CA Action Alert: Support SB 421 – Call Assy Approp. Committee

The CA Assembly Appropriations Committee will be hearing the Tiered Registry billSenate Bill 421–on August 23.

For many reasons, ACSOL is not planning on attending this hearing and we do not recommend you attend either.

However, all registrants and supporters should call ALL the Assembly Appropriations Committee members at their Sacramento office. Here is a link to the members and their phone numbers:

The deadline for calling is August 22, the day before the hearing.

Tell the staff person that you know the Assembly Member will hear the bill in the Appropriations Committee so you want to comment on Senate Bill 421. Say that you support it, and that you would like the Assembly Member to support it. Even if he or she is not your Assembly  Member, mentioning the committee hearing lets them know that this is a situation where your comments have value to them as a committee member.

Please join us and invest a few minutes in working toward our freedom!



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Can anyone comment on a single misdemeanor 647.6, with no other convictions? After reading through the revision, it seems as though it’s back to being left alone. (Except if you have multiple) Can anyone confirm if it’s tier 1 and non disclosed on the public website as it seems to me?


I must say, this new version is much harder to understand. I’m very confused. We should support this for now with the appropriations committee, but we need Janice and Chance to clarify this Bill before it goes to the next committee.

I just read through the new revision and feel like I’m in The Matrix. What does it mean for those of us only with misdeamor 647.6?

I just glanced through the amended bill. It seems now that hardly anyone would actually end up on tier 1. Personally I would go from being a tier 1 to a tier 3. I listened in on all the hearings as this bill progressed there was such overwhelming support for the bill and so many wanted to be co-authors and co-sponsors of the bill. I wonder now with such drastic changes and amendments if it will lose some support or momentum that it gained through the other hearings. I wonder if there’s still time for amendments to be made or for discussion to be had regarding more changes before the final votes are made. I don’t see how anyone can pass this bill if it’s not doing what it is set out to be doing as described by the author which is to make the registry more usable and save money and time and resources because now the registry is unusable because it’s so cluttered and crowded with individuals that pose no threat. Using me as an example I would have been a tier one under the original proposed bill for noon contact offense my static-99 is low enough to put me on tier 1 the stable and acute tests that were given to me put me at a very low risk of recidivism but still being a low-risk offender I would be put into a tier 3 under this amended bill. My question is how is that accomplishing the purpose or the so-called purpose of this bill.

Made my donation today, will make my calls tomorrow. I just read ( or tried to read ) today’s amendments to SB-421 and I didn’t see anything about the 30 years and your off, that was in the last version of this bill. Anyone happen to come across this in the new bill? We need to get a petition going to propose a Bill, to get our Legislators to write these Bills so the average citizen can understand them, after all it is our asses on the line!

I tried reading the Bill with all its endless amendments. It is nearly impossible to make any sense of.
(Perhaps that is the intention behind all those amendments: smother the Bill with words until it is dead.)

My opinion is that I am not at all surprised that a zillion amendments are being added to make it tough on registrants. Don’t you guys understand human emotions, motivations, and politics? All you guys who are panicking about the details, remember the obvious: the number one reason law enforcement wants this bill is to save money and time by processing less people. The amendments are over-correction to get the momentum to smash through the 70-year-old wall of hysteria against us and actually have a tiered system.

THIS PROBLEM OF OVER-AMENDING IS SELF CORRECTING! Law enforcement is not going to put all this political capital into a bill and not get what they want. AFTER it passes, law enforcement will tell the legislators to strip off enough of the crazy amendments so that the registry really can shrink, NOT to be nice to us but to SAVE THEM MONEY. That’s how laws are made and reshaped.

Those of you who understand basic human emotions and are politically savvy will understand that it HAS to happen this messy way because Republicans and law and order Democrats have demonized us for so long that now when they hear cops saying the current registry hurts their efforts to fight crime, they need these harsh amendments to save face before their constituents and back-peddle politically to support the tiers. That is a MAJOR change, guys. It will not be done in a clean, low-key, logical, rational, minimal-drama way like some of you guys imply is possible. No Republican or law-and-order Democrat wants to make things nice and convenient and fair and easy for us, even when they realize they must get a tiered registry.


