Living with 290: Small Tangled Misunderstanding

On August 14, 1989 (28 years, and one month ago on 08/14/2017) While I was watching a “Twilight Zone episode” My six years old niece asked me to play with her. I told her I would play with you after I finish watching my movie. She replied “OK” and walked away; and as she walked away, I reached out my arm without looking behind me and friendly tapped her on her lumbar spine, vertebrae or behind? But if she said her private part then that’s her behind accidental and mistakenly,…

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TX: New law keeps sex offenders out of college dorms

State Rep. John Raney, R-College Station, represents a district flush with college students and considers higher education one of his legislative priorities. So it was “shocking” for him to learn that no Texas law prevented sex offenders from living in campus dorms — and even more upsetting when a constituent came to his office to tell him that at her out-of-state college, she had been forced to live down the hall from a student who had sexually assaulted her the year before. … For one thing, it targets a small…

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