A new passport identifier for convicted pedophiles will help protect children from pedophiles looking to travel abroad, possibly to abuse children, said Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ), author of legislation to create the identifier.
“Child predators thrive on secrecy—a secrecy that allows them to commit heinous crimes against the weakest and most vulnerable,” Smith stated at a press conference on Friday in Trenton, N.J., about the passport protections included in his International Megan’s Law, which had several other provisions aimed at protecting children.
“We know from law enforcement and media documentation that Americans on U.S. sex offender registries are caught sexually abusing children in Asia, Central and South America, Europe—everywhere,” Smith said. “Again, we have a duty to protect the weakest and most vulnerable from abuse.” Full Press Release (official web site)
From Rep. Smith’s official web site
Man, they sure like to use the word “pedophile” a lot. It’s mentioned so much in this press release that it lost meaning by the end. Nice use of propaganda to push your BS for future votes. Let’s just gloss over the fact that the majority of those with offenses against minors are not actually pedophiles, and certainly non are who were minors themselves when prosecuted because of sexting or consensual sex with a like-age partner.
I wish there were anywhere near the consequences for these politicians who so blatantly go out of their way to destroy peoples and families lives with outright lies, that we’ve all gone through and continue to go through for our actions (and many who didn’t actually offend).
In protest, I’d encourage everyone who has to get this to cut out that page.
Is there anything legally we can do to address the fact that anyone convicted of a child sex offense can be deemed a pedophile wrongly by someone in government? Its well known that the majority are not classified as pedophiles. In fact, pedophilia is a medical term that really only carries weight when used by a psychiatrist or psychologist. I remember a successful defamation lawsuit in florida where a guy was labeled a predator on a billboard when he was never deemed one. It would seem this is also a defamation issue, unless you have to be targeted individually.
So according to this article everyone who gets the mark is a predator pedophile? Are you fucking serious? Pardon my language. But that should be it’s own fucking lawsuit by publicly stating that everyone with the mark is a predatory pedophile and spouting off shit science. My God. Who shit in his branflakes
We need to put that bastard on the defensive and end him in 2018!
Anyone else see the irony of the Statue of Liberty in the background?
“It also announced that other offenders would still be permitted to travel with their existing passports until they received a notification in the mail from the department saying their travel documents were invalidated.”
So if I never received a letter I’m okay right? 90% of mail from the US doesn’t make it here unless you own the shipping crate or send it FedEx. Just wishful thinking but yeah.
I find that this is a great block of information for the lawsuit soon to come out of this organization’s office against this very item.
|”A new passport identifier for convicted pedophiles”
They need to be sued for this. There is no such thing as a “convicted pedophile”, and therefore this is defamatory!!! Will someone please sue this a**hole!!!
So if 2 people committed the same offense against a minor, but one is in a State that requires 10 years of registration for the offense and the other is in a State that requires lifetime on the registry for that same offense, only the latter is “covered” under the federal statute if 10 years has elapsed.
Seems like a gross Equal Protection violation to me.
Chris Smith’s statement is fallacious because no one on the registry would be crazy and stupid enough to travel for the purpose of doing something illegal knowing that they will get caught, because registered citizens are being scrutinized and questioned by authorities, and the criminals that are doing these things are not on the registry and will usually get caught for the first time or if caught before but are still not on the registry. Somebody needs to shut this guy up and confront him, because the IML is unconstitutional and needs to be repealed and leave the registrants alone, let them travel freely without being compromised, and unmolested.
As this is an official statement by Smith, it should be retained by Janice and Chance as evidence for their next lawsuit, as it evidences Smith’s misuse of medical terms, his mindset and his intent.
Notice Chris Smith had never provided any proof of evidence of his claims but only his rhetorical statements to make everyone believe his point to make it a good idea to pass the IML.
BUSTED!!! I think Chris Smith needs to learn the definition of a pedophile before generalizing in his statements!! Does he realize pedophile is a clinical diagnosis. Thanks for the Ammo in court Dennis Hastert, I mean Chris!!!!! Sweet Dreams
I wonder just how many children Chris Smith has molested overseas. He sure has a vendetta out for everyone on the sex offender registry, pointing fingers at the people who are NOT the ones doing this.
As far as I am concerned, Chris Smith is a closet peodophile trying hard not to be discovered.
I hope this will be blocked by litigation and then found to be unconstitutional. I am not willing to give up my current passport, even if it means civil disobedience and arrest (although I doubt they are going to go door to door to collect the passports of hundreds of thousands of individuals). What would prevent someone from simply tearing out this page? I’m sure I could replace it with the page from my existing passport. I’m wondering if in implementation this will be one of those unenforceable laws. Doesn’t it also depend on the individual secretaries of state to decide whether to revoke a passport? I recall the wording of the law says they “may” revoke, not must. The cost of revoking and reissuing passports would be substantial and we already know most states still refuse to comply with Adam Walsh, over a decade later, because of the high costs and lack of funding. Not to mention the tremendous backlog associated with the registry and the inability to maintain and ensure the accuracy of even the most basic records about registrants. Passport offices are already being flooded by new requests due to several changes in foreign nations like Canada and some cruise lines no longer accepting State ID’s, along with the Real ID act being implemented this January, with a number of states out of compliance.
By the way, in any further lawsuit regarding this issue, MAKE SURE that you include the desire of the original author of the bill, Chris Smith, publicly stated that he hoped that foreign country customs would SEE the designation and prohibit entry to the registrant. If Trump’s tweets can be attributed to policy to restrict immigration by a court that uses the tweets to prevent the immigration ban, then so can Smith’s assertion be used in court to prevent the scarlet letter marking.
I’m not in duckduckgo mood right now, but I’m sure someone can find the original article that has this statement by Smith.
“So when he travels everyone is noticed. This is the second layer of protection,” Smith said.
There it is.
So what happens if I renew my passport right now? Will it take longer to get the new one back? I am planning on leaving the country early next year since they won’t let my wife come here. I have citizenship/passport from the country where I’m going but I will need the US passport whenever I come back and it expires middle of next year. Not sure if I should try to get the renew passport now (and risk not getting it back in time because of this process) or get it from the embassy when I’m there…. any advice?
If I were in your circumstances I would leave behind the US citizenship and just live life where you have the other citizenship. If you had to come back just do it as a citizen from the other country. That way you could at least be with your wife if you get denied entry into the US
So, Jackass Lawmaker, tell me again why I might get a unique identifier on my passport but this person will not?
And why in the world would you not first propose a law that would identify people convicted of identity fraud??
This is one reason I have no interest in returning to Catholicism. Too many moral ignoramuses like Chris Smith.
“I’m not going anywhere – Richard Kanka.”
Well, I certainly hope not.. because I want you to live long enough to see your life’s work squandered and utterly destroyed.
I think we should start a petition to have every sitting politician take a full sexual history polygraph…
isn’t IRONIC to be placed on the Statue of Liberty ….page.
And Justice for All?
I thought she stood for rights for all….from France to the U.S.
Statue of Liberty Page