New potential scam “Correctional Services Network of America” targeting sex offenders

[] Members are reporting receiving post cards from a Nevada based LLC called “Correctional Services Network of America” in the same style as “ClearMyCase”. The company is using the Florida Sex Offender’s Registry as a marketing list to solicit vulnerable individuals, offering a “review” of their registration status for $299… a “savings” of $500 off their regular price of $899.00. Read more  

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Washington Post: How an Arizona couple’s innocent bath-time photos of their kids set off a 10-year legal saga

[] Lisa and A.J. Demaree’s decade-long legal ordeal started with, by all accounts, an utterly innocent family moment. In 2008, the couple took their three daughters, then ages 5, 4 and 1½, on a vacation to San Diego. They snapped more than 100 photos during the trip, like parents do, including several of the girls playing together during bath time. When they returned to their home in Peoria, Ariz., they dropped the camera’s memory stick off at a Walmart for developing. Within a day, a police detective came knocking. A…

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ME: Lawmaker Seeks to Ban Sex Offenders From Photographing Kids

[] AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) — A Maine lawmaker is proposing a bill that would make it a crime for sex offenders to take photos of children without parental consent. Republican state Rep. Matthew Pouliot (POOL’-yot) says his proposal comes after several parents in Augusta called police last week to complain about a registered sex offender taking photos of girls and women in public and posting them online. Pouliot represents Augusta and says law enforcement was unable to act because the sex offender’s actions are not against the law. Pouliot’s bill…

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