You are living in a fantasy world if you think rational justice and court decisions are the only thing you need to overcome a 70-year mistake! You can fuss and worry about the amendments, but we have little influence in the details. You may as well fuss about how the stars in the sky are positioned.

There is NO other good option. And our current life sentence on the registry sucks enough that I am willing to ally with groups that I normally would have little in common with so that a very imperfect bill smashes through a 70-year-old mess and starts the process of reforming the registry.

Let’s get on the train that is finally going in the right general direction.

Those of you who rant and rave about how terrible this bill seem quite content with your life sentence. Maybe you have enough money to hide in a comfortable cave and write endless complaints, but I don’t.

I WANT ACTION. SB 421 initiates the action.

I hope most of you guys are also willing to potentially be inconvenienced to see positive action.

WE HAVE ONE MORE DAY TO MAKE THOSE CALLS. Please call by Tuesday, August 21. It only took me 10 minutes.

Based on the newest amendments, I’m still a tier 1. Looks like I’ll be applying for the CoR in 2020 after all since the tiered registry doesn’t take affect until 2021. By then I’d be in my 11th year of registering.

Looks like people might get what they wanted, careful what you wish for. And for RICK as what you wrote(Those of you who rant and rave about how terrible this bill seem quite content with your life sentence. Maybe you have enough money to hide in a comfortable cave and write endless complaints, but I don’t.) maybe you should have worked harder, I hate when people say this, the ones that have worked hard even being on the registry are a lot better than YOU.

What I see is that so many think this is a silver bullet, that your life will magically be better as soon as this bill gets placed into law, for some it might but the arrest record is still there as well as the conviction, other sites will continue to keep you on until they are forced to take you off. If you stay put the neighborhoods where you live most likely already know of your crime so that will not change, your job prospects will likely not change unless you have some sort of trade. If you attempt to move to another state you will be placed right back on the registry so you are still a prisoner of California. Then comes the money it will take to attempt to get off even with the bill, as long as the Judges and district attorneys are involved it is going to cost you big time. Everyone that is on the registry hates it, they hope and dream of the day that it will stop, but many waste half of lifetime thinking about it instead of going out and making their self better. All I ever hear is how the registry keeps everyone down, that is not the case for many that I know. Yes it is a hardship, few friends and less travel but the truth is as I know it, if you cannot survive on the registry doubtful you can after. The registry needs to go but not by lining the pockets of attorneys and evaluation specialists. I wish all well and hope they find whatever it is they are looking for. Just my 2 cents, so trash away, too busy to read this site much anyway.

Wondering if someone could help clarify where a 288.5 (single offense, low Static 99) will land? My husband is getting out of prison in less than 3 months and I’ve been watching this closely. I was pretty sure he would have been Tier 2 before which we were ok with after fearing the current lifetime registry and address in the web, but now I’m not sure I’m reading it right. Will he still be tier 2? And since this now doesn’t go into effect until 2021, does that mean those about to be released will still be subject to the old rules on the website (posting your address) until then?

I am so sorry for what you all have endured and I really hope that this does at least get some reforms started. I’ve gotta admit, the registry and website scare the crap out of me, but I’ve stood by my husband for nearly 13 years, I’m not gonna abandon him now. Praying this brings more relief than it looks like now.

Always frustrated when these things change. What makes it harder is that I’m Federal. I have a single CP (Federal 18 USC 2252A(a)(5)(B)) charge. Before changes I would have been a Tier 1. Is there an equivalent Code number for California codes? I don’t know where I fall now after changes and reading everyone’s comments.

I just read the bill analysis and it’s a complete joke. They post it yesterday and didn’t even bother updated beyond the dates. It still talks about the automatic release for this convicted prior to 1987 despite the fact that the current amendments strikes that. It talks about how it will allow law enforcement to better monitor high risk and violent offenders when the current bill throws a ton of people into tier 3 who are no where near violent or high risk (I’m not seemingly going to be placed in tier 3 from previously tier 1 and my crime was non-contact and Static-99 of 4).

I’m angry right now and almost hope this bill tanks. I’m not going to call and tell them not to support it but I’m not sending any positive vibes its way. This complete BS analysis is what put me over the edge. They couldn’t even be bothered to update it to reflect the current version. F them.

let me chime in here. I am very sceptical especially when we have people telling us that this is a take it or leave it and is our only option. thats bs man. it really concerns me when they say that the registry cant ne toppled by any one case Ha I say. look at Pennsylvania. thousands of people off the registry just like that. one case,thousands relieved. tiered registry is by far not the only options and when someone keeps pushing that it is it should make anyone question their motives. now I hear its been changed grom going into effect untill 2021 I have to wonder what else has neen changed and what else will be changed if it ever becomes law. the way I see it is by creating this tiered system they are attempting to save a dying horse or prolong its suffering. have faith people regardless of this fantasy bill helping or hurting anyone I am filing next Tuesday and the registry in its current form is coming down. It may sound like a pipe dream but it really isn’t and it doesn’t take a genius to see the writing on the wall. Stop telling people a tiered registry is our only option it’s really misleading and does nothing to create support for your flawed positions.

you know how much better off this state would be if we had someone file suit like that in Pennsylvania. now that would take all these same people off the registry immediately and thousands upon thousands more, unconditionally and without hurting anyone left on is that not a option and how can anyone say it isn’t feasable in light if the Pennsylvania decision
thats where our resources and civil rights leaders should be focused on not some fairytale that is going to make it harder to overturn the registry as a whole ny eliminating the very few of us that could cause major reform, ie prime candidates for suits such as Frank Lindsey who there is no way a court could justify keeping him registered. why hasn’t anyone pushed for a suit like Pennsylvania here in Ca especially using no risk offenders before trying to get those offenders removed from the registry? Why?

I just thought of something. That fact that this bill won’t go into effect until 2021 seems a bit weird as prior it was suggested that it would go live in 2019 to give them enough time to get their ducks in a row. What if the extra time is there on purpose because the people who actually want real change for RC’s expect to roll back and change some of the current negative amendments? Like they know today’s bill is BS but they need these amendments to pass. Then they’ll use the next 3+ years to scale it back down?

Sorry for posting contradictory feelings all over the place. I’m just trying to find some sort of silver lining.


You wrote: “Those of you who rant and rave about how terrible this bill seem quite content with your life sentence. Maybe you have enough money to hide in a comfortable cave and write endless complaints, but I don’t.
I WANT ACTION. SB 421 initiates the action.”

It’s a bit hypocritical of you to sit there and talk about what you want, but then criticize others for stating what they want or don’t want, in this matter. The facts is, not every registrant is created equal. I don’t mean that in the sense that some are more dangerous than others, but to say that not all “punishments” are the same.

For instance, some may already be listed publicly on the website and don’t qualify for a COR. For those, any change that may result into being let off at some point down the road, really have nothing to lose by supporting it. However, for those who are currently unlisted and/or may also qualify for a COR, there’s a LOT to be lost and everyone should understand their hesitation to support a bill that worsens their personal situation. Think about it, for some, this bill would mean being exposed…which, as we all know, the implications are hefty! It could mean losing their job, their home, and possibly even their family due to the consequences.

I, for one, seem to be in the minority here…at least for now. The current language of the bill may actually leave everything the same for me (no public listing), which would mean I can continue living a somewhat normal life. For me, this bill would be great, because I’d qualify to apply for removal the year it’s put into effect. With that said, I also know how devastating it would be to have my information listed on the public site and can completely understand why anyone that will be effected by that, would be opposed…and I don’t blame them. It’s one step forward with the tier’s, but a giant step backwards with the consequences attached to it.

You wrote: “I hope most of you guys are also willing to potentially be inconvenienced to see positive action.”

As I mentioned above, it’s a heck of a lot more than an inconvenience if you’re talking about someone who is currently not exposed on the website, but will be due to this bill. It’s life changing! What’s sad, however, is that when someone comes along and mentions their opposition due to self seeking reasons such as not wanting to be placed on the website, a few responses have been made (not just this particular thread, but others) expressing a lack of sympathy based on, “if I’m listed publicly, so should you be!” When, all the while, anyone who’s in favor of the bill is also for self seeking reasons with the hope that it eventually grants them an opportunity to be released from being a registrant.

Any way, I completely understand your reasons for supporting the bill, but think you should stop and try to understand the reasons of those opposing it before making it out like your position is the only right position.

Hey Guys and Gals,

What we need to do is really come together and assist each other with whatever the final bill states. Let’s share information on different processes (such as expungement/or wobbler cases, CoR, etc). Roads look a lot longer if none of us know where to start. We can gripe and complain or we can voice our opinions and share information that maybe we have come across during different avenues. The bill is the creation of the lawmakers not Janice or Chance.

I am kind of torn on supporting this bill or not. I only say this because of two aspects that come to mind:

Reasons to support: It does place us into tiers with possibilities to get off under circumstances.

Reasons not to support: If a sex offender law is passed, it may kill off any other suggestions. Do we really see lawmakers, if this bill passes, create a new one in the foreseeable future? This would be in place probably for a long time (if not worse). This bill has been attempted previous times just to fail.

I guess the question is: Do we accept this bill as a bill that will last a long time or do we push for further changes with the possibility it will just go back to how it is and fail.

My complaint is the static 99 is determining “risk” but yet that “risk” is ignored on other cases. How can they say its very important but then say its not for other cases.

Again, lets try to create a community in which we can share information to help us all in the process.

What Janice wants, Janice gets. I called today all of them!

Thank you Janice and the Board!!

Roger. um no my position is exactly the opposite of whack a mole. that seems to be yours and ACSOLs position. my suggestions that we focus resources on suits such as that which just prevailed in Pennsylvania would create a decision that would be permanent and would bar any future legislation aimed at the groups who get relief. Tiered registry is just the opposite. There is nothing preventing the legislature from creating a hodgepodge of laws focused on the remainder of people on the registry and even at those few who actually get off the registry. That sure sounds more like whack a mole to me. Why are you pushing his Roger? Why do you keep stating falsehoods such as this is it, no other options are available? I don’t understand why you are so supportive of the tiered system especially in light of the Ohio, Indiana, and now the Pennsylvania decision and all the other decision stating the punitive nature of the registry? I don’t understand how or why you come to the conclusion that this extremely flawed bill, we don’t even know what’s in it for sure yet, is somehow the only avenue we have and our civil rights leaders shouldn’t be pressured to focus resources on suits such as in Pennsylvania. I find such a stance incomprehensible and cannot wrap my head around that type of thinking. Seriously, please enlighten me.

Wow, everyone has very good points! My concern is why would they wait until 2021 to introduce this bill? Or, why would the bill take so long to go into affect? This is strange!

Since this new Bill may jump me up to tier III, does tier III require me to register more than once per year?
(I do not have a static 99 score. Jail time, not prison. An evaluation from a psychiatrist picked by the judge said I was low risk).

I have to agree with Mike R and the others on here that feel this Bill sounds and feels like total BS.
I never really bought into it because the Registry needs to Die. We need real Soldiers on the ground pushing for change.
I’ve sent letters and donated to support Janice’s approach and to support those of us with family that long for a normal life where we can provide for our loved ones.
Changing public opinion is one thing, but I’m not willing to wait that crap out. 4 yrs before this bill would even take effect plus all the years after that still trying to prove ourselves to the general public? Nah! We’ve paid our debt to society and Then Some!
Besides, all’s it takes is one Bad Apple to ruin the whole bunch. That’s why they put us in the same boat.
The Tiered Registry goes into affect and all it will take is one single person to stray from the path of reform and they will blast Sex Offender Strikes Again all over the News and this crap will Never End. We’re supposed to be fighting for Constitutional Reform aren’t we? (Shrug)

All I am saying Roger is that your and ACSOLs solution is not the only one and please don’t disparage others who have different approaches by stating that no court case is going to change the registry. That is not true….That’s all I am saying……The Pennsylvanian decision is going to have a much greater impact on those in that state then any tiered bill could ever come close to achieving..That is exactly how court decisions can have dramatic effects and there is no way for the legislature to reverse those orders and subject those that get relief to registration EVER again…….

I have read the amended bill. So are 288 (a) with 1 conviction a tier 2. If anyone reads this differently can you please point out where it says this would be a tier 3? I really appreciate it.