PA: Registered sex offenders resign from fire departments after ABC27 investigation

ABC27 Investigator Kendra Nichols found two local fire departments with registered sex offenders, Londonderry Fire Company near Middletown and Citizens Fire Company of Highspire. At the time of the investigation, both registered sex offenders had the fire department addresses listed on the Megan’s Law website as places of employment.

ABC27 told the Londonderry Fire Company the results of the search and it took action. Full Article

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No problem. I hope this results in someone dying as a result of less firefighters available to save lives. Because that’s what firefighters do, they save lives. They doing go into people’s homes during fires and molest children and rape woman.

So the media or someone alerted the media about rc’s working at the fire dept. The Pennsylvania registry was then used to find those who had the fire deptartment listed as places of work. It seems unclear, but it does not appear any rules were broken by allowing these rc’s to work. Instead the fire deptartment got put on blast by the media forcing them to get rid of the rc’s. It even appears one was doing quite well and was good at his job. I guess the megans law website never causes any issues and is only there for notification purposes….

It isn’t legal to fire someone, or ask them to resign, because of a conviction. According to PA law [The Criminal History Records Information Act], and the PA courts, convictions for non-contractual employees and prospective employees may only be used to the extent that it relates to the job the person is doing or applying for. Public policy also plays a part in firing employees with criminal convictions, that is the courts have held that firing someone or refusing to hire them based on a conviction goes against public policy regarding rehabilitation.


Wow so wouldn’t someone get charged with some type of felony for this due to the ml website states this information is not to be used to harass, harm and whatnot I mean that’s plain harassment and harming someone if you ask me, correct me if I’m wrong.
And yea do you think he’s going into a fire to rape someone I think not, the news investigator needs to be charged with a felony.

At the beginning of the article it mentions that “tips from viewers led the news to investigate”. Do you know who those viewers are??? People that don’t like one or more of the registrants ( personally) and trolls their every move because registrants cant do nothing without telling the world. This consists of jealous ex husbands , ex boyfriends, ex girlfriends, neighbors and just plain people that don’t like the registrants (personally) and people us registrants don’t like either.These people troll our every move. These fire fighters were victims of their enemy’s (which we all have) that troll us on the Registry. They called the news!!!!!!!!

This was a related article on the same site. Did I miss something or wasn’t this found unconstitutional in Michigan and New York?

The media and general public just cannot fathom the truth that a RC can be a productive, “normal” (whatever that means) human being and part of society. Or they at least refuse to consider such a possibility. My gosh, RC firefighters….and nothing happened. Way to fabricate “news” and fear for no reason, ABC27.

J sorry I didn’t read the entire article just t the top of this page, I was assuming like the general public assumes that we’re all monsters, rapists and whatnot, I know two wrongs don’t make a right, guess I’m just tired of all this.

Here we go. November is a television ratings sweeps month. So let’s put “S.O.” on the headlines to scare people into watching.
Makes. Me. Sick.

Such a big deal because they found an RSO working hard to save their lives. They even put the suspenseful music to go along with their story. We don’t even know the guy much less understand the circumstances of his offense. The community leadership obviously respected him enough to promote him to Chief of the Fire Department even knowing about his RSO status. Way to go ABC! You boosted your rating for an extra 15 minutes. Imbicels.

Anytime any of your acquaintances turn on you and if you have a picture of you together print it, big letters freind of a sex offender and put them on cars in parking lots where they work, where they live, and anywhere they are present. See how they like being a targeted and forced to explain their actions.

My gf was denied at a private college because one of her supposed to be friends told the school she was with a sex offender. They told her she lacked moral turpitude so I bet a lot of people would think twice before putting you on front street if you told them what you’ll do if they mess with you. This is war people, use any ammunition available.

Kendra Nichols should be so proud, she destroyed the life a man who has been risking his life for nearly two decades to protect the community form fires. He would have risked his life to save a low-life piece of trash like ABC27 Kendra Nichols and any of her children. But for a bit of publicity she destroyed his livelihood. Of course the fire dept. knew of his status, but because he was an outstanding firefighter for two decades they judged him by who is is, not like Kendra Nichols, on an incident that happened two decades ago. I find it very peculiar that the supposed crime was not mentioned. You know if it was something serious it would have been in the headline, that is the typical tactic of hack, no talent reporters like Kendra Nichols. This should be used as an example of how the registry hurts people. This man was an excellent member of society, clearly repentant of his past error, doing a great community service, but the registry made him pray to media trash like ABC27 and he is now a statistic of the registry.

This is simply egregious. At what point in this entire report does it state the public was being protected by outing and ousting these brave public servants?

This was only done for the purpose of harassing and afflicting shame on people who turned their lives around and were serving the public, as well as the people who supported them, and all because they were listed on a public registry. I’d like to see a DA explain how these firefighters being forced to resign is “administrative.”

They don’t want the public to know that SO’s really can and do change and become productive members of society, they want people to think we’re all dangerous and won’t ever make better choices in life.

Well after reading all these comments about the news story of abc27 makes me sick to no end. What we need to do is push for change and make it happen. I agree with everyone that PSP does state online that no one is suppose to use the website against so’s, but they do. We need change in PA legislature to enforce that law and lets make samples out of those who do use the list to put shame on us. If PA dont want to enforce that part of law lets sue PA and make them pay for their own actions, and sue the people using it for shame. Together as one, we can make change.

It’s bull crap the guy did his time let him be a productive citizen I don’t care what he was charged with or that he is a sex offender…