On April 19, 2018, Facebook owned Instagram, revised it’s Terms of Use.
The new version replaces the prior version, which had been in place since 2013, can be found here: http://help.instagram.com/581066165581870?helpref=page_content
Sadly, included in this months change is a ban on anyone registered as a sex offender. The restriction did not appear in the prior version.
Sell drugs to children, fight dogs, smuggle weapons, rob stores and homes, gang member, cop killer no problem. Welcome. But look at some images on the internet and you are to wretched to be on Instaslime.
This shouldn’t be overly surprising… Instagram is owned by Facebook and Facebook actively bans registered citizens.
And no, it’s not suppressing free speech.
It’s just very vexing given that facebook has become the defacto public square.
Anyone who supports the Registries is an enemy to all decent Americans. Registry Terrorists must treated exactly as the criminals that they are. Wage war.
As long as politicians are heralded for laws they pass, while in office, our world will not be a safe place for anyone, including citizens on the registry or children! These businesses are just trying to cover their backs so they really aren’t to blame alone…
Big loss. Mark Zuckerberg is a kook who sells everybody’s personal information anyways. He’s far more a danger to society than any one of us.
FB changed IG. Read this on how. It puts it all together as they make FB & IG mirror images of each other:
I’m Sorry To Report Instagram Is Bad Now
Instagram Stories ruined the one good place we had left.
You cannot spread info about people when they are still allowed to read the stories about them.
So they put a blanket ban on registrants, but not on ISIS members. I suppose they make a lot of money off terrorists, targeting ads for guns, explosives, survelience equipment and military armour. They make more money by banning us, because it is a PR boon for them. It’s a corporation without a soul, facebook is.
Use of Website Information Is Authorized Only to Protect a Person at Risk
A person is authorized to use information disclosed on this website only to protect a person at risk. Except to protect a person at risk or as authorized under any other law, use of any information disclosed on this website for purposes relating to any of the following is prohibited:
Health insurance
Education, scholarships or fellowships
Housing or accommodations
Benefits, privileges, or services provided by any business establishment
Use of information on this website for purposes other than to protect a person at risk or for a prohibited purpose as described above, shall make the user liable for the actual damages caused, and any amount that may be determined by a jury or a court, not exceeding three times the amount of actual damages, and not less than $250, plus attorney’s fees, exemplary damages, or a civil penalty not exceeding $25,000. (Penal Code § 290.46, subd. (l).)
Basically they are taking the power away from the Supreme Court decision in Packingham and saying if you won’t do it we will.
This is 100% unconditional, but who’s going to stop someone from joining, are they going to do a background check on all of their account holders, that is so unconstitutional, taking ones freedom of speech or press I would say.
It isn’t just registrants; it is ANYONE convicted of a sex offense !
What hogwash. Not too long ago, I was “followed” by a pornographic profile. It was VERY graphic. There were even comments from pre-adolescent kids who were also followed by this same profile and vice versa. I flagged it and informed Instagram even telling them that kids were on the follow list of this profile. Instagram responded by saying that it did NOT violate its terms of service.
Anyhow, I saw the new terms of services. I’ve since made my profile private. I really don’t like Instagram, anymore. It is very heavy on the adverts and business promotions.
A simple question to ask is how are they going to enforce and police it? To have it as a documented policy is to openly invite a law suite…Janice?
It’s curious the timing with the “revised” Instagram privacy policy and user agreement. I’m willing to wager that after Zuckerberg appeared before congress a few weeks back, his PR people most likely recommended this be done in order to cover their asses from any future negativity and/or attention via scandals or lawsuits.
It’s preemptive damage control to protect their credibility, integrity and most of all, profitability..
^100% This.
This is madness!
This is such bullshit. I use Instagram to promote my film company. I’m getting really tired of being pushed to the edge of society. It’s near impossible to find “real” employment and now I can’t even promote my business.
I wish I could leave this country.
I haven’t had social media in 6 years. Life is better without it. My girlfriend often urges me to fire up my accounts to reconnect with friends and share info. IG’s new policy and FB’s old policy kind of makes me want to start up my old accounts. At least we don’t catch a case if we do have profile.
This is the kind of propaganda that starts this kind of junk. I saw this on my news feed this morning: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/someone-is-mailing-creepy-packages-to-girls-at-their-elementary-schools-the-fbi-is-on-alert/ar-AAwyZuY?ocid=spartandhp
What will they do now, ban us from using the U.S. Postal system?
YOU KNEW This Was Coming all! FB owns this, come on, common sense. More fear mongers in staff at InstaG.
I NEVER signed up as we learned by FB’s added ruling.
ROGER IS RIGHT! Our way out besides 2021 birthdate responding to your appropriate DA of County you Reside currently in, WE NEED to all do the all4consolaws move to go to SAC for fighting with Janice & Team and the board with Chance too. Our only other way out here is another law suit, they cost $ to file too.
Good thing she had moved to SAC to FIGHT FOR US, as we show up, stand up and SPEAK UP against their fearful ignorant public outcries ID us ALL as one danger stranger not the individuals of the past we are!
Thanks Roger, and all of you who do just that, we see the regulars up there AND those that speak here on comments too. Thanks Janice & Team for all that you all do for RC’s and their Families that still SUFFER.
I was going to comment, but have come to realize that accepting all that is happening is way easier than getting angry about it. Let them do whatever they want, When it gets too much, I will end it.
@Counting the days
I will never quite fighting, I will never accept this bullshit, I don’t give in because that’s what they want, they want to trample all SO’s and take anything and everything they can away from US.
The silver lining we can take away from this is its one more thing we can use in our inevitable showdown vs sorna that the registry=social death/banishment. We have a ton of things we can use already, but the more we have the harder it will be to defend.
For whatever it is worth, this has been IG policy ever since FB took it over:
It just that FB have big pocket to fight this.
We just need to team up and fight this