After an emotional debate, state lawmakers on Saturday gave final legislative approval to a controversial bill that would end the lifetime listing of many convicted sex offenders on a public registry in California.
The bill, which was shelved then revived, was sent to the governor on the last day of the legislative session with Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher (D-San Diego) calling it one of the most difficult votes she has cast.
“It’s not an easy thing to do, but sometimes we have to make hard votes,” Gonzalez Fletcher told her colleagues, adding that being a mom made it difficult to change a system aimed at tracking rapists and child molesters.
Bet any amount the a hole hasn’t and won’t read it before signing it.
I don’t know quite how to feel about this Bill; I put in a lot of prayer time, so I have to believe that God allowed this to pass. Now, deciphering the Bill is another thing…..I don’t know what Tier that I will be placed in, but I did have my case reduced down to a misdemeanor; I also had a “failure to register” dismissed, which may hinder my chances. The big question wondering if I have the patience to wait until 2021?
“Melendez objected to some of the crimes that would put offenders on a second tier, eligible for removal from the list after 20 years, which include rape by deception and lewd and lascivious behavior with a child under 14.”
So there it is 288 (a) tier 2.
Maybe not, but I bet he knows exactly what’s in it and he may have insisted on it. Then again, maybe he would have signed SB 421. We can only guess.
“Because the registry is public, it also punishes people who have not committed new crimes for decades, including some who engaged in consensual sex, bill supporters argued.” Please note the word PUNISHES.
Hell yes on this!! Us low levels no posts, need and deserve to be off.
This is from a Los Angeles article..
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“The second tier, which would allow removal from the registry after 20 years, includes those convicted of rape, force-able sodomy, and lewd and lascivious conduct with a child under 14, the crime Lindsay committed.”
So a rapist, someone who commits violent sodomy, or a person who actually had some type of sexual contact with a minor, just to name a few, are level two, but a person who proposed a meeting for sex over the internet with an under age girl gets level three???????? There’s some logic at work…..
I have sent an email to the governor. Do not expect any response, but it released a little pressure( very little).
Anyone else notice how little media coverage this is getting?
You want a trophy for sending the Governor a e-mail? A lot of people will be getting off, thousands, so yeah you might wanna change your mind and congratulate others who will benefit
Why start trusting newspaper articles now? Aren’t they largely responsible for the current registry? Are they more reliable than the language of the bill itself?
Take this, for example. And the comment went unanswered.
City repeals sex offender residency restrictions
Time would be better spent answering each and every one of these alarmist stories and comments all over the state and country. But I suspect it will take a while for some to cool down enough to get to work, and that is understandable.
If you are reading this, there are several people quoting you as stating that misdemeanor 647.6 will be excluded from internet disclosure. I doubt you’ve said that so you should set the record straight. There are quite a few people believing that.
In the off chance you have stated that. You and everyone else should look at the new section 290.46(c)(1). It specifically names all Tier 2 as being disclosed but it also specifically mentions 647.6.
The fact the statute mentions both Tier 2 and 647.6 means that are referring to both felony and misdemeanor convictions under that statute. Why else would they reiterate 647.6, which is already a Tier 2 if a felony?
Please clarify for the rest of the folks on here. I’m confident in my interpretation.
Take it easy Mike, I think he was just trying to explain to you not criticize. Sounds like you’ve made the best of your situation, I can see how you’re proud of who you are. It’s not easy to survive our label.
MikeR…Calm down.
I wasn’t judging you or anyone. I just made a general comment about what those codes entail. In fact, I specifically said, “a person.” That doesn’t mean I’m talking about you.
Enough with the projecting and learn to separate yourself from everyone’s comments. It isn’t always about you. Clearly I touched a nerve with you. Perhaps it is YOU who needs to clear your demons because no one else, myself included, has not taken so much offense on a general comment that isn’t attacking anyone.
P.S. I’m not a guy. Regardless, you need more level-headed people commenting on this site instead of spewing overly emotional nonsense like yours.
Related article stating that the governor will sign it.
Great news! If your political savvy, this approach was the best idea! This is Governor Brown’s last year in office and he is unable to run again! If we had sent this proposal next year etc, this could have went on for years!
