There’s A Line Between Justice And Vengeance. Larry Nassar’s Judge Crossed It.


Rosemarie Aquilina, the judge who presided over the astounding sentencing hearing of former USA Gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar this month, has emerged as a heroine for victims of sexual assault.

Her decision to allow 156 women and girls to address their alleged abuser in court, with their emotional testimony streamed live across the nation, created an invaluable opportunity for catharsis, and directed vital attention to what is likely the worst sex abuse scandal in U.S. sports history.

But Aquilina’s manner during sentencing, in which she said she was honored to sentence Nassar to die in prison and suggested he deserved to be sexually assaulted himself, has raised questions about whether she overstepped her role as an impartial arbiter of justice.

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The comments by the judge who is an elected official do not surprise me at all. I think that elected judges are more akin to robed prosecutors. They must be tough on crime and playing to the current climate is good politics. Most judges view everything in a way that is most advantageous to the state. Years ago when watching law dramas on television, I would see judges after judges throw out warrants due to an illegal search. This is a rare occurrence today. The state has to totally bungle a search for it to be thrown out.

This victim-hood culture/movement is becoming exceedingly scary to watch it play out and morph in real time.

That was just a sideshow to have all those women read from prepared statements that were no doubt polished for maximum emotional impact. It was a sideshow geared to do exactly that – evoke sympathy for the victims and merciless scorn for that defendant. I don’t see how in the hell those tirades could’ve brought about any semblance of closure, solace or made them remotely whole again.

Then the judge getting her parting shots in was typical and predictable. It almost felt like I was watching a public lynching instead of a sentencing hearing.

RCs have to worry about vigilantes daily while here there’s an elected judge condoning and endorsing that retribution behavior verbally against them. If an RC is a victim of the said action condoned and gets it known the judge’s words proved to be the source, then maybe the judge should be held liable for damages civilly. Doesn’t matter where they’re a victim, it was endorsed by a sitting judge. Doubt it’ll work that way.

She just won most likely her reelection.

the judge was way out of line , this is the very thing that keeps these witch hunters going , he should get a retrial , also foolish to have all those alleged victims read that trash to the public , fact is Alleged SO’s are being raped in prison as it is , as well as murder , and what this judge just did will just further reinforce the way Alleged SO’s are already being treated by CO’s and prisoners , she just handed down a death sentence to countless because of her unthinking show boating , she needs to be dragged out of office and not even be aload to practice law anywhere EVER ! not that she has been practicing law to begin with , how can this not be a law suite for further endangerment of him , and many others ?

Let’s not forget that he had already been sentenced to 60 years in federal prison for child pornography possession and possibly receipt and/or distribution. The guy was not ever leaving prison to begin with.

This state case where he received 175 years was a sideshow only intended to make most people feel temporarily better. Victim impact statements are a horrific tool used by prosecutors to increase the likelihood of harsher and longer punishment. They shouldn’t be allowed to be part of any case, let alone read at sentencing. Although this judge went further by not only using the defendants written statement against him (something prosecutors usually do which is a depraved tactic), but made comments about signing his death sentence.

Another criminal case is still pending I believe with the university he had assaulted women at.

It is “just” to punish (aka “enact vengeance for”) Nassar’s behavior. If she could have intensified the sentence, that still would count as “justice.”

I was wondering if anyone else thought that judge was over the top stating its a honor to sentence you to your death sentence. That’s pretty morbid if you ask me. I haven’t seen all the facts but the one girl iI heard talk about it didn’t say anything about sexual abuse only that she was treated like crap and verbally abused. This giving someone there death sentence on someone else’s word seems a little barbaric or at least uncivilized…We are supposed to be a nation of laws based on facts proven by evidence …This subjective judicial process is scary…Even if the accusations are true…

I am so glad that other people are finally voicing their opinions on this. This is long overdue. Thankfully, a lot of people on youtube seem to share similar sentiments.

“While what the judge said is quite strong, it is not improper,” Gillers said. “At sentencing, judges speak the conscience of the community on behalf of the victim. They are no longer umpires, which is their role during trials.”
This is a professor at a university? Judge is speaking on behalf of the community? Is the system and society that crazy now, that our judges can advocate violence and harm to a person, no matter what that person has done? Wow! Unbelievable! I think she should be reprimanded for speaking violence against another human being and that New York professor should go back and hit the books on humanity and conduct in our society.

This judge took advantage of her moment in the spotlight, mugging for the cameras as if auditioning for a reality TV show. While she could have imposed the same sentence and applied the logic and wisdom of a true judicial leader, she has likely given numerous individuals the idea that taking the law into their own hands is warranted and legal. She is indeed the queen of the vigilantes.

Imagine if the dude was actually innocent of the sexual abuse BS. Not saying he is but what if, just maybe all those girls were dead set on getting revenge against this guy for the verbal and physical abuse and they were confronted by the media or someone and told they could destroy this man and get thousands of dollars for appearing on TV shows and get their 15 minutes of fame if they accuse him of not verbal or physical abuse which I am sure he is guilty of, but ad the “sexual” to the front of it and away you go…How many coaches or teachers or people in authority would you like to persecute? Now imagine that a thousand fold because of the rigorous abuse you endured training to be a gold medalist…Just saying….This is why I believe in FACTS proven by EVIDENCE….Anything else to me is basically hearsay, especially when it comes to signing someones death sentence. seems kind of far fetched that all these parents, other coaches, and countless others were present when some of this stuff was happening. Then that one girl I heard on TV stating how she hated him and was verbally and physically abused and tortured but not once did she say sexually abused….Kind of a big difference there. Just saying….

The women looked evil as hell. Looks like that witch Cruella de Vil on 101 dalmatians.

Even if the guy was Phillip Gorrido of Jeffery Dalmer, or whatever, no person with any semblance of humanity should take pleasure and be honored to sign someone’s death sentence. It should be a responsibility that you bare not enjoy.

“Nassar will probably die long before his 175-year sentence actually begins. The 175-year sentence is set to run after the 54-year-old Nassar serves a 60-year federal prison sentence for child pornography. Not only would Nassar be extremely old after his federal sentence ends, but it’s well known that child molesters tend to face the worst treatment by fellow inmates.”

His third sentencing is forthcoming while an investigation in TX is ongoing.

SOs removed from FB

AFTER one black man proved his innocence via FB True story!

Another LAME judge that needs to be unseated ! ok the guy did it I guess, doesnt make it excusable the judges lame comments… Another LAME US Judge that isnt worth 2 cents.