VA: Norfolk Virginia’s Children’s Hospital Bans RSO Visitors Who are NOT Parents

I’ve just learned that being a Registered Sex Offender in Virginia with a sick child who needs specialized hospitalization is another humiliating and punitive road to walk.


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I’m okay with this as long as:

They also ban DUI offenders, arsonists, gang members, anyone who’s been convicted of any kind of violence, drug dealers, and also child neglect, et cetera.

Until then, i’m absolutely NOT okay with this picking and choosing who is considered dangerous in an effort to look like they are protecting children.

Banishing and marginalizing humans seems to be in vogue these days.

So sorry to hear about this…. God Bless the family and families that must deal with this non sense on top of dealing with a sick loved one.

I’ll never be ok with this no matter who its applied to. its sickening and so barbaric if it was my grandson in that hospital um I won’t say what I would do because they probably won’t post wouldnt be good for the so called innocent civilians..Im telling you man I don’t consider anyone who supports any registry in any form is NOT AN INNOCENT CIVILIAN …..They are domestic terrorist. Everyone of them. it’s beyong out of controll now it’s reached the point that we have a rouge government terrorizing it’s own citizens…either it’s goingto be stopped in the courts real sion ir something really bad is going to don’t take a Oracle or a psychic to see the writing on the wall…

I found this out the hard, embarrasing and humiliating way, when I went to visit my very sick Nephew at a Childrens Hospital in California. It never even crossed my mind as I was so worried about him. I was denied entrance altogether. It was a sad day and very low point for me. Just one more thing to add to my long list of things (related to the registry) to be depressed about. Im very sorry you had to go through this experience as well.

I encourage everyone to email the hospital and complain. But to make an impact, we need a lot of people to get involved:

Is anyone going to “ask permission?” to comfort their child before emergency surgery or to rush their child to the emergency room AND STAY BY THEIR SIDE DURING THOSE TERRIFYING HOURS? You’d have to call the national guard to drag me out of there and I bet they still wouldn’t be able to separate my children in distress from I, their father.

Well, I was actually a Health Care Professional, prior to my legal issue. If you saw some of the legal issues MD’s have, you would pass out! There are MD’s registering! Drug abuse, Felony Convictions, spousal abuse, Manslaughter of wife and the list goes on and on! So, I suppose the life long gang member with multiple prison stints has more rights than us? In the end, I believe this Bill will pass. It makes total sense. I have an Expunged Battery and I pray this ends soon.
I do have a question: I believe I would be a Tier 1 pc 243.4 a – Felony reduced to misdemeanor expunged?