lacked the corporal component, such as public
shaming, humiliation, and banishment, involved more than the dissemination of information. They either held the person up before his fellow citizens for face-to-face shaming or expelled him from the community. []” Hmm, face-to-face shaming…kind of like when I hand over my ID to whomever requires it. How big of a public forum must it be for it to be shaming? I would say that even though I am only “held up…before [my] fellow citizens” one at a time, it’s a chronic, unending display. Is 100 people all at once better or worse than 1 person at a time for 100 times?
They went on to say, “[o]ur system does not treat dissemination of truthful information in furtherance of a legitimate governmental objective as punishment.” What is the legitimate governmental objective of having it on the ID?If it’s for the public safety claim, they have a problem: I have exclusive control over the “public safety information” on my ID. Only when and if I choose to display the information is the “public” given “safety information.” That would be a little late, were I a risk, and certainly flies in the face of the stated intent of letting the public safeguard themselves. Safeguarding requires advance, not instantaneous, information and knowledge.
Later, “[o]ur criminal law tradition insists on public indictment, public trial, and public imposition of sentence.” Oh, you mean like pillories and branding, such as on an ID?
And then, “[i]n contrast to the colonial shaming punishments, however, the State does not make the publicity and the resulting stigma an integral part of the objective of the regulatory scheme.” They do in today’s world, SCOTUS! Publicity and stigma via the stamp on my ID. Stigma via not being able to go to schools, libraries, parks, etc. Publicity and stigma via a sign posted on public property in an Arkansas town. Stigma by both ostracism and banishment. It’s ALL about publicity and stigma, SCOTUS.
The few ruin life for the many. I just read my local newspaper and found out that a local listed sex offender was just captured after raping, kidnapping and stealing his victims car. The victim’s car was later found not too far from my house. The only reason he was caught is because his DNA was already in the 290 database and it was found on the victim. The police got the DNA results and identified him quickly. I have left out any details of this story or location so I won’t be helping get additional media attention on this crime. It’s this type of person that makes me worried that any reforms we hope to get just can’t happen as long as a few of these repeat violent offenders exist. 🙁