Please advise. I had a PC 243.4 (a) Sexual Battery (adult) from 1997 (reduced to misdemeanor) expunged (LA) County/summary probation. I believe I’m a Tier 1?
Thank you and thank Janice and Frank Lindsey!
I also believe amendments will be made and this law will begin sooner
Lmfao @mike.R dude we didn’t need to know all that NPS just stated some facts there is a big difference so chill man save all that for 2021 when you get to tell it to the DA and the judge ..
So you get a extra year for misdemeanor failure to register and extra 3 years for felony failure to register is that to be applied retroactively or is it applied only to the people who failure to register pass 2021 ..??
I never thought this bill would pass at such a late stage but it did. Before that I prayed to God that it would pass and, once again, I have learned to be careful what you wish for.
I got what I wanted and now I’m screwed. For my 311, I was first a 1, then a 2, and now a 3. I’m pissed as hell.
Now I think that God and the universe has played a cruel trick on us.
I can hate God and hate everybody but what good will I do?
Having survived what we all have to this day is proof that miracles do happen.
Though I am in despair right now, I know in my heart that if I’m patient, and let the Universe take its course, another miracle will happen. For all of us.
Please don’t tell me to reduce my crime to a misdemeanor.
Thank you for reading this far.
I apologize if I took that personally NPS. It just seemed as if you were implying that was my case. I have taken a lot of verbal abuse from people on here so I just assumed..Even still, no one deserves to be on a gov hit list. It isn’t right that a person who attempted to meet with an under age girl should be on the same list as I repeat, Philip Gorido,rapist, repeat habitual offenders that are violent, forcible sodomy, 288(a), and so on. These people are just as culpable as the ones on the sting operations or the people your are talking about, and did commit their offenses with knowledge that the “victim” was under age. A lot of them groomed and coerced them into the particular sexual contact, or conduct. If we must have a registry let the people that you described that should get relief ( consensual sex between minors, Romero o and Juliet, teen sexters, indecent exposure) you get the idea, they should be in the tier one list ( although like I said, I don’t think any registry is constitutional) All the non-violent non-contact, first time offenders in the level two tier, and all the rest( repeat offenders, violent offenders, child abductors/rapist, you get the picture, those should be left for the tier three…..Your logic I find interesting because you comment sounded just like a politicians or prosecutors argument which is completely irrational when all the empirical evidence is known that was done by professionals and independent studies, the decisions by courts, judges are pretty smart people sometimes, that the registry is cruel and unusual punishment, all the vigilante attacks, and so on….It is completely unfair and as I think Janice even spoke out, that there is a serious equal protection issue in this bill…
What precisely constitutes a “felony CP” offense under California law?
When the new law is signed by Gov Moonbeam how soon can it be taken to the supreme court to be declared unconstitutional in California ?? Is there a cost that we can all contribute to offset for this organization
So when does the clock start? When a registrant is sentenced? When a registrant is released from jail or prison? Or when a registrant completes probation or parole?
Also, does anyone know what tier a person convicted of 288a(b)(1) would fall into on the registry? And where can I find it in the bill? I’m currently not on the website. I have a feeling I’m going to be on there in 2021.
Thanks in advance.
Correct me if I’m incorrect. I see that based on SB384 a misdemeanor conviction of 311.11(a) possession of CP would be tier 1 and not published on the Megan’s law website.
I have a question though that I can’t figure out. although seemingly it will be great to no longer have to register in my case I can petition in 2024 (10 years after conviction) if I understand correctly (I did not serve jail time), however seems this will still not allow an expungement via 1203.4 because the law was changed in January of 2014 to include 311.11(a) on the list of charges ineligible for expungement. I also see info that in California background checks cannot go back more than 7 years. What I’m trying to decipher is after 7 years will any record still show on a background check for employment? Does the annual registration essentially start the 7 years over each time we register? Since I’m not on the public registry the main two things that are affecting me with registration is trying to figure out if I can get new employment and when I will be able to travel freely without violating any conditions of registration. Any input is gratefully appreciated.
What tier is 288.2(a)(1)? I don’t understand how to read these things.
Currently a felony but as it’s a wobbler it will get reduced asap.
Would I be listed on the website? I’m currently not listed but if I will all of a sudden pop up in 2021 that might change my plans to buy a house with my wife. Might not be able to live together anymore.