NC: Iredell sex offender’s charges dismissed after Supreme Court ruling on social media

A recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling has overturned a nearly 10-year-old law in North Carolina that banned registered sex offenders from using social media like Facebook.

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Holy Sh!+. Packingman had an immediate positive effect on the lives of 257 human beings and long term positive implications for the remainder of the nearly 800,000 people (and their families).

Bravo, Mr. Packingham and attorney! I really hope you debbie downers out there realize sometimes it takes standing up for your rights to get something done. NEVER BACK DOWN. Sitting back whining and complaining about how your life sucks is a terrible and useless idea.

Let me put it this way: If you think you are on the path to being locked up and tossed aside or that your life will forever suck– then why don’t you put yourself to good use and get out there on the damn front lines. If you don’t like yourself or your life, sacrifice yourself to the cause and do good for humanity. Your selfless act of bravery is badly needed and highly appreciated. If you don’t know where to start, you simply need to ask one of us.

I use my real name on the internet when posting in opposition to bad laws targeting those people who have been labeled, such as myself. I have put up with online harassment by a rogue group of internet thugs and stalkers for now almost 6 years who have blatantly broke laws and abusing the registry in the process. By using my real name on websites like this one, i reclaim my name in a fight that we will eventually win. Yeah, my life has really sucked too. But as each day goes by, i’m still here, and I still find some way to move forward. One day i hope that no matter what happens, i will be proud to have been man enough to own up to my own mistakes in life and be able to tell the story of how we came together to deal with the ugly monster that was a highly insecure, gullible and judgemental society and it’s price club hell.

DO IT. Get out there and be VOCAL. Packingham could have rolled over and taken it like a lot of you have done at one time or another. Yes, you out there who feel that they don’t want to lose any more than you have already lost– We want YOU. We NEED you and we APPRECIATE you. To those who keep chip in money, time or your voice, i want to personally say THANK YOU. We will be victorious and the we’ve already been seeing major indicators lately that shows us that the pendulum has finally been at the beginning part of swinging back into the right direction.

Society in general has finally started to also see the light. Believe me when i say i’m seeing this everywhere I go. Everyone seems to know just how bad the registry is and that it serves no real purpose other than to name and shame. The smart people see it. The dumb ones don’t. The dumb one’s don’t matter. They’ll get distracted on other things soon enough.

/* Rant over */