Mother Behind Megan’s Law Speaks out Against Branding ‘Sexting’ Children as Child Pornographers

[Associated Press as quoted by Huffington Post]

The current insane trend of charging young people (usually girls) with various forms of child pornography for posting or texting sexual images of themselves has reached such a nadir that the very woman who brought about Megan’s Law (which forces convicted sex offenders to register their address with the state every ninety days) is now against it. The case that has caused such outcry involves a fourteen-year old girl who is being charged with ‘distribution of child pornography’ for posting 30 explicit images of herself on My Space.


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Cant have it your way, this is your baby and now you get to see how it effects all involved and how broad it goes.

Abe Lincoln said, “The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly.”

I no longer care about Megan Kanka’s parents. They have hurt far too many people out by retaliating against those who did not hurt and killed her child. I was not the one who targeted, raped and murdered Megan yet the person who did it is not being held to the effects of these laws they created. I grew up in a time when the person who committed a crime was the one held accountable. I hope that child’s parents burn in hell for what they’ve done to me and 800,000+ families.

This is a very old article first published in 2009 and updated in 2011. I wonder how Mrs. Kanka feels today now that more teens continue to be charged for CP, forced to register, and will be the bearer of the scarlet letter on their passports. All in the name of her daughter whom she failed to protect.

Megan’s mother, Jacob Wetterling’s mother and John Walsh ought to get together for tea or coffee sometime and discuss what they have done to the USA and world.

copied and pasted DIRECTLY from the Familys foundation page for their daughter….

Richard and Maureen Kanka thought that their daughter Megan was safe. The Kankas had lived for fifteen years in quiet, suburban Hamilton Township, New Jersey. A family of five, they worked hard, paid their taxes, believed in God, charity, and the goodness of others.

On July 29, 1994, Richard and Maureen had their lives shattered when their 7-year old daughter Megan was lured into a neighbor’s home with the hopes of seeing his puppy. Shortly after, thirty yards from her front doorstep, Megan Kanka was raped and murdered.

___THE MURDERER_______ (!!!!!!!!) had already served six years in prison for aggravated assault and attempted sexual assault on another child. “We knew nothing about him”, says Maureen Kanka.


THE MURDER!!!! Why didn’t they make a list for all MURDERERS too? Or other crimes since then? IF their daughter hadn’t been MURDERED by a convicted MURDERER, She would have lived longer and may very well STILL BE ALIVE today… Let there be NO MISTAKE…. the MURDERER in him killed Megan Kanka… the RAPE.. that part was commited by the Sex Offender in him of who he was/is (don’t know if he’s still alive).

HE never had to do any of what those of use who are on the list for very minor, in comparison things we have done in the PAST!!!!
If we had been aware of his record, my daughter would be alive today.” Letters poured into the Kanka family home with offers of support and contributions to a memorial fund. The result of this tragedy was a nationwide law. A law that would give parents what they desperately wanted: the right to know. A law that would require notification when a convicted sex offender moves into a neighborhood. A law to protect our children.

Passed hand-to-hand, over 400,000 citizens signed a petition demanding immediate legislative action on the law that had to be written-Megan’s Law. Within an unprecedented eighty-nine days, the New Jersey State Legislature passed Megan’s Law.

Megan could have been anybody’s child. She was everybody’s child, a poignant symbol of the obligation that each of us has to make sure that children are safe in their own community and that every parent has the right to know when a child is in harm’s way.

Much has been done to protect children. Much, however, remains to be done.

Too bad you couldn’t leave comments on the HP article.

Maureen, your dead daughter’s “law” has already destroyed more lives than you’ll ever know.

Actually, you set up the environment that contributed to Megan’s death and you whined about “if I knew what lived across the street, my daughter would still be alive” to purge your OWN guilt and failure as mother.

Unfortunately for you and Richard, circumventing my personal safety, security and privacy will not keep Megan from dying in vain.

I really think you should talk to someone who can help you out with your fear-based paranoia.. along with your perpetual deep-seated hatred and blood-thirst quest for vengeance.

Let it go.