NY: Governor Cuomo Announces 30-Day Budget Amendment to Protect New York’s Children from Sex Offenders


Action Will Prohibit Level 2 and 3 Sex Offenders From Being Within 1,000 Feet of Kindergarten and Pre-K Schools.

Ban Sex Offenders From Staying in Temporary Emergency Housing or Shelters Where Families Live.

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced a 30-day budget amendment will be advanced to protect children in New York State. The amendment will restrict sex offenders whose victims are under the age of 13 from traveling or living near schools where young children go to learn, and will ban offenders from living in temporary or emergency housing or shelters where families also reside.

“The safety and well-being of our children is New York’s top priority, and by proposing stricter laws, we will keep our most vulnerable New Yorkers safe,” Governor Cuomo said. “This action will forbid these predators from stepping within 1,000 feet of our schools and help secure neighborhoods across the state, while supporting a better, safer New York for all.”

The Governor’s action to advance this amendment will close a loophole in state law that currently allows sex offenders to live near kindergarten and pre-K schools in New York State.

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Okay. Seriously. He is putting in place shit that was already found unconstitutional in NY. And the “loophole” is in the registry FAQ, it actually says that distance restriction makes no difference if they are going to reoffend or not.

If this goes into effect in NYC you’re going to have thousands of suddenly homeless registered citizens because you can’t throw a rock without hitting a school.

On top of that not all tier 2 and 3 had victims under 13. So unless you change the tiers where only people who had victims under 13 are level 2 and 3 you’re creating a whole new clusterfuck. I hope this brings some cases against NYSOR as this would make 90-100% of RC in NYC jobless and homeless or in violation of some sort.

Cuomo Knows Very Well that his new “law” does nothing to protect children & we know why he is forcing it through. Gotta just laugh at the corruption. Ugh, NY.

I’ve been wondering, when governors make these laws do people actually vote on them or do they just get to pass whatever they feel like?

And isn’t this in direct conflict with his plan for criminal reintegration? https://www.ny.gov/restoring-fairness-new-yorks-criminal-justice-system/2018-criminal-justice-reform-package#improving-the-re-entry-process

He’d sell his own for votes upstate. Albany is a toilet. Bruno and Skelos both got away with corruption. Hopefully Skelos will soon be retried and sent to Sing Sing but I doubt it. Schools, parents and guardians can protect children.What is a 1,000 feet going to do except make Cuomo look BIG to the voting rubbish upstate.

Even NYC parole and probation have said this would make sex-offenders homeless.

Again, guns in school are safe but sex-offenders are dangerous.

This is something the NYCLU should fight but they probably won’t. We should all bombard them with calls and emails. https://www.nyclu.org

So is this a fersure thing? And does anybody think it’ll get ruled unconstitutional? or what we’ll happen next?

“Additionally, as Attorney General in 2008, Governor Cuomo introduced the Electronic Security and Targeting of Online Predators Act to protect New York’s children from online predators. The groundbreaking legislation has led to numerous protections for internet users, and mandates that sex offenders register all current email accounts, screen names, and any other internet identifiers, and keep them up-to-date with State Division of Criminal Justice Services. This list is then given to social networking companies on a weekly basis and those sites use it to purge offenders from their membership rosters.”

Any one read this line… this is exactly what Packingham pretty much says is illegal – banning people from social media… This is proof that the collection and ESTOP only serves the purpose of this ban. Why has no one in NY sued over this? ACLU?