MI: Death of homeless sex offender in Grand Rapids poses questions


So is this what it finally takes for us to hear the muffled cries of the homeless — an ex-con dead in the snow because it’s against the law for a sex offender to huddle up at either of two Grand Rapids missions?

Thomas Pauli didn’t choose to die alone in the cold.

He apparently froze to death because of a crime he committed nearly 20 years ago, and a law that’s dogged him ever since his release from prison.

In the days prior to the discovery of his body Monday morning at a recycling operation in the 600 block of South Division Avenue, he reportedly attempted to score a bed at either or both the Guiding Light Mission and Mel Trotter Ministries, just blocks away.
Thomas Pauli

But officials at both facilities reluctantly acknowledge they would have turned him away because registered sex offenders can’t reside for even one night within 1,000 feet of a school, in this case, Catholic Central High.

Never mind that school isn’t in session during the hours a guy like Pauli would have been snoozing away on a warm cot.

Or that ex-cons — or anyone else — are more likely a threat to a neighborhood when they have nowhere to go. When they are desperate.

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Convicted murderers fresh out of prison get welcomed openly because there is no registry for them. Time to take down the registry for nothing more than the fact that it’s not being applied equally.

This makes me sick, shame on the sate of Michigan, very sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How about the STATE of MICHIGAN paying for a nice funeral, what is our world coming to? Sad, I would like to see this known world wide, so sad.

This is just example of many, WHY The State of Michigan, and the so called Legislature needs to get off their ass’s and revise the Michigan Sex Offender Registry, like they were told to do, by the 6th Circuit’s ruling, and basically backed by SCOTUS. The Registry needs to be revised and it needs to be revised now not when Michigan feels like or when they decide to get around to doing it. ENOUGH is ENOUGH ALREADY.

This is just 1 example of many, WHY The State of Michigan, and the so called Legislature needs to get off their ass’s and revise the Michigan Sex Offender Registry, like they were told to do, by the 6th Circuit’s ruling, and basically backed by SCOTUS. The Registry needs to be revised and it needs to be revised now not when Michigan feels like or when they decide to get around to doing it. ENOUGH is ENOUGH ALREADY.

Heartbreaking. ☹ No one deserves this kind of treatment…. no one.

This is almost 10 years old. ????

I called bullshit on the mission blaming the law. I know the ones in Kalamazoo have no registered offender policies and they are no where near a school. One is actually next to the bus stop and a bar.

But if you try to seek shelter it is their policy to turn you away because they have women and children there.

All other criminals are welcome though as its the “Christian thing to do”

Funny that the story is from 2009 and says it’s too cruel

This referenced story is 9 years old. It doesn’t make it any less horrifying. I live in Michigan and I am growing older. I am terrified of not being allowed into a nursing home or convalescent center if needed. This in humane. I hope history holds the citizens of this once great country responsible for the deaths of people that made a single mistake in their lives. Most registrants are non-contact or consensual offenders with a single offense going back years.

Is somebody keeping track of all the violence against SO’s and how many have been killed, how many were located by the Megan’s law registry. This is going to be hard to deny that it is cruel, unjust, and unreasonable punishment. What other crime has regular citizens attacking and killing a select group of convicted people?