Once a sex offender always a sex offender — even beyond death?

Who was Benjamin Gran?

  • Registered sex offender sentenced to a lifetime of supervised release after he was caught with a massive amount of child pornography;
  • Autistic young man caught in a “witch hunt” after being duped by an unrepentant pedophile;
  • Third fatality in the deadly Amtrak derailment;
  • Member of the Special Olympics team;
  • Member of a pedophile group online;
  • Someone who paid his debt to society and was on the right path;
  • Convicted sex offender found in possession of child porn while working in IT at a college;
  • Huge train enthusiast, an Amtrak fan to the max;
  • Caught in an investigation into an online forum dedicated to promoting the sexual abuse of children;
  • Beloved son and an autism success story.

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Perhaps we should have a retard registry…Oh wait, many municipalities do.

Very sad! The loss of a loved one is truly no laughing matter. I imagine lawsuits will follow this tragedy! Will his past be brought up then? It’s sad to see how the media does anything to sell. Very sad. I send my regards.

I encourage all family members of sex offenders to do absolutely nothing when their loved one on the SOR passes. You have no obligation to let the state know of the passing. Over time, resources will be used to try and track down these individuals when they do not report wasting more money and the registry will become that much more less effective.

There are FOR MORE Suicides let alone these deaths (DOML) and when do they remove them? Sad, NOT even NOTED that these people (M&Female) that don’t go noticed that they had hard lives too and ended even sadder and some took their own lives do to the humilation and CONTINUAL PUNISHMENT of being on there and attacks from the ignorant and uninformed and loss of family and friends AND JOBS! They leave this cruel world with NO MERCY, we help world animal problems with millions of dollar donations (don’t get me wrong, we have two Goldens) and NOTHING for past off Par/Prob for years yet NO HELP or understanding from the Vast Major of the Public to ridicule and burn us at the stake, let alone take a hammer, axe and other muderours tools for other purpose to take us down…FOREVER. Good bye cruel world for a major past x1-2 mistake in our life. They leave this world un-noticed…forever.

Before my legal problems I was deeply deepressed and suffered from ptsd as well. While locked up all I wanted was to either leave this country or end my life.