ID: Sex Offender Registry SNAFU

____ ____ wears a small camera pinned to his shirt. He wants his activities recorded because he is unsure what hairpin turn he may come up against next.

There have been a lot of switchbacks and bumps over the past 13 years, and the latest one, what he calls a false accusation coupled with threats from Idaho State Police, is taking a toll on his health. ____, 54, accuses Idaho State Police of coercing him into registering as a sex offender although he has never had to register anywhere else, for any reason. Full Article

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The Registries need to be abolished. Period.

What’s the big deal? It’s not punishment. They really just need to put everyone who’s ever been charged for any crime on a registry. Regardless if the person is found guilty or in fact innocent. The public has a right to know everything about everyone so they can avoid and shun the people they think may someday harm them or their family. Only perfect people should not be on a list. Reading this list might isolate us or limit who we associate with or have as good friends, but at least we will feel safe hiding inside our homes and avoiding all the dangers that exist when we go out in public. No, I’m not being punished by the government, I’m just being isolated to protect myself and everyone that might come in contact with me. Although I was crime free for 37 years prior and 17 years after my charge; society and victim’s rights groups believe I’m just waiting for the right moment to commit another crime.

Next they will throw people on just for turning your head to look at a female as she walks by.

Why not some colleges have a rule on that exact thing for any contractors.
This is just as bad as the cops that are drug whisperers, and charge people with DUI, to later be proven wrong, when the person goes out and pays to have blood work done.
Or when cops pull over out of state people passing through and confiscate and take their money and expensive claiming that had to come from drug money. (this really happens people).

Wow, what a wonderful example of the registry being 110% punitive and abusive. The case was 100% a lie. But the cops couldn’t care less to the actual facts as laid out by the courts themselves. They just want to focus on technicalities and get their pound of flesh (or two or three). This is one of many reasons why the police are being loathed more and more across the land.

Robin knows that BS he is saying happening is all frigging true man. I had a dui for being on drugs back in 2002 where the cop pulled me over claiming I was coming out of a known drug neighborhood, not a house but an entire neighborhood, after about ten at night. The cop claimed thru his little two hour class for drug awareness that I was on drugs, which u unfortunately was at the time but that is besides the pount, the ifficer gave no reasong for stopping but proceeded to tow my vehicle take me downtown in some nasty ass backroom at the jail and had 6 of his buddies strap me to one of those medical boards and force a blood draw from me because I refused the blood test. According to a casr called schmeber v CA they apparently can do that but it’s supposed to be only if you are involved in a accident where bodily injury occurrs. Just pull anyone off the street, i.e. your grandmother, mother brothers sisters aunts cousin, you get the pkint, and take their car and forcefully strap them to some backboard and have some quack wana be nurse draw blood. That’s when I started my Pro se life. I git out a few hours later went and researched the web and filed a demurer in court and had it dismissed because it was blatantly unconstitutiinal in the face of the information filed with the DA. I had to then go to DMV and immediately file for dismissal there as well because even if it is dismissed in court if you don’t file at DMV they will suspend your license anyway. Well when I went to the arbitratiin of the admistrative judge dismissed it immediately and told me I should sue which u did start doung and was about to go to court against the city when my case happened which kind of ended the suit because I was locked up for about a month and didn’t show up for the hearing so they dismissed and at that point when o got out of jail on my case charge I was devastated and struggling just to live and the statute if limitations quickly ran out becausr I didn’t follow thru. They are only supposed to or are allowed to force a blood draw if thete has been an accident that caused bodily injury not just a random I think you’re on drugs shit. If I didn’t know what to do o would if had my license suspended, and even though it was dismissed, get this, I still had to do a DUI class for six months and there was nothing I could do to stop that, either I did it or the court was going to revoke my license because I refused the blood draw. I had no recourse. Also, it hasn’t happened to me of course, but if you carry anything more then $10,000 they can seize and confiscate your vehicle until you can prove where the money came from in court. So Robin is exactly right it is Out of controll man…Anyways just a little info from Cali, if you get a DUI go immediately, whether your guilty or not, to DMV file a complaint which stops license suspention pricess in it’s tracks and then like in my case the cop doesn’t show up to the hearing and the admistrative judge dismisses it. Even if they don’t you just bought yojrself another 6-8 months without suspension.

Ok, well, now I think I have this public safety business all figured out. It’s easy. The more people you put on the SO registry, the safer the public is!
So, let’s say you want to make banks safer for the public. You create a bank robber registry, and put on it everyone who has ever robbed or defrauded a bank.
Now, for the brilliant part, we take everyone on the bank robber registry and also put them on the SO registry, and everyone on the SO registry also gets put on the bank robber registry. Bingo! The public is twice as safe!
Now when we add the shoplifter registry, the burglary registry, the car thief registry, the DUI registry, the traffic ticket registry, the drug dealer registry, etc. etc.; put everyone on all the other registries, and crime as we know it, will just cease to exist!

Interesting how he was doing fine until he applied for a concealed carry. Some clerk probably blabber-mouthed his past to the DA, then all hell broke lose.

He wanted a gun to protect himself, now not only will Idaho disallow it, his life WILL be in constant danger if he’s coerced into registering there.

I think the goal for LEOs is to get as MANY people as possible on the lists, and keep them there until they die.

It has been almost 400 years since an anal group of religious zealots anchored their barks on this continent. After scores of decades have passed, in the mean time people coming here, bringing their various cultures and traditions poured into the melting pot, we end up today with what we started out with — a monolithic puritan world view. It has been a joke. Ask Garrison Keillor or Al Franken. Merely the accusation of sexual impropriety can exile you from non-stained, chosen people, like you caught a plague by associating or just getting near sin, and you have to wear a scarlet letter from then on so people can avoid you.

I think it would be great if every time an article like this appeared that there would be 100+ comments on the article opposing the Registries. Or perhaps 1,000+.

Does anyone else think that people might wonder about the Registries if they see that every time they are mentioned, 1,000,000+ people stand up and fight back?

But that is not what people see. When an article like this is published, they see just a handful of comments about it. It really looks like most people just don’t really care. So I don’t think it is any big deal for the Registry bullies/terrorists to just keep attacking people who won’t really fight back and don’t care much.

I’m personally going to continue sending the message that as long as the Registries exist, there are going to be big problems. Society in general is going to pay dearly for them. Individuals that support them are going to pay even